Written Picturings!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Written Picturings!

Written Picturings!

Looks like written picturings are the new craze, so why not! Fill out one of the forms below:

Written Human Picturings


CBer, AE, OC: 


Appearance (Leave blank if you want me to imagine your appearance):  


Written Animal Picturings: 





Appearance (Leave blank if you want me to imagine your appearance: 

Other Written Picturings (For places, objects, etc.): 

What Is It: 

Short description: 


Ask for as many as you want! 


submitted by pangolin
(April 28, 2021 - 12:20 pm)

Can I have one?


Name: Periwinkle

CBer, AE, OC: CBer

Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her


You can do it of how you imagine me, but if you want a description let me know. Thank you so much! 

submitted by Periwinkle , age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 28, 2021 - 1:50 pm)

Tell me how you like it!


A girl walks on a dirt path through a forest, with only the moonlight to guide her. She stops in front of a large, old oak tree, reaches up for the branch, and begins to climb. Branch after branch, limb after limb, the girl scales the tree, never stopping, until she reaches the leafy canopy on top. She sits on a branch, her back resting against the tree’s trunk, and stares at the night sky. She’s dressed in a simple light purple blouse and skirt, and her pale skin seems to glow in the light of the moon. Her long brown hair is tied back in a braid, and it seems to sparkle, as if sprinkled with stardust. The sun rises over the horizon, staining the sky with many shades of pink and orange. The girl climbs down the tree, as nimbly as she came up, darts off through the forest, and is gone.  

submitted by pangolin@Periwinkle
(April 29, 2021 - 9:03 am)

I love it! Thank you so much :) I love the details, you're really good at that!

submitted by Periwinkle , age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(April 30, 2021 - 5:46 am)

Thanks, that means a lot! :)

submitted by pangolin
(April 30, 2021 - 12:53 pm)
submitted by top
(April 28, 2021 - 4:25 pm)

I ask for too many picturings but oh well XD 

Name: Tealeaf

CBer, AE, OC: CBer

Gender/Pronouns: she/her

Appearance (Leave blank if you want me to imagine your appearance):  imagine, please!

Other:  thank you!!


:O Dotti said a real word! >zkbed< I'm not sure what the "zk" means, but she said bed!!

submitted by Tealeaf, age 13, Steeping
(April 29, 2021 - 8:07 am)

For some reason, I actually didn’t think of tea when I saw your name XD Tell me how you like it! 


Not too far from town, nestled between the forest and the river, is a small white cottage with a brown thatched roof. Beside the cottage, thriving in the rich soil from the river, is a small garden, filled with flowers and herbs. The door to the cottage opens, and a girl walks out, a woven basket swinging in her arms. Her skin is a warm, earthy brown and her straight brown hair is tied back with a yellow bandana, and she is wearing a sage-green tank top with beige shorts. The girl kneels down in her garden, and begins to harvest the herbs.

submitted by pangolin@Tealeaf
(April 29, 2021 - 11:29 am)

ooh, I love it!! Thank you so much:D :D

submitted by Tealeaf, Steeping
(April 29, 2021 - 4:34 pm)

Name: Silver Crystal

CBer, AE, OC: CBer

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Imagine the rest! Thank you! 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(April 29, 2021 - 8:27 am)

Tell me how you like it!

Silver Crystal~

Stalactites hang like fangs from the roof of the cave. The steady dripping of an underground pool in the can be heard faintly in the stillness of the cave. A girl steps forward, her headlamp casting a warm glow on the cave walls. Her long blonde hair is tied back in a ponytail under her helmet. She’s dressed in beiges and browns, and a tool belt is looped around her pants, holding various items, from a spare flashlight to a grappling hook. The girl surveys the cave, her violet eyes glinting in the dim light. She continues walking, her footsteps echoing through the cavern.

submitted by pangolin@Silver
(April 29, 2021 - 6:56 pm)

Wowww thank you! I love it! Funny, I've only gotten 3 written picturings including this one and 2 of them have been in caves :) 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(April 29, 2021 - 9:24 pm)

Name: Zealatom 

CBer, AE, OC: CBer

Gender/Pronouns: he/him

Appearance (Leave blank if you want me to imagine your appearance):  n/a

Other:  n/a

submitted by Zealatom , age ^-^, Meh
(April 29, 2021 - 11:17 pm)

Tell me how you like it! 


Somewhere in the countryside, a boy sat in a tall oak tree, reading a book. Red and orange fall leaves swirled around him, and the air was crisp and chilly. His brown hair was messy, and his navy blue sweatshirt was zipped up to his neck. His sneakers were scuffed and his jeans had grass stains, suggesting that his life was full of adventure. But for now, he was happy where he was, in the peace and quiet of the old oak tree. 

submitted by pangolin@Zealatom
(May 2, 2021 - 1:57 pm)

Whoops, just realized I wrote this one is past-tense, while the rest are in present-tense. Here's the revised edition! 


Somewhere in the countryside, a boy sits in a tall oak tree, reading a book. Read and orange fall leaves swirl around him, and the air is crisp and chilly. His brown hair is messy, and his navy blue sweatshirt is zipped up to his neck. His sneakers are scuffed and his jeans have grass stains, suggesting that his life is full of adventure. But for now, he is happy where he is, in the peace and quiet of the old oak tree.

submitted by pangolin@Zealatom
(May 3, 2021 - 10:48 am)
submitted by TOP
(May 2, 2021 - 2:01 pm)