Ski Lodge: The

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ski Lodge: The

Ski Lodge: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

You wake up to a tapping noise. Rolling over and clearing your bleary eyes of sleep, you stare at your window in surprise. Blue sky, white clouds, green trees, that’s all normal… Wait. You blink. A… pigeon?

Sure enough, there one is, gray and purple feathers silhouetted against the bright morning sky. It pecks the window again, impatiently waiting for you to do something. You walk over and open it.

It hops inside, sticking out its spindly leg. You grab the curled slip of paper tied to it. It’s an old and wrinkled parchment covered in spidery writing. It says:

Dear Guest!

You are hereby invited to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon as an exclusive guest. You, with ten others, will be the very first to see inside this garden through ceremonies starting off with dinner and wine-tasting. Please RSVP quickly, as spots are limited. Send your response and form back with the pigeon.

Name and what you’d prefer to be called: 


If I thank you, would you say you’re welcome?: 

Packing list: 

Describe your appearance poetically: 

Describe your appearance realistically: 


Greatest fear (please make this realistic, and it has to be something, you are not allowed to be fearless in this ski lodge): 

When do you get up in the morning: 

Tell me a secret: 


Favorite or lucky number: 

You’re reading a poem for the president’s inauguration, which poem are you reading (unfortunately original compositions are not allowed, please plagiarize a work of art from another writer and provide the author and title here): 

Anything else you’d like us to know: 

Thank you!


Oddly enough, it’s not signed. You’re sitting down at your desk again when text on the back catches your eye:

Mary Mary quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockleshells

And pretty maids all in a row.

You blink and the writing fades. Shrugging, you grab a pen and settle down to fill out the form, not even bothering to change out of your pajamas.


 Things to note: This ski lodge is run by two CBers working together. Feel free to guess us both. AEs, OCs, CAPCHAs, CAPCHAEs, and pets (or otherwise sentient companions) are not allowed in this ski lodge. We are welcoming 11 CBers, and 11 CBers only. This ski lodge will start shortly after all forms are submitted, and may be briefly put on hold due to school holidays such as Thanksgiving Break. We look forward to having you.


submitted by The Pigeon
(November 1, 2022 - 2:43 pm)

I use all three, preferring he/him and xe/xem!! :D

submitted by Writing_in_the_dark , age 13, Valhalla
(November 9, 2022 - 5:00 pm)

The Pigeon, are you Starli and Milly Sunstar? (I like Peri's introduction btw)

submitted by Amethyst
(November 9, 2022 - 3:42 pm)

Here's Hex's Intro!


Once she ties her form to the pigeon, Hex goes back to sleep. Or rather, tries to, as the pigeon pecks at her repeatedly until she finally gets up again, throwing a pillow at the pigeon. It flies off looking haughty and Hex starts to pack.

She throws a toolbox, a digital clock out of batteries, batteries, a 24 foot measuring tape (well, it’s more like 23-and-a-half feet—but 23-and-a-half foot tape doesn’t look as good on the label), an extra sweatshirt (silver with neon pink hoodie strings), and three rolls of duct tape (extra strong). She puts this all into a bag that also contains a two person tent with three holes of varying sizes, hoping nothing will fall out. She hoists a purple umbrella decorated with green ladybugs over one arm and pauses to survey her room. Spying something of importance on her desk, she makes her way over to Meredith, her pet rock whose mismatched googly eyes seem oddly sentient. She throws Meredith into her tent-bundle, and turns to go. Go take a nap, that is. However, her bed is covered in pigeon feathers (along with many clothes, papers, and past pet rocks, to name a few), and she resigns herself to the fact that maybe she should get going. After all, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are waiting.

The pigeon comes back once she’s outside. It gestures impatiently with its beak, hopping back and fluttering its wings as she takes a step forward. Hex glares at it. The pigeon glares back.

Hex loses the staring contest. Slowly she comes forward again, grabbing the pigeon with one hand (the other is holding the umbrella). The pigeon slowly lifts off, Hex dangling from it, sighing (and occasionally screaming) into the wind.

As she approaches, her hand starts slipping off the feathers, quicker than a blink, until she’s free-falling towards dusty soil, and all she has time to do is pop her umbrella like a parachute and drift slowly down onto the dirt.



The Pigeon

submitted by The Pigeon
(November 9, 2022 - 4:00 pm)

Hi, I used to be known as Starzzle, but now I'm Jynx. I'm going to be changing my form, if that's alright. Thanks.

