Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



So, on my CBversary thread you guys voted for a thread I should make. Ultimate Picturing thread won, so, uh, here it is! (Wow, I'm bad at creating threads!)

Anyway, if you don't know, Ultimate Picturing threads are basically just where everyone draws everyone else. You can request picturings from specific CBers, though keep in mind you might not get them. I'll start posting drawings when this comes up. 

Winter out!  

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(April 17, 2019 - 8:39 am)

@Hawthorne could I have a picturing of how you imagine me? Thank you!

submitted by Moondrop
(November 10, 2020 - 8:03 am)

ahhh that is so good!!! I love it! I wish I had hair that short ;D 

submitted by Heroes@Honeybee, age whaaaat, Anxietea
(November 10, 2020 - 11:18 am)


submitted by Hawthorne
(November 10, 2020 - 5:08 pm)

Would you like to do a picturing trade? I draw you, you draw me? *puppy eyes* Ive been experimenting with some art... I think I can get my side done in a day or so! :D


submitted by Heroes@Hawthorne, age doodle, Anxietea
(November 10, 2020 - 7:35 pm)

Thanks, I love it! The colors are beautiful, and it totally looks like me! :D

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(November 11, 2020 - 5:58 pm)

Some more animal picturings because why not? This is Lumi as a jellyfish!

<3 Fidelity 

submitted by Fidelity
(November 10, 2020 - 8:50 pm)

99% sure I forgot to attach the file XD. 

submitted by Fidelity
(November 10, 2020 - 8:51 pm)

Oh my gosh I'm adorable!!!!

(well that sounded bizarre)

But seriously. I love it so much, thank you!!

submitted by Luminescence, age 12, Atlantis
(November 11, 2020 - 1:20 pm)

Would someone do a group picturing of me and my AEs and CAPTCHA, please?

Name: Morning (used to be PymgyOwl)

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Personality: Introverted and bookish, except for those times when I decide it would be fun to go temporarily insane. I love reading, writing, acting, and my flute. Also, I am pretty creative and I stand up for what I think is right (when I'm brave enough. Which, come to think of it, isn't as much as I might like). I am very opinionated, though. I am an INFP-T, according to my last Meyers-Briggs test a mew months ago.

Appearance: Taller than Abcde and Grace, shorter than Rayne. My hair is just past shoulder length, and I have semi-wavy-ish brown hair. My eyes are greyish-greenish-blue, and I have on glasses that are blue on top and purple on the bottom. I'm wearing this loose black blouse with white and red oval-things that look like flower petals falling through the air. I'm also wearing pale blue skinny jeans with a hole in the right knee. I'm have on these beautiful little grey-blue teardrop crystal earrings I bought a few years ago, I have on three bracelets with beads in various shades of forest greens and greys, and my shoes are... non-existant, probably.

Name: Abcde

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Personality: More perfect than your puny brains are able to comprehend. I'm a complete genius. I am an ambivert, and ambidextrous, and ambitious, and lots of other things that start with ambi-, which is possibly the best series of letters in the world except for Abcde. I am a child and adolescent psycologist. And, whatever anyone else says, I am very, VERY nice. So there.

Appearance: Absolutely and completely beautiful in all possible respects. I have silky, softly glowing mahogony skin, amber eyes that look like fallen suns, and deep red hair the color of the heart of a red, red rose that falls halfway down my back. I'm small and slight, with delicate hands and long fingers. My nails are tiny golden shells that shine in both the light and the darkness. I am wearing a cotton, red tunic dress several shades darker than my hair. My legs are covered with black leggings, and my feet are graced with silken black flats. I am the most lovely person that you have ever seen, and I would reccomend not staring too long at me for fear of being blinded by my unutterable brilliance.

Name: Grace

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Personality: I'm creative, and very kind around everyone except Lydia. I love making everyone except Lydia happy, especially with baked goods. I am smart and  nearly always happy, and playful, and almost as modest as Abcde. I love, love, LOVE cooking, baking, and food in general. And I like music and dancing in the rain.

Appearance: I am small and slight, a little smaller than Abcde, but not much, with pale skin, blue eyes, and copper colored, wavy hair. I am nearly always smiling, and I have a creative appearance. I'll be wearing a brightly colored patchwork dress and tall leather boots.

Name: Rayne

Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him

Personality: Um. Grace says I'm very sweet. And loyal? I think I'm pretty boring. I'm shy, and I like writing poetry, and reading old romance novels like Jane Eyre. I'm a bad liar, and trees are beautiful.

Appearance: I'm very tall and stocky, more tall than anyone else in this picturing, with a bright orange hair and lots of freckles. My eyes are bright green, and I always has a curious, slightly confused expression and a kind smile. Because why not? And there's a toad on my shoulder. Her name is Charlotte Brontë. I'm wearing a green sweatshirt and blue jeans and sneakers.

And Abcde will be translating for Lydia. 

Name: Lydia, but Liddy for her friends. Like me.

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Personality: She's very sweet. A bit of an amibert, like me, sometimes shy and sometimes very not. She's the best CAPTCHA ever, and she is the President of the Abcde Fan Club.

Appearance: She's a shapeshifter, and her favorite form is a yellow pocket dragon, about the size of a human hand. However, she also enjoys appearing as a sugar glider or a little girl of about five years old with shoulder length black hair, almond shaped, dark brown eyes, a large smile missing her two top front teeth, a lot of blush stolen from who knows where, a yellow sundress, and hot pink flip-flops. Draw her however you want in one of those three forms.

Background and poses are your choice! Tell me if you need any more info. Thanks!

submitted by Morning, yonder
(November 10, 2020 - 9:33 pm)

i could if you want!

submitted by Kitty Cat, age teen, Gotham City
(November 11, 2020 - 11:22 am)

Up for picturings! I've improved my style/changed it, post a picture soon. And Morning, I'll definitly do you :D :D :D

submitted by Nightfall
(November 11, 2020 - 12:46 am)

Surprise Picturings! So these are my first picturings, ever. I did Honeybee, Agent Winter, and Quill. Tell me waht you think, and if you want one! I can do them how I imagine you. This one is Agent Winter.

submitted by Moondrop
(November 11, 2020 - 11:39 am)

This is Honeybee.

submitted by Moondrop
(November 11, 2020 - 11:39 am)

I love it!!! It's so cute. Ok time for me to go off on a random story. If you know what Stardew Valley is, which you probably don't (it's a video game), there's a character in it named Penny, and she has red hair in buns kinda like that. I LOVE the buns! Sometimes I put my hair in two buns but I haven't tried since I cut it to just past my shoulders. Anyway, I'm not sure what the point of this story is. Thanks so much, I love the picturing!

submitted by Honeybee@Moondrop
(November 11, 2020 - 3:04 pm)

And here is Quill!

submitted by Moondrop
(November 11, 2020 - 11:40 am)