I am back!He

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

I am back!He

I am back!

Hello lovelies! I'm back from my official hiatus, and man, does it feel good! I missed you guys a ton when I was on break, even though it turned out to be a good thing. (Not good that I was gone, but good in that I got my life going a direction I wanted it to.) (And side note, the reason why I said 'I am back' instead of 'I'm back' was because it was messing with the formatting of the post title.)

If you're new and you've never seen my name before, hello and welcome to the CB! I hope you love it as much as I do. I've been here about 3-5 years now (the timing is weird and complicated) but I recently stopped getting the magazine (sorry, Admins). I enjoy things like old British shows, Star Trek (TNG especially, but I'm watching DS9 right now), combat boots, and astronomy. I'm a writer (poetry, plays, and novels, but my main project is getting my novel This Dark Night published by the end of this year), artist (used to go by Shhh...Not Telling), dreamer, and reader, so I probably share common interests with all or most of you.

Here's what I've been doing:

-Immediately after my school year ended in May, I went to Europe! I went with my high school's top band, which I was really proud I made it into. (Fun Fact: I play five instruments, but the one I play in band is the clarinet!) I stayed for about a week in a small town in Germany, then drove to some larger German cities, across the Alps, through Switzerland, and to Florence, Italy. I was in Florence for only a few days before driving to Rome, then catching a flight back to Chicago and then back home. I'll probably post stories and pictures once this thread pops up, since I don't want to clog this opening post up too much.

-I was the costume designer for a play! My sister, Poetic Panda, put on a play this summer. It was actually fairly professional and we had an audience of about 100+ people attend. It was honestly kind of hard, but it was so much fun! The play was set in medieval times, and I tried to keep it mostly time-accurate, which meant no visible zippers, no visible buttons, no jeans, etc.

-I went on a mission trip to Flint, Michigan! I saw a couple of you mention that y'all were around the area I was at about the same time, which is kinda crazy to me. I worked around the city, cleaning parks, serving food at a food kitchen, weeding, sorting supplies for homeless people, things like that. It was eye-opening about the things that still need to be done in our world today.

And, uh... that was the fun stuff I did. I also did a lot of thinking about who I am right now, and who I want to be. That's why I kind of took this hiatus in the first place. I was becoming... I don't know, dissastisfied with myself. Like a midlife crisis, except I'm only (spoiler alert) 15. So I took some time off from life to "find myself", I suppose. (Oof, that sounds really, like, sappy and weird. Sorry.) And coming out of that, I can officially say this: if you're feeling dissatisfied, do something new. It doesn't have to be anything big. You don't have to cut your hair or travel to Europe or split from your friend group (haha, isn't that a story in itself). You can just... do something that you've always wanted to do. Drive to a grocery store and buy a pint of ice cream just to eat by yourself. Watch the sunset. Hang glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling. Sit down by someone new when school starts and introduce yourself. Change starts with you. If you want something to be different, do it differently. Take the first step and soon enough, you'll be walking.

So! Uh! On a side note, what's been going on down here? Who's left, who's joined, who's had a birthday or started a new RP or posted some art? I'd love to know! And I challenge you: if (hopefully when) you leave a post on this thread, add a drawing or a photo or a little story of something that you're proud of. Tell me about it. Maybe you got a new haircut. Maybe you finally drew a good hand. Maybe you got an A on a test you were worried about. Whatever it is, share it!

Anyways, thanks for reading this whole long post! My apologies for the whole parentheses thing I have going on in most of the paragraphs; I tend to over use them (see, here I go again). It's great to be back, and here's to another 3-5 years together! *hugs*


submitted by Starseeker, age 180 moons, spilling tea with a queen
(August 17, 2019 - 9:36 pm)

I'm actually left-handed, and I used my right hand as a reference! I don't get to use the internet a lot to look up reference pictures, and who knows if I would've found a picture with that hand pose that I wanted. 