Name and what you’d prefer to be called: Jynx Levisay. Don't call me by my last name, or you'll regret it.

Pronouns: She/her.

If I thank you, would you say you’re welcome?: Probably.

Packing list: Daggers, bluejay palisman, blue tunics with white leggings and blue sleeves, white boots, breath mints, macadamia nuts, books. Oh, and I can't forget my hair ties.

Describe your appearance poetically: Long, spiky-ish light blue hair and ice-blue almond shaped eyes. Milky colored skin. Long eyelashes. Dark blue fingernails. Wears black tunic with white leggings and blue sleeves with white boots. Usually aloof and unfriendly. Can be cold.

Describe your appearance realistically: I'd rather not say, please.

Personality: Usually aloof and unfriendly. It takes a really trustworthy person to have me trust you.

Greatest fear (please make this realistic, and it has to be something, you are not allowed to be fearless in this ski lodge): Falling/heights, though I don't mind flying.

When do you get up in the morning: Drink hot chocolate and have a chocolate croissant.

Tell me a secret: I quote Darkvine: Which one?

*sneezes* Bless you.

Favorite or lucky number: Seventeen.

You’re reading a poem for the president’s inauguration, which poem are you reading (unfortunately original compositions are not allowed, please plagiarize a work of art from another writer and provide the author and title here): To Make a Prairie.

Anything else you’d like us to know: Can't use real self in any ski-lodges. Sorry.

Thank you! No problem.

submitted by Jynx, age 14
(November 9, 2022 - 4:54 pm)

Ah cool!

submitted by Hex
(November 29, 2022 - 3:25 pm)

Sorry sorry sorry. I've been busy drawing picturings (go check my picturings thread out if you want one). Here it is.

Anything else you’d like us to know: I play volleyball and own a huge black wolf can I bring him. Also, Hello my name is Reuby Moonnight. I am a couch stealer, no I will not move my legs. You may sit on the floor.


submitted by Reuby Moonnight, age Waning, 4pm Bookstacks
(November 9, 2022 - 5:36 pm)

Hi! Some more important updates:

@Amethyst: Neither of us are Milly Sunstar or Red Starlight. We both remain unguessed.

@Jynx, that is fine, however please do not change it once your intro is out. We will replace your new form with Starzzle's old one. However, you may not bring your blue-jay palisman, as it is regrettably sentient and hard to kill.

@Darkling. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR FORM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Or three; we can't remember how many you requested.

@Reuby Moonnight: unfortunately, you may not bring your wolf to this ski lodge. Also please answer the question about what poem you would recite if you are the poet at the president's inaguration (no origional compositions, only already published works from known authors).


The Pigeon

submitted by The Pigeon
(November 10, 2022 - 3:26 pm)

Okay, thanks.


(Also, are you Jaybells, Pigeon?)

submitted by Jynx L, age 12
(November 10, 2022 - 7:23 pm)

I'm sorry I'm sorry I promise I'll get it done but my morning free time's been stolen because of all-state jazz band piano that I really need to practice for (it being next week) because I make bad decisions and also I've got a 12-hour bus ride tomorrow actually maybe I'll do it then, anyway I'll have it posted by Sunday or else I'll fall into the shame abyss, in fact you have permission to push me into the shame abyss, ok? BAND IS TAKING OVER MY ENTIRE LIFE and I'm kinda going nuts I'm sorry

submitted by Darkling
(November 10, 2022 - 11:35 pm)

Oof. I'm sorry

You’re reading a poem for the president’s inauguration, which poem are you reading (unfortunately original compositions are not allowed, please plagiarize a work of art from another writer and provide the author and title here): When the trees go up in flames



And Halloween grows


The plants excitedly


That fall’s
already here.



Pumpkin and maple
float in the air,


Cinnamon spice dust
the world.


Like vibrant
snowflakes set a flare,


To the ground
they’re hurled.



But yet some leaves
hold on to the trees,


They have not fallen


A lovely painting my
eyes do see,


The forests
beautiful crown.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, age Waining, Hanako-san of the toilet
(November 11, 2022 - 10:59 am)

Nearly 11 as I write this but the shame abyss awaits for another day.

Name and what you’d prefer to be called: Darkling. Just call me Darkling.

Pronouns: They/Them/Whatever

If I thank you, would you say you’re welcome?: Heck if I know, ask my conscience.

