The night seems

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

The night seems

The night seems to be no different than the others.Your parents are out, and it's just you in the house. You've just eaten a short time ago, and you are about to head to wherever you kept your book, when you hear a knock at the door. I wonder who that could be, you think to yourself. You open the door, expecting to see a person, but all you see is a small cardboard package. Curious, you pick it up. You shut the door and carry the package to your bedroom, where you set it carefully on your bed. You open it with the nearest sharp object and are surprised to find a small metal sphere inside. You pull it out of the box, and examine it. On the side you see a small, dark blue button. Getting more and more curious, you press the button. The sphere unfolds, until there is only a flat disc with a pulsuating blue light in the center. As you watch bewildered, the light comes to life, and the holographic form of a hooded figure appears. Transfixed, you watch as the figure begins to speak.

Greetings, the figure says, their form flickering slightly, I am the Observer. You have been selected at random from a large number of individuals to visit my Observatory located in Earth's orbit. The Observatory consists of multiple dormatories, three holodecks, a glass-domed observation deck, an anti-gravity swimming pool, a zero-gravity game room with games such as Table Tennis and Laser Tag, a dining hall, and the Captain's Quarters, which are off-limits and are marked by the red signs.

If you wish to join me, please place a list of the things you will be bringing onto the green teleportation pad included in your package. after the list is sent, please stand on the paad and wait to be transported. I am not responsible for any limbs lost in the teleportation process. Also note that you must transport alone, or the process will not work. I hope to see you there.

Please note that The Observer is not responsible to any injuries, illnesses, or deaths. This message will self-destruct in twenty seconds.


As previously stated, you must go alone, so no AEs or CAPTCHAs may go. Please include a list of the items you are including. CBer powers are illegal. Guessing is allowed. I shall see you at the Observatory.


submitted by The Observer, age Unseen, The Observatory
(June 15, 2017 - 1:59 pm)

I'm coming!

I'll be bringing, inside an blue to pale bluish-green ombre suitcase which holds waaaay more than it looks like it can....


--clothes of course, mix of casual and dressy,

including a swimsuit and girls swim shorts for the pool...not completely sure how that will work, since it's antigravity

--a little container of medicine in case I get sick or queasy from all the antigravity stuff

--magical cream that treats muscular atrophy (happens to astronauts, when in space they lose muscle mass) 

--my (nonexistent in real life) phone

--Broadway vocal selections books

--a clarinet (no idea why)

--stuffed cats to give comfort to those who can't bring their own

--tiny plants growing in pots (who knows, maybe I can experiment with them)


--portable speaker 

--a fancy camera

--a Kindle

--some travel versions of board games

--pogo stick 

--homemade chocolate chip cookies

--a scarf with owls on it 

submitted by Owlgirl
(June 23, 2017 - 6:22 pm)

Bringing medicine is smart. 

submitted by Kitten
(June 25, 2017 - 12:17 pm)

Coming! This looks so cool!

I shall pack:

~Clothes, mostly casual, and a swimsuit

~A space suit

~My cello, and my music books

~The cello part to Dear Evan Hanen and Hamilton (which I sadly do not have irl)

~My stuffed racoon named Isaac (after Isaac Newton)



~A notebook/sketchbook and pencils

~All of the five books that I'm reading at the moment


submitted by The Riddler
(June 25, 2017 - 1:12 pm)



*what* *noo! no game!*

Thank goodness.

Yes, yes, sorry AEs, now move along.

I am bringing:

A crate of assorted fruit.

A very dangerous looking blender(for smoothies, not people- probably. Like, a 99% chance it's not. Maybe 98%. At the least, 62%.)

hang on guys i know *whispers*

Portable library

Soccer ball 

wcdd waat eevr whee want!

A water bottle

*fun fun fun!*


Pajamas with the happy yetis on them.

2 pairs of spare clothes

South Africa baseball cap.

Oh, AEs! 


Drae's in charge! Pay attention to them.


No buts! See you when i get back! 

you mean "if"...


submitted by Lightning!
(July 12, 2017 - 5:55 pm)

When are you going to post?

submitted by Lightning
(July 22, 2017 - 1:27 pm)