Hmm, for watercolors...I don't know, make sure you have thick paper that won't get super wrinkled or saturated by the watercolors, don't worry if the paint goes over the lines of your drawing, (because if that happens it kind of adds to the whole watercolor effect) use only a small amount of water if you want darker colors and use a ton of water if you want really light colors...you can blend the paint with a wet paintbrush after you put it on the paper...there's not a lot of specific advice that I could give you, but using watercolors is pretty fun! I generally don't like wet+messy art mediums, but watercolors is one that I do like. If you have any specific questions, I could try to answer them!

submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(August 22, 2019 - 7:20 pm)

Welcome back!!! I’m so glad you learned things about yourself or changed the way your life was going or whatever... ANYWAY, I’m glad the hiatus was good! You mentioned This Dark Night — how’s it going? Are you feeling on track to get it published? I’m really looking forward to that, by the way, and I’m hoping you’ll publish it in a way that I can get a copy. I’ve missed reading your writing!

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(August 19, 2019 - 7:36 pm)

Kitten! Hello! It's lovely to see you :) As for TDN, well... eh. Editing is hard. I'm basically having to rewrite the book to get all the plot holes out and it's hard to stay motivated. I might start posting the edits on here, though, because having a deadline can sometimes help motivate me. One of my main goals when publishing is to make it so that y'all can get a copy at a low price if you want one, without having to submit any information to me. I have a friend who self-published through Barnes and Noble, so I'm sort of looking into that as a viable option. They would handle allt he shipping and such, so I would never handle your personal information because privacy is important! The only downside of that is that I wouldn't be able to write a little message in the front. (Also, I'm in the middle of writing a few short stories to get me into the TDN mood again-- currently it's how Feroc and Ty met, since those are some of my irl friend's favourite characters, but is there any backstory/meeting/anything that you'd like to see me write? It can be about any character in any time.)


submitted by Starseeker, age 180 moons, spilling tea with a queen
(August 22, 2019 - 10:08 am)

Yeah, I imagine editing would be hard. I’ve never actually written anything that’s reached that length, but it sounds quite difficult. I would love to read your edits if you decide to post them here!

Stories... well, I would love to read about how Zoey got chosen to go to the fancy private school. 

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(August 22, 2019 - 8:27 pm)

Welcome back to the CB, Starseeker! I'm not sure if you met me under the name TheaterGirl, but possibly under my original name, Kianna L. Your trip to Europe (and the rest of the stuff you did) sound so fun! I went to the Duomo once (in 2016) too, that was cool. Do you have a favorite part of Europe? That's great that you found yourself. I'm happy you're back!

submitted by TheaterGirl, age 11, On Stage
(August 19, 2019 - 7:58 pm)

Thanks! I do remember you, under both names, though I didn't associate one with the other until now. But it's good to see you! Oh, cool! Did you just go to the Duomo/Italy or did you go to other parts of Italy/Europe too? My favourite part of Europe... hmm, Florence had this magical quality to it that I loved, but the small town I stayed in in Germany felt safe and like I was coming home. I think one of my favourite Europe moments, though, was walking out of the airport when I first arrived in Germany. It just hit me, then, that I was in Europe. Also, later in the week, we were driving through the Alps, and we were in this really long tunnel. When we finally emerged from it, we were in this gorgeous valley between two of the mountains, with a sparkling river and a waterfall... it was just so beautiful and unexpected and the entire bus just let out this gasp of amazement. I don't have any good pictures of the Alps at the moment, but I know my sister does, so I'll see if i can get some from her.


submitted by Starseeker, age 180 moons, spilling tea with a queen
(August 22, 2019 - 10:13 am)

Star! You're back! *tackle hugs* You have no idea how happy I was to see this. I've missed you so much! I'm so glad you've got your life where you want it to go, and all of the things you've done sound so cool! How was Europe? Did you see anything cool? Costuming sounds fun, too. What was the play about?

Your advice is very good, and very deep. I like that quote, it feels very inspirational. As for a story or accomplishment, I made several new friends this summer who I genuinely like being around, and I guess I kind of let go of something I've been struggling with all year. Anyway, it's so, so good to have you back. *hugs again*

submitted by Quill
(August 20, 2019 - 1:55 pm)

