The Intergalactic Vacatio

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

The Intergalactic Vacatio

The Intergalactic Vacation


Dear CBer,

Why, have you been lacking something in your life recently? Have you been lacking something indistinct, that you're not entirely sure of? Well, perhaps, you are lacking adventure!

If you're looking for an adventure, why not take an adventure out into outer space! It'll be a wonderful, relaxing vacation, full of luxury rooms in zero-g, scientific experiments, and gorgeous sights among the stars. If you're looking for interstellar travel, contact us!

For more information on what we have planned, if you're debating whether or not to go, why, I'll tell you where you're going! After a brief trip on our spaceship, the Skeld, you'll make a stop at Mira Headquarters, and then reach your destination, the recently colonized planet of Polus!

If you'd like to come, please fill out the sheet enclosed below and send this letter back. As this is a high-class, luxury trip, we only have space for 11 people, so reply quickly! You may bring pets, such as CAPTCHAs with you, but please no additional guests, like AEs.

Sincerely me,

The spaceman








This is an Among Us inspired ski lodge. Feel free to guess who I am, but I will not reveal my identity until your vacation group reaches Mira Headquarters.

submitted by The spaceman
(November 14, 2020 - 4:44 pm)

Is there a spot left?? Someone said there was, if there is count me in! In not, kindly ignore this!

Name: Quill

Pronouns: she/her

Luggage: Journal and pens, essentials, a few books, and a dagger.

Captcha: Basil! She's a sky blue budgie.

Other: I hope I'm not too late!

submitted by Quill
(November 17, 2020 - 2:45 pm)

Part 1


“This is insanely cool,” Darkling said, peering out the spaceship window.

Darkness and pinpricks of white stars flashed past as the spaceship whirred along through interstellar space. Earth was just a sphere of blue and green in the distance. It was so peculiar to be looking upon Earth from such a distance, where cities and states and people were nothing more than specks of dust in the enormous reaches of outer space.

“Get on your space suit,” Kitten said from beside Darkling, “You don’t want to get sucked into a vortex.”

Kitten was already equipped in a purple spacesuit, Candy standing beside her looking perfectly fine even without a spacesuit by the miraculous anatomy of CAPTCHAS.

“Alright,” Darkling laughed, and went to go put on her spacesuit.

After putting on a red spacesuit, Darkling turned around to look at who else was on the flight. They had just taken off, and they were going to be let into the rest of the spaceship soon. Majestic Mary, in a yellow spacesuit, was talking to Papillon in cyan and Heroes in black, Memphis chasing Tomru around the room. Kitty Cat was in a brown spacesuit that looked the exact shade of cat fur, Honeybee was petting Floofy in a pink spacesuit, Luna-Starr was sitting next to Boo in green. Jubilee was in an orange spacesuit, Nerdface was in lime, and Quill was sitting with her legs crossed in a blue spacesuit.

“Red sus,” Kitten whispered to Darkling.

Darkling snickered, and then whacked Kitten over the head. “Stop breaking the fourth wall!”

“Ow, ow, sorry, okay!” Kitten exclaimed in dramatic tones.

“We’re getting let into the rest of the spaceship!” Luna-Starr exclaimed.

Darkling turned around, the grey metal doors sliding open silently.

She followed the others into a brightly lit cafeteria, with blue tables (like the ones you see in schools) and a tiled floor. By unspoken consensus, all eleven of them sat down at the center table, in which was embedded a large red button.

They had each been given a pamphlet by the people at the launchpad who had cheerfully told them to not die in outer space, given them their pamphlets and tablets and sent them off out of the atmosphere.

“So, we should probably read our pamphlets,” Kitty Cat suggested.

“Definitely,” Heroes said, “I’ll start.”

“Welcome to the Skeld! Unfortunately, your tour guide is back at Mira HQ, so in replacement of a guide, you’ll have these nice pamphlets to guide you! This is the Skeld, our largest spaceship ferry between Mira HQ and Earth. Read on to learn what you’ll have to do on this ship, and some safety precautions!” Heroes read aloud.

Honeybee picked up where Heroes left off. “While on the Skeld, in order to keep the ship in tip-top condition, you’ll need to do some tasks for upkeep! Some of these include shooting asteroids, emptying garbage chutes, reconnecting wires, and sending data over to Mira HQ. You each have an individual list of tasks on your tablet, for you to complete on your own time. A map is provided on the next page, to show you where all the tasks are located.”

On the glowing screen of Darkling’s tablet was a map, and list of tasks. Darkling scanned over it quickly. There seemed to be a reactor, security room, communication room, administration room, oxygen room, matching dual engines, and matching rooms for weapons and shields. Finally there was a navigation room, medbay, electrical room, a storage room, and the cafeteria, which they were all sitting in.

“For some safety tips,” Papillon read, “in case of an emergency, there are a few things you’ll need to do. A few common emergencies include electricity going off, communications going down, oxygen going out, and the reactor having a meltdown. These are very simple to fix, in their respective rooms.”

