Guess who’s joining

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Guess who’s joining

Guess who’s joining the picturing crowd? This overworked idiot. 

So, I’ve been really wanting to “art” lately, but haven’t had anything I wanted/can draw. To hopefully help with that, I decided to try my hand at picturings. Here’s the sheet that’s required to be filled out:


Feminine, Masculine, or Androgynous [in terms of body figure]:

Appearance [please include things such as eye color, hair color and length, and posture {ie slouching or standing straight}]:


Rough Personality:

Media Used [Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, or Markers]:

Full body, shoulders and up, down to waist, or other:


Now for the optional sheet:

Particular Pose:

Speech [as in do you want them saying something, and if so, what?]:

Props [holding/with something]:

Basic Background:


Ok, I think that should be all. Sorry if that was confusing. I’m not good at very complicated poses, but I’ll do my best attempt. For the moment, this is /just/ for CBers. If I decide to do more, I might include Aes and group portraits. For right now, again, it’s just CBers. Sorry, Aes :/. 

Please let me know if you need any clarification on anything.

Have a great day/night!


submitted by Nighthawk
(October 4, 2018 - 4:23 pm)

Ooh, I'd love a picturing if you don't mind!

Body Figure: Feminine

Appearance: Long dark brown hair with the ends dyed purple, dark brown eyes, freckles, tannish skin, any pose really.

Clothing: A t-shirt, denim jacket, shorts, and old converse. Could I also have earbuds in?

Rough Personality: Creative, curious, likes to try new things, a little shy at times, but other times a complete chatterbox.

Media Used: Whatever's easiest for you, I don't have a preference.

Full body, shoulders and up, down to the waist, or other: Down to the waist, please.

Thanks Night! 

submitted by Quill
(October 5, 2018 - 2:58 pm)

Yours is in the making now! I should have it finished and up by tomorrow. 

submitted by Night @Quill, age -15, Trench
(October 5, 2018 - 11:57 pm)

Sorry, it’s a bit late! Let me know if you want anything changed or something. I hope you like it! 

submitted by Night @Quill, age -15, Trench
(October 7, 2018 - 3:39 pm)

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I love it!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!! Your art is beautiful, and I love the way your faces are so expressive! Thank you!!!!!!

submitted by Quill
(October 7, 2018 - 4:38 pm)

Aw i’m glad you like it! Thank you so much!

submitted by Night @Quill, age -15, Trench
(October 7, 2018 - 6:22 pm)

Ooh, yes! Me, please! 

Figure: Feminine/androgynous

Appearance: Tall and thin, with hair somewhere around the waist and nails like extensions to already long fingers. Constant bending over to read, write and draw combined with terrible train and car seats is slowly destroying my good posture, but weekly yoga and determination are fighting back. I'll roll some dice on colors. *makes a die* *picks some colors* *rolls die* Okay, that's purple on the hair and brown for the eyes.

Clothing: T-shirts, jeans, hiking socks and sneakers or boots. Die says black shirt, dark blue jeans, light grey socks, and brown shoes. 

Rough personality: Basically a cat. Adores elegance and desires respect but loves acting silly. Values understanding, enjoyment, and of course, respect. Always on the lookout for pretty little things and opportunities to say something clever or funny.

Media: Watercolor and either pencil or ink (whichever you like best)

Full body, shoulders and up, etc.: Full body

Particular pose: Reclining, maybe, or waving. 

Speech: N/A

Props: N/A

Basic background: A tree in spring or summer, not super detailed, maybe not even outlined. Low horizon. Perhaps a hint of a marble structure beyond. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 6, 2018 - 3:27 pm)

I'm going to roll the die on skin tone, too. And that's dark.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 7, 2018 - 4:11 pm)

Yours should be started tonight and finished tomorrow! 

submitted by Nighthawk, age -15, Trench
(October 7, 2018 - 10:18 pm)

Here’s your picturing! I hope it’s alright. I don’t typically do backgrounds, so hopefully It’s not too bad. I apologize for how long it took me to get it done. 

submitted by Night @Viola?, age -15, Wolf 359
(October 18, 2018 - 5:20 pm)

Sorry the lighting’s bad. If you want, i can take a picture again when i have better lighting.


submitted by @Viola?
(October 18, 2018 - 7:37 pm)

Aah, it's so pretty! The lighting's fine, better than mine usually is. XD I love the hair, and how you did the shading...! *bounces around excitedly*

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(October 22, 2018 - 7:29 pm)

I’m glad you like it! Thank you, that’s means a lot, especially coming from you!

submitted by Night @Viola?, age -15, Bandito - TØP
(October 23, 2018 - 12:16 am)

Feminine, Masculine, or Androgynous [in terms of body figure]: feminine

Appearance [please include things such as eye color, hair color and length, and posture {ie slouching or standing straight}]: brown eyes, long dark brown hair, average height, and imperfect posture

Clothing: overalls with a few grass stains, hair in a braid, wears a bandanna. 

Rough Personality: more likely to keep to herself in large gatherings, but friendly most of the time.

Media Used [Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, or Markers]: could your do watercolor? it doesn have to be in detail or anything, I just want my essence captured.

Full body, shoulders and up, down to waist, or other: down to waist

Particular Pose: none that I can think of.

Speech [as in do you want them saying something, and if so, what?]: nah.

Props [holding/with something]: a flower

Basic Background: ummm, green or blue?

submitted by Spring Flower, 春乌艾
(October 6, 2018 - 8:50 pm)

Hey, I was wondering if you could do a picturing based on what you think I look like? I mean, I haven't really developed a CB appearance yet. I am female, though. 

submitted by Fleet, unconfirmed
(October 7, 2018 - 5:25 pm)

Firstly, assuming you’re a newer CBer, welcome! [apologies if you’re not; I kinda drift on and off the site too much to know everyone sadly.]

Secondly, it might not be exactly what you want, but I can try. Can you maybe just give me a rough idea of your personality and taste in fashion style? that’ll help me a bit to come up with something and have it relatively close to what you’re looking for. 

submitted by Nighthawk, age -15, Trench
(October 7, 2018 - 10:22 pm)