Sitting on the

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Sitting on the

Sitting on the windowsill, the CBer felt something wrong. Perhaps it was a shift in the breeze, or a change in the light. They sprang up, as alert as a cat, staring into the moonlight. And . . . no, nothing was wrong. But a shadow passed over the moon. There it was! Feathers. Dark blue feathers. It was a nightingale.

The CBer ducked as the phantom nightingale swooped silently into their room. It came to a rest on the bedpost, and faded away, as if a spectre. The CBer cautiously moved to the spot where the nightingale had been. There was an envelope. The CBer let out a small gasp.

The seal of the envelope was stamped with the crest of a raccoon. It couldn't have been any more extraordinary than any other envelope, but the crest glowed. The CBer slowly opened the envelope.

Dear Night-roamer,

The Nocturnal Express has been going very well. I'd like to invite you to a stay. You may bring twelve friends. Forward this envelope to them, and please inform them that they may bring pets or alter egoes. Make sure to warn them of the dangers. And tell them to bring luggage.

Sincerely, The Director

Fill out the following. You have no choice. You are one of the twelve I chose.






- Night-roamer

The CBer keeled over in shock. What was this all about? 


Pretty self explanatory, this is a ski lodge, and you have to fill out the form in order to join. I'll only accept twelve people. 

submitted by The Director, The Nocturnal Express
(March 10, 2018 - 10:31 am)
submitted by TOP
(April 14, 2018 - 9:21 am)
submitted by TOP
(April 14, 2018 - 9:21 am)

Can you believe it?

Another ski lodge died.

It happens again and again.

One day, we'll have one solidly planned

One that doesn't meet an untimely end


Some slow-acting poison is killing them all

Two murders go before the fall


Please don't leave so many loose ends

on the story you made

for the rest of us.

If these are a trap, they're getting the best of us!



Sign up sheet.

Excitement among the crowd.

5/10 chance it'll actually start

9/10 for more than three days.



Endless spring.

Opal hotel.

The list goes on and on

It just won't stop

They always drop

Will I ever be in one that ends on

an ending?


Someday, there'll be a new one

One that will end and begin.

Welcome to the ry-





Huh, I just wrote a rap.

submitted by Alizarine
(April 24, 2018 - 7:08 am)

I just thought of something else we should talk about. Meet me on the thread in the TM section.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 24, 2018 - 3:20 pm)

I mean, stuff happens sometimes. Maybe something cropped up in the offline world and The Director can't write anymore, or... they could have been the murder's latest victim. *ominous thunder in background*

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 25, 2018 - 1:24 pm)

I hope this doesn't die. I would really love to be in a ski lodge that finishes.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 27, 2018 - 6:42 am)

Uh, yeah, I kinda had to discontinue this because of the amount of school events I had coming up :). I think this reply is like six months late but whatevs. Now should I continue this? . . . yeah why not.

submitted by The Director
(August 26, 2018 - 10:06 am)