We don't seem
Chatterbox: Pudding's Place
We don't seem
We don't seem to have a music thread. I seek to remedy this.
For talking about, um, music! Songs! Artists! Whatever. Perhaps snippets of lyrics or something.
Three points:
1. Just bought the 5th anniversary Wicked soundtrack, mostly for the German+unidentified language (I think Japanese...?) bonus songs. Gutes tun/No Good Deed in German is ammmaaaaaaazing.
2. Recently downloaded a full show video thing of the pre-Broadway LM trials. Ursula's deleted four-line song=teh current obsession. "Now at last my plan is on its way to its delectable conclusion/Only one more sunset and then finally I'll own the little beast/Soon I'll have my brother just exactly where I want him/And I'll be unstoppable as long as I have this!" <3.
Interestingly enough it's the same tune as Prince Eric's "I can hear her laughter in the ripple of the waves against the shoreline/I can see her smiling in the moonlight as it settles on the sand/I can feel her waiting just beyond the pale horizon/Singing out her melody too lovely to withstand..."
Which makes the current obsession a reprise of Her Voice, oddly. Wish it hadn't been axed.
3. Singing in German must be really hard. Those were some impressive consonants in Gutes tun and Solang ich dich han.
(September 30, 2009 - 10:11 pm)
Other than The Band Which We Mustn't Mention, I like Lady Gaga. I love her new song 'Paparazzi'. I've been listening to it all day! I also like 'Vertigo' by U2, although that would be considered 'old' music. I just generally like all those pop artists on the radio right now.
(October 1, 2009 - 2:30 pm)
Hm, well, we have very different tastes in music, I see... How do you feel about, mm, movie soundtracks or (more specifically) Danny Elfman?
(October 1, 2009 - 4:18 pm)
Danny Elfman is awesome. Last year, we played a bunch of his music in Band. I got a solo. Is he doing the new Alice in Wonderland? Although I'm a boy, I think I might have to see that. Rickman, Depp, Spall...
Music I like: Beatles, Paul Simon, Mark Knopfler, Five for Fighting... Anybody heard of any of them? Besides the Beatles, obviosly...
I abulse ellipses...
(October 1, 2009 - 4:59 pm)
@ Reuben: I (obviously) have heard the Beatles <3, but Paul Simon is pretty cool. Did you know that his song Mother and Child Reunion is actually written about John Lennon's death?
@ E.W.: Lady Gaga.... h'mmm, well, she certinetely is a good performer. Did you see her at the VMA's?
My own little list: Previously mentioned Beatles & John Lennon. Rolling Stones.Van Halen. Pink Floyd. (If you can get past the intensity...) Green Day. Erm... some bands that weren't popular in the 70's: Coldpaly. Radiohead. Taylor Swift. Some Beyonce ( Halo, Signle Ladies Put A Ring on It, Baby Boy, etc.) Some Selena Gomez, who seems to be a lot better then other Disney Stars. Demi Lovato, the same. Yes, thats' all (for now...) By the way, is there a single HM fan on CB? I've never seen one, and godo thing, or else she'd become the new JBs....
(October 1, 2009 - 8:21 pm)
I don't mean to start a fight, but I absolutely loathe Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. She is pretty darn terrible. There are maybe one or two songs of hers that I like, but that's it.
(October 3, 2009 - 7:12 pm)
At my school, either you love her or hate her. About one kid loves her.
(October 6, 2009 - 2:35 pm)
Oh, I forgot. No, I did not see Lady Gaga at VMA's. And I also loathe Taylor Swift, now. Sorry.....
(October 3, 2009 - 7:16 pm)
Yessss, Elfman is doing Alice. <3 I have the teaser poster with Johnny Depp in my room. *hugs cinema job* And of course you can't forget Helena Bonham Carter... <333 And, well, Tim Burton.
I also have the 9 poster...
Speaking of DE, have you heard any of the old Oingo Boingo stuff? It's incredible. (see? I know an adjective that isn't amazing!)
