So as many

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

So as many

So as many of you know, a catastrophic event happened to me last October and it still has a major affect on my life.  I wrote a poem about it so here it is:

13 Years


You held me tight

Seven pounds

And you loved me

And loved me

And loved me


I sat in your lap

Watching you knit

And loving you

And loving you

And loving you


In the kitchen

Warching you make French Bread

Drowning it in syrup

While you watched

And loved me

And loved me

And loved me


In the pool in your backyard

Splashing in the deep end

While you watched

With your feet in the water

Telling us how blue our lips were

And loving us

And loving us

And loving us


A pilgrim play

In my kindergarten class

I was passing out corn bread

And you commented

On how yours was so much better

And I loved that you were there

And I loved you

And loved you

And loved you


Making a mayonnaise cake with me

For Mother’s Day

Covering it with thick chocolate frosting

And loving me

And loving me

And loving me


On your bed

Rolling from side to side

From back to front

Holding me in front of you

And I loved you

And loved you

And loved you 


Showing you my artwork

And asking how good it was

You always responded,

”It’s beautiful, my dear,”

And you loved me

And loved me

And loved me


Teaching me how to knit

Up, around, under-over, and through

You would repeat

And I would love you

And love you

And love you 


The year I learned you were dying

That there was a monster inside you

And that you needed a lot of treatment

So I loved you

And loved you

And loved you


You taught me how to sew

While you were still well enough to teach me

Rolling thread between wrinkled fingers to make a knot

And making me practice on the holes

In your bedsheets

And you loved me

And loved me

And loved me


At a Walmart

Passing a rack of stuffed animals

And asking if I could have one

You said you would buy me the one

I wanted most

And I loved you

And loved you

And loved you



I love you!”

The last words I said to you

On that Thursday

Before that Friday

Before that midnight

That sent you to the other side

Being woken up by my mother

Telling me

”She’s gone, Lulu.

She died just now.”

And I missed you

And I missed you

And I missed you 


This is a beautiful poem, Lucy, and I have tears in my eyes. It expresses so much love and so much about life. Thank you for sharing it with all of us!


submitted by Lucy B., age 13, Emmilvien
(April 18, 2018 - 8:24 pm)

Lucy, having lost someone recently myself, this poem was really touching to me. No, this poem was absolutely brilliant, and I want to tell you that whomever you lost loved you so much. Stay strong!


submitted by Fidelity
(April 18, 2018 - 11:25 pm)

Beautiful Lucy. *Hugs* I know losing someone is hard. Your poem helps to remind us that every moment we have with those we love is a moment to cherish-because you'll never know when they will be gone. 

You're amazing Lucy. *Hugs again* 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 15, Camelot
(April 19, 2018 - 8:53 am)


My CAPTCHA says: waek. Well, he's right, I am awake. :)

submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(April 19, 2018 - 8:54 am)

I'm crying. This is beautiful, and so sad. 

submitted by Crookshanks
(May 1, 2018 - 10:48 pm)