*tackle hugs back* Quill! Claws, it's amazing to see you too! I saw so many cool things in Europe I don't even know where to start... um... OOH! I saw this really cool pigeon! ;) It was white all over with these really pretty pale brown flecks. We don't have too many pigeons where I live, and especially not white ones, so it was really cool. (And I know you probably meant, like, buildings and things, but PIGEONS!) Side note, though, the food was really amazing too! One of my favourite things was this dish called spaghetti ice. Imagine spaghetti, but the noodles are vanilla ice cream and the sauce is strawberry sauce. It was just incredible. Something that I can't believe I haven't mentioned yet is Bad Wildbad (that's the English translation), which is this series of skywalks/trails through the Black Forest. At the middle of all the trails is this GIANT slide-- I'm talking taller-than-the-trees, can-see-France-from-the-top tall. It was so much fun sliding down it. You only got to go once, though, since there were 150 kids and we were on a schedule. :) (I've attached pictures of the slide and the spaghetti ice-- hopefully you can tell which is which!) The play was The Princess Bride, if you've ever seen that movie/read that book.

Ooh! Yay! I also learned the value of having good friends this summer, so I'm glad you found some you could count on. Letting go is also good. <3 *hugs back*


submitted by Starseeker, age 180 moons, spilling tea with a queen
(August 22, 2019 - 10:22 am)

Pigeons are great! I personally love pigeons, they're all so pretty. I've never heard of spaghetti ice, but it sounds absolutely wonderful. Bad Wildbad sounds so cool! I'd probably be terrified out of my wits (I have no head for heights) but it still seems incredible. The Princess Bride is the best! I've seen the movie, and it seems like it would be great as a play!

submitted by Quill
(August 23, 2019 - 3:54 pm)

In Italy, I mostly stayed in Florence, but also did a quick trip to Venice and some other towns. During that trip, we also went to Spain! We stayed in Madrid and Barcelona, but with other one-day trips in between. Europe is really fun! It sounds like you had lots of great adventures there, too.

submitted by TheaterGirl, age 11, On Stage
(August 22, 2019 - 5:50 pm)

Oh, cool! Did you visit the Galleria dell'Accademia? That was one of my favourite places. We're actually learning about the history of Florence in my history class right now, so it's cool to have seen all the things we're learning about, like the statue of David. Ooh, Spain! Spain is definitely on my to-visit list someday. :)


submitted by Starseeker, age 180 moons, spilling tea with a queen
(August 22, 2019 - 7:45 pm)

Hi Star! *jumps on top of all the tackling huggers* Europe sounds awesome! My fam went to California this year in May, which was really fun. Starting with that, I kind of took an unofficial hiatus, until this past week. I checked in once in a while, but I didn’t particularly have any motivation to post more. I’ve just been enjoying my summer, reading as much as I can, and working to open my own online shop before school starts. I know what you mean, about doing something different. It really helps me sometimes. I got a haircut, just a little shorter than I usually get, a few months ago that I love. I’ve bought clothes that I wasn’t sure about that I now love to wear. I’ve tried learning how to do new hairstyles, worked at starting a shop, and cleaning and redecorating my room. My favorite thing to do now on a beautiful day is to swing on the swing in our backyard and listen to music in my headphones. I’ve been lonely lately, and it’s really helping me to be me when I don’t have anyone else to confirm my existence. That’s awesome that you had a great hiatus! I read some of your novel that you posted here, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I would love to get it if it was made available.  <3 Jwyn

submitted by Jwyn, age 14
(August 23, 2019 - 9:50 am)

Starseeker! One of my favorite authors ever! I love This Dark Night so much, and I can't wait until it's published! Welcome back! (I'm probably using too many exclamation marks but I'm really excited to see you again!) :) *hugs* I actually haven't been on all that much recently, either, haha, but I had to say something here. Wow, your summer sounds a loooot more eventful than mine XD. Europe is such an amazing place, and it's so cool that you got to there with your band! Which instruments do you play?

And I love that advice. It's really inspirational... when I first read your post, I just reread that part like five times in a row. As for something I'm proud of... well I'm starting to get better at making new friends! I've always been suuuuuper shy in real life, but I've also gone to lots of summer camps and new schools and things like that where I had to get to know people fast, so I've had lots of practice. This summer I moved to New York (which was terrifying and exciting and nervewracking and everything all rolled in one), but I've been getting to know people through tennis camp and things like that. I met a brother and sister named Cloud and Sky, which is, imo, the best sibling name pairing ever. Anyways, it's soooo amazing to see you again! <3 

submitted by Cassandra the First
(August 24, 2019 - 4:27 pm)