(October 1, 2009 - 8:22 pm)
I never post on PP for some reason... I don't know why... now I am, just because... *rambles*
Firstly, you're lucky to have free run of the internet *looks pointedly at mom* so you can download all these thingys. I've never seen LM YouTube clips, never heard any of these "axed" things you speak of, etc. I only have the CD. (OBCR) "It's such a shame / It's such a crime."
Secondly, Kathy and I watched Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time ever yesterday, and Danny Elfman was *amazing*. The storyline itself was sorta of... enh, I dunno... but the singing was fantastic. Mostly because of DE...
Thirdly, I recently rediscovered our Philadelphia Chickens CD, which is very wonderful. "I Like to Fuss"... "Faraway Cookies"... "Please Can I Keep It"... etc. Ha, Faraway Cookies is a love song about chocolate chip cookies...
Fourthly, and ths is slightly random, I love Julie Andrews.
Fifthly, U2 is pretty okay. My dad likes their stuff...
Sixthly, I think I'm going to go make a writing musicals-screenplays-plays thread on Inkwell to revive it.
And thus ended Mary Liz's brief post on PP.
(October 1, 2009 - 5:26 pm)
Re: LM: Aw, sorry. :( Perhaps if you begged? If you do get permission google (with quotes) '"Little Mermaid Broadway" act one act two'. It's a Yahoo! Answers link (the page has links to both acts of the pre-trials to download).
Re: Danny Elfman: Oh yes, his voice/composer skillz of awesomeness are quite delectable. But I liked the story-line of Nightmare!
Re: Julie Andrews: But of course.
(October 1, 2009 - 11:26 pm)
In resopnse to the Philidelphia Chickens: Faraway Cookies used to be my favorite song when I was 6. I really like the saxophone on Nobody Understands Me, but I've never liked Please Can I Keep It. My favorite on the CD was the title track Philidelphia Chickens. However, the two sequels in many ways best it. Dog Train has so many awesome songs: Cow Planet, Penguin Lament, (Don't Give Me That) Broccoli, Thus Quack Zarasuthra...
(October 2, 2009 - 6:22 am)
@ TNO (umlaut): My mother, on Why I Can't Google Without Permission: "There is stuff out there I don't want you seeing!" More or less what she said about the last two twi-books... "There is stuff in those books I don't want you reading!" (well, "know thy enemy" was the only reason I wanted to read those, but still) *scowls* ...I'll beg, though.
Also, on Nightmare: There were parts of the storyline I liked, such as Jack's whole thing for Christmas. But I thought that the Oogie Boogie parts were pretty weird, and the SallyxJack thing could've been better. The ending seemed just a liiittle bit forced; like ifv they'd gone for another, say, ten, fifteen minutes they could've done it better.
I really liked the singing, though.
@ Reuben: I didn't really like Nobody Understands Me. Meryl Streep's voice as kind of screechy. I agree about the saxophone, though. And regretably we never got the sequels... *sigh* I think I may have to ask for an iPod this Christmas. (I like to listen to music while I write, and my family's responses to Ursula songs on the CD player have been, shall we say, not in sync with my opinions...)
Mm, and Her Voice was stuck in my head all day. I really like the song, even if Sean Palmer sometimes sounds a little whiny.
(October 2, 2009 - 3:31 pm)
...Given that The Little Mermaid/Disney is pretty kid friendly (make that very)...
Re: Nightmare: Well, given that Disney dragged its feet for years before okay-ing Nightmare, it's hardly surprising some bits had to be rushed...
(October 2, 2009 - 5:42 pm)
I like movie soundtracks and Julie Andrews. I sort of like GoFish, in small amounts. (My brothers listen to it turned way up for the length of the whole CD!) I really like all the 40's-50's-60's music, we have a couple of CDs of those. I also know more nonsense/weird songs than anyone else I know. Yes, I even learned "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" by heart. :) My brother wants the computer, so I'll go.
(October 3, 2009 - 2:31 pm)
My dad LOVES U2. I only know "Vertigo," but I'm sure if I heard some more of their songs, I'd know them. Oh, I'm listening to "When I'm 64" right now! It is so awesome!!!!!
(October 3, 2009 - 7:15 pm)