Packing list: You know what, I'm feeling minimalist. I'm bringing absolutely nothing. Unless you count the clothes I'm currently wearing. Which I wouldn't.

Describe your appearance poetically: I am as tall as a slender graceful tall thing, my hair is as choppy and black as waves at midnight, behind my eyes lie multiverses. Under my eyes lie shadows that convey that I am not feeling much of a poet at the moment.

Describe your appearance realistically: Pinstripe suit, messy dark hair, green eyes, freckles, sharp little teeth. 

Personality: A bit insane, but aren't we all? Unpredictable, reckless, often experiencing violent changes in mood. Also sarcastic, and if I'm sincere it's about the oddest things. 

Greatest fear (please make this realistic, and it has to be something, you are not allowed to be fearless in this ski lodge): That others might find me dull or boring.  

When do you get up in the morning: As late as I can get away with.

Tell me a secret: The earth IS flat, you're just brainwashed into believing otherwise. Don't tell the government I told you that, they're after me enough as it is. 

*sneezes*: You have thrown off my groove. NO ONE THROWS OFF THE EMPEROR'S GR-

Favorite or lucky number: 27. Has this one been taken already? If so, OH WELL.

You’re reading a poem for the president’s inauguration, which poem are you reading (unfortunately original compositions are not allowed, please plagiarize a work of art from another writer and provide the author and title here): Ooey Gooey Was A Worm, by Ogden Nash. Short and to the point. Out of context in every way. Perfect.

Anything else you’d like us to know: Were mistakes made during the making of this sheet? Probably. My effort levels are feeling low. If any further concerns arise please contact me by poking your head into the void and screaming loudly.

Thank you!

If you need my validation by telling you you're welcome, if that would really make you happy, here it is: You're welcome. However you are not welcome into my home, because the vampire situation around here is a real problem. Disguising yourself as a pigeon's a cute trick but it didn't work, nice try. 

submitted by Darkling
(November 14, 2022 - 12:05 am)

@Admins, Darkling's comment from 16 hours ago hasn't posted yet, although other comments posted after have. Do you know why?

@Darkling, if this doesn't work, can you try reposting it?

Sorry for this!


The Befuzzled Pigeon

I don't know what it said or why it wasn't posted. Please try resubmitting.


submitted by @Darkling & @Admins, The Confused Pigeon
(November 14, 2022 - 4:31 pm)

I guess it just took 10 hours more than most comments posted at the same time...?

SORRY ABOUT THAT, @Admins + @Darkling.


Piggy—NO, WAIT, Pidgy

submitted by NEVERMIND
(November 14, 2022 - 6:29 pm)

Here's Amethyst's intro:


Amethyst hands her form to the pigeon with a hearty smacking kiss and snuggles her face into its soft downy feathers. She mutters soft soothing words to it as it tries to flap away, holding it tighter and gazing into its eyes, which seem to be dripping little amounts of a clear liquid. She tries to brush it off, but only succeeds in coating her hands. Eww, she thinks. It bites her nose, and she drops it abruptly with a glare, scrambling back into the corner. Blinking, she brushes her hair out of her eyes and wipes her hands carefully with a Kleenex. 

Once recovered, Amethyst gets up to pack, humming Five Little Ducks. She wraps a few books and a notebook in a long black cloak embroidered in purple thread with stars and constellations. However, she can’t remember anything else she meant to bring because the constant humming repetition is clearing all sensible thought from her head. She stops humming, putting on a purple dress (embroidered with a black snarling wolf), black combat boots, and a matching purple N95 mask.

Realizing she doesn’t know where to go, she turns back to the pigeon, which is waiting at the window. It motions with its wing, as if telling her to sit. She sits. The pigeon coos, loud and piercing, a calling. Huh. Sounds like it’s singing Five Little Ducks. That’s weird, although it is rather catchy.

They wait for a while, Amethyst stroking the pigeon absently. Then, a hoard of birds—pigeons, doves, hawks, and exactly five little ducks—come swooping down by the window. The first pidgeon nudges at her back and she tumbles forward, out the window and onto the carpet of birds. Before she can climb back inside, she is swept up on the wings of hundreds of birds.



The Pigeon 

submitted by The Pigeon
(November 16, 2022 - 3:46 pm)

OOH I love it!!!! :)

And I like how you put in about the mask. I do actually wear N95s!

submitted by Amethyst
(November 17, 2022 - 3:38 pm)