“Vent tasks are off-limits. There has recently been a few problems with alien parasite infestations in the vents, so please don’t enter any vents,” Darkling read.

“Finally, a word of warning,” Jubilee read out loud, “all of you are dedicated to enjoying yourselves on this trip, or at least we hope. We encourage you to get to know your crewmates and have fun here! However, in some cases, this is not wise.”

Jubilee read on.

“If you see someone coming out of a vent, they are not your crewmate.”

“If you never see someone doing their tasks, they are not your crewmate.”

“If you see someone sabotaging the ship, they are not your crewmate.”

“If you see someone killing someone else, they are not your crewmate.”

“If you see any of these, hit the emergency button immediately. You are allowed to eject someone from the spaceship if you feel threatened by them, but only with full consensus. Do not hit the emergency button more than once. Do not enter the vents. Do not die.

Darkling felt chills run down her back.

“Have a great trip on the Skeld!” Nerdface concluded.

They sat there in silence for a little bit, contemplating what they had just read.

Finally, Luna spoke up. “Let’s all agree to never go in the vents, okay?” she said.

“Agreed,” Darkling said.

“Definitely,” Kitten said.

“Well, I’m hungry,” Quill said, breaking the silence, “anyone up for lunch, and then we can go figure out some tasks?”

There was a chorus of agreement. After a lunch of zero-G sandwiches, Darkling looked down at her tablet for her tasks to do. She had to fix the wires, download and upload data to mira HQ, do a health scan in medbay, and align the engine outputs.

“Whatcha got?” Jubilee asked, peering at Darkling’s tablet.

Darkling showed them her tasks.

“Hey, I have to fuel the engines!” Jubilee said, “Wanna stick together while we do our tasks with the engines?”

“Sure!” Darkling replied, fist-bumping Jubilee.

Jubilee had to go back and forth between storage and the engines to fuel both of them, and Darkling had to use a large lever to align the upper engine, and then go to do the same with the lower engine.

After jerking the lever into position in the lower engine, and watching Jubilee pour the last of the oil into the lower engine, Darkling sat down on a bench, her palms sweating from moving the large engines.

“Hey, what do–” Darkling began, but she was cut off by a loud blaring.

The lights flicked to red.

Jubilee stared at Darkling, wide eyed.

“It’s an emergency!” Darkling exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing Jubilee’s hand, “Come on, let’s go!”


Death count:

Murderer: ???

Question: Who do you think might be the murderer? 

submitted by The spaceman
(November 17, 2020 - 6:00 pm)

OoOohh! Personally, I think Quill is sus. 





submitted by Jubilee, age idk, the spaceship!
(November 17, 2020 - 8:04 pm)

Yay this is so exciting! To be honest, I'm pretty sus. Like, have I done any tasks yet? Not that we know of. We don't have enough proof to eject anyone, though.

Anyway, can't wait for the next part! 

submitted by Majestic Mary, age 1 eternity, The Skeld
(November 18, 2020 - 9:13 am)

Hm, I don't know if anyone was seen doing tasks yet except for Darkling and I...YOU'RE ALL SUS! 

juuuuust kidding...


TP utilities?  

submitted by Jubilee, age discussing, debating
(November 18, 2020 - 12:44 pm)

This is so exciting! I love how well Among Us works as a ski lodge XD. As for the murderer, I guess I'm a little sus because I said "I'm hungry" when we were all agreeing not to go into the vents, but that pretty much just sounds like me. I guess everyone but Jubi and Darkling could be the murderer!

submitted by Quill
(November 18, 2020 - 3:33 pm)

"Stop breaking the fourth wall!" 

^^ That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

This is lovely, I can't wait to see where it goes! As usual, I suspect myself. :p

submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(November 18, 2020 - 7:46 pm)

Umm, I said reserving, but didn't now you started and forgot to fill out my sheet, can i still sign up for it?

submitted by Kitty Cat, age teen, Gotham City
(November 18, 2020 - 12:04 pm)

This is an exciting part! I'm sure Evie and I will face some cool surprises in this trip! Idk what the murderer is yet... there isn't enough evidence for me. Anyway, can't wait for next part! 

submitted by Papillon, age a million, Somewhere
(November 18, 2020 - 12:36 pm)

NAME: Kitty Cat


LUGGAGE (PLEASE PACK LIGHT): A sketchbook, pencils, an eraser, maybe some cat ears, and toiletries.


OTHER: nooope.

submitted by Kitty Cat, age teen, Gotham City
(November 18, 2020 - 1:25 pm)

I went ahead and included you anyway, but thank you for filling out the sheet!

submitted by The spaceman
(November 18, 2020 - 8:16 pm)

yo so I'm taking a hiatus; yep, tis me, Rainbow Riot! sorry to end it after only one chapter, but, uh, ✨duty calls✨ XD cya!

submitted by The spaceman
(November 19, 2020 - 10:42 am)


my ski lodge didn't get very far either, so you are excused 

>ikkkk coyyy< 

I know coy?  

submitted by Jubilee, age unknown , the straotpshre
(November 19, 2020 - 12:51 pm)