CBer name hand

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

CBer name hand

CBer name hand lettering! Basically just what it sounds like. I got a brush marker thing, and I'm doing letterings of people's names! 

I'll post an example once this shows up. 

Uh, this is really short, but I don't really have anything else to say. Um, just going to submit now. 

submitted by Crookshanks
(May 1, 2018 - 10:28 pm)

Will you do my name please?

submitted by Hic Sunt Dracones , Edge of the Map
(May 2, 2018 - 8:05 am)
submitted by Top
(May 2, 2018 - 11:11 am)

Could you do me, Crookshanks? Thank you!! 

submitted by Vyolette
(May 2, 2018 - 11:55 am)

Can you do me please? Thanks! Letterings are awesome!

submitted by Quill
(May 2, 2018 - 3:36 pm)

I'd love one please!! Thank you!

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 15, Camelot
(May 2, 2018 - 5:57 pm)
submitted by Crookshanks
(May 2, 2018 - 9:48 pm)


submitted by Crookshanks
(May 2, 2018 - 10:25 pm)

Thank, Crookshanks! Very swirly and flowing, I love it! 

submitted by Vyolette
(May 3, 2018 - 7:54 am)


submitted by Crookshanks
(May 2, 2018 - 10:27 pm)

Thank you, I love it! That's really nice cursive (mine is terrible)!

submitted by Quill
(May 3, 2018 - 6:13 pm)

Joan B of Arc


submitted by Crookshanks
(May 2, 2018 - 10:29 pm)

Wow, that was fast! Thanks Admins!

submitted by Crookshanks
(May 2, 2018 - 10:30 pm)

And, just because, Top

Also, I apologize for the poor picture quality, I'm doing it on my phone, which has an awful camera.

submitted by Crookshanks
(May 2, 2018 - 10:35 pm)

May I have one, please?

submitted by Shy Peacock, Tree of Life
(May 3, 2018 - 9:20 am)

I'd love one!

submitted by Aspen
(May 3, 2018 - 4:19 pm)