Does anybody else

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Does anybody else

Does anybody else ever see under the last reply column "[_] hours [_] minutes ago by [your name]" and just not remember ever posting, much less whatever you said?


Also, I'm considering running a Ski Lodge. It wouldn't be my first.

Who am I? You can guess, but I'll never tell.


My CAPTCHA says {choop}. I think he's sneezing.

submitted by Scuttles, age Scuttlish, The Scuttling Place
(February 9, 2023 - 9:49 am)

Heh. I meant to post this in DtE.


I shall now post a coment and not top it to disappear this to the back pages, because I am slihtly embarrassed by my mistake.

That last sentence was riddled with spelling errors, and I Shall Not Fix It.

The other reason I am disappearing this is because I don't want anyone to know anything about my ski lodge.


submitted by Scuttles, age Scuttlish, The Scuttling Place
(February 9, 2023 - 2:45 pm)