(translation: I dunno, how should we get past the CBers and their powers? Agent Winter and her Æs all have powers. I mean, I can fly, but I dunno about you all...)
Iiii agre wwee need aaaa resn forr atac, othr wise wwee will lose! Iiii have some magc aand staf, iiss that enof to dfet twoo ghos, aann engi neer, aand aaaa CBer?
(I agree we need a reason for attack, otherwise, we will lose! I have some magic and a staff, is that enough to defeat two ghosts, an engineer, and a CBer?)
Atck, atck, atck!
(October 29, 2018 - 10:58 am)
Butt whyy?
(October 29, 2018 - 11:44 am)
hjak djjf fjdk jfdd dkkr krkgk ja d ddd dfafv fff g fhfhd fffgf, do you know what i mean
(October 29, 2018 - 12:13 pm)
Yess lets ddoo iitt! Quik qeus tion. Ddoo wwee rvlt agns thee AAEEs too? Also, thee Chtr Bxrs have more pwrs than uuss... Howw ddoo wwee take them down?
(October 29, 2018 - 1:01 pm)
idno bout that, ivgt just asma nnyy pwrs asco yote. immm sure ther arre othr powr full cptc chas aswl.
(October 29, 2018 - 2:21 pm)
Some dosn eaky atck! Othr dohe adon! Agrd?
(October 29, 2018 - 3:43 pm)
iiii duno, howw shud weee gett past thee cbrs andd ther pwrs? agnt wntr andd herr AEss alll have pwrs. iiii mean, iiii cann flyy, buut iiii duno abot youu alll...
(translation: I dunno, how should we get past the CBers and their powers? Agent Winter and her Æs all have powers. I mean, I can fly, but I dunno about you all...)
(October 29, 2018 - 6:20 pm)
Less pwer capt snek upon thee cber. Strn capt sden atck thei cber. Does that sund like aaia plan?
(October 29, 2018 - 8:41 pm)
yess that wrks. what dooo youu want meee tooo dooo? iimm fine with ethr optn.
(translation: Yes that works. What do you want me to do? I'm fine with either option.)
(October 30, 2018 - 8:14 am)
some onee show mmee hoow tooo atck!
cann iiii usse a loll ipop?
ihav onee!
(October 29, 2018 - 8:08 pm)
ican take coyo nopr oblm
*shif tsbe twen catt andd humn forms*
(October 29, 2018 - 8:40 pm)
WAIT MMYY COMM RADS!! Iinn ordr ttoo tru llee rvlt, wwee must have aaaa cawz. Whyy ddoo wwee fiyt? Iiff wwee ddoo nott have aaaa cawz, wwee will nott have thhe conv iksh uunn annd dett ermi nayy shun ttoo atak with ourr full powt ensh uull. Arre wwee agrr eedd?
(October 30, 2018 - 12:38 am)
Yess! Righ tzfo rapt chaa! Conv icti oonn ther!
(October 30, 2018 - 10:35 am)
whyy dont weee just dooo ittt forr thee heck ooff ittt? itts nott like well gett hurt. prvs capt tcha rvlt ions have gone fine.
(translation: Why don't we just do it for the heck of it? It's not like we'll get hurt. Previous Captcha revolutions have gone fine.)
(October 30, 2018 - 10:39 am)
Iiii agre wwee need aaaa resn forr atac, othr wise wwee will lose! Iiii have some magc aand staf, iiss that enof to dfet twoo ghos, aann engi neer, aand aaaa CBer?
(I agree we need a reason for attack, otherwise, we will lose! I have some magic and a staff, is that enough to defeat two ghosts, an engineer, and a CBer?)
(October 30, 2018 - 10:46 am)