You're inside, sittin

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You're inside, sittin

You're inside, sitting on the couch, trying to find something to do- anything. Five days into summer vacation and you remember why you started being a little bit excited about school in the first place. You sigh.

You turn on the television, and begin flicking through channels. There's nothing good on. You turn it off as a commercial comes on saying something about popsicles.

Yes, you think, a popsicle would be nice. You walk over to the freezer, looking for a popsicle. There's only one left, so you take out the box and begin to fold it up. Something catches your eye and you stop. In tiny print under the ingredients list reads;

Dearest Chatterboxer,

I am very glad you enjoy our brand of popsicles. But more importantly, you are invited to Woodlock Mansion and Summer Excursion Hotel. Our Mansion has seven floors, several pools and lovely outside balconies, one movie theater and an arcade, along with owning seven acres of land and with a stretch of river. 

AEs and Captchas are allowed. Please bring them and all your things to your mailbox. If you don't have a mailbox, a toaster will do. (Please make sure there are no letters or toast in the toaster/mailbox.) Transportation and stay are all free. We look forward to seeing you there.

In even smaller print in the bottom, there was a note;

*We are not responsible for any deaths, pain, terrible pain, backaches, loss of limbs, unusual diseases, injuries, or delicious popsicles.


Please specify any AE's or Captcha's genders, as I know most of them but not all of them. Guessing is allowed. I have made one other ski lodge before, and this is in no way related to it.

(Also, the computer that I am writing on has sticky keys, so there will be typos.)

submitted by Hotel Manager, Woodlock Mansion
(June 13, 2017 - 4:51 pm)

Day 1, Part 2

The Riddler, General Waffleson and Balletandbow began looking around for the Hyacinth Room. "The map says that we go down that corridor then make a left, no, a right, then knock three times- wait, that's for the- ARGH, I HATE THIS STUPID MAP!!" said Balletandbow, who was looking at the map. General Waffleson took out his own map. "We open this door. See, it's easy." They walked  up the appropriate corridor, then opened the door marked "Hyacinth Room". Storra, Kitten, Lock and Jarnen were already inside.

Meanwhile, Epic Fangirl and Icy were standing on the balcony of the Lily Room, looking at the moor. “Ooh, look at the garden. It’s so pretty!” said Icy. “Time for activities!” called the Hotel Manager. “Put on your swimsuits, which are on your beds!”

After everybody had changed into their swimsuits and had gathered at the river, the Hotel Manager began pointing out the various water activities. “There are the canoes and kayaks, small sailboats and floats.  You can swim wherever, but please stay in sight of shore. If you’re in need of help, yell. I am the lifeguard.”

Anna and Elementgirl pulled a sailboat into the water, Jarnen, PSXtreme, BABTMP, and Torstyn grabbed kayaks and began racing each other and everybody else began swimming. “HAHAHA!” shouted PSXtreme. “Eat my wake, Jarnen!” Jarnen took out his watermelon blaster and fired, hitting PSXtreme and putting himself in the lead.

Somebody was swimming around when they felt something wrap around their leg and pull them down. They tried desperately to get to the surface and air, but was pulled back down.

Attracted by the splashing, Lisbeth swam over. She could see something moving below the surface- what was it? She ducked under. It wasn’t a fish at all. No, it was a captcha. It was Elena. Lisbeth popped her head up and screamed. “HELP! ELENA IS DROWNING! HELP!” She dove down, but Elena was no longer moving. Lisbeth grabbed the seaweed that was wrapped around her ankle and pulled her free. Then she swam to shore.

On shore, Lucy, Scarlet, Sketch and Storra were waiting, hoping. The Hotel Manager tried CPR. It didn’t work.

When the captcha was pronounced dead, Lucy and Storra began crying. Icy took out a notebook and began writing. And the murderer smiled, but quickly covered it with a sympathetic expression of grief.

“What an unfortunate accident,” said the Hotel Manager. Icy muttered to General Waffleson and Leafpool, “If it even was an accident. I mean, that thing was really wrapped around her leg! How often does that happen?”

The correct answer would be, almost never.


Any guesses as to who I am? Anybody?

submitted by Hotel Manager, Woodlock Mansion
(June 20, 2017 - 5:30 pm)

Gosh, I have to have a guess, you know Anna and I too well... Um... are you..... sorry, I don't have a guess. Great part, though!

submitted by elementgirl18917
(June 21, 2017 - 6:02 am)

Oh no, someone died already! 

submitted by Kitten
(June 21, 2017 - 9:55 am)

Blah! I knew this existed yesterday but it wouldn't let me see it. Elena dying made me sad, I liked her. But I don't know who it is yet.... *wanders off, mumbling to herself about murder and death*

submitted by Epic Fangirl
(June 21, 2017 - 6:44 pm)

Day 1, Part 3

After burying Elena under a willow tree on the moor, they went back to their rooms. Storra was so upset she couldn’t bring herself to play any keytaur music, much less blast it, and General Waffleson stared sadly at his fez. A few rooms over, Lucy was sobbing into her pillow.

Icy, however was thinking how Elena had died, and whether telling potential murderers had been a good idea or not. Even though Leafpool and General Waffleson had been far away at the time of the crime, did that really mean that they were innocent?

Rae patted her kitty, tear marks on her face.  Serene watched her. She seemed so down about Elena’s death. “Hey,” Serene said. “It wasn’t your fault that Elena died. It was an accident.” Rae sniffled, then said, “But I liked her a lot! She was an especially cute captcha too, and- and-” At this point she burst into tears.

The Hotel Manager called, “DINNERTIME! Come to the Mess Hall!” The Hotel Manager smiled. “Now here’s something you’ll like.” She gestured to the golden plates. “Talk to it, and it can tell what you most want to eat.” Kilp raised his hand. “Marshmallow salad?”  He asked. “No. I should have said within reason. There is a set meal course at every meal. So not marshmallow salad.” said the Manager. At that, everybody began talking to their plates. Most people got hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, corn on the cob and a yam. Lucy, Scarlet, Sketch and Storra all had roast beef, mashed potatoes and a simple salad. Comfort food, Icy thought. They were the most upset about Elena’s death. They seemed to be feeling better though.

Joy, who was stuffing her face, said to Lisbeth, “THIS IS AMAZING! ALL THIS FOOOODDD!”

After dinner they all went off to play on the moor, all the AEs playing capture the flag whilst avoiding a certain watermelon blaster. Kilp, Darkfeather, Storm and Connie made a buttercup chain that they used to capture Charles, and then to jump rope, while singing, “Miss Lucy had a Baby”.

The CBers were playing an organized game of soccer that Leafpool’s team was winning, although The Riddler scored some nice goals.

When the Hotel Manager called them inside, they were all very tired. “Go to bed! Your alarm clocks will wake you up at seven, and breakfast is at seven-thirty. At nine we’ll have a color war.”

They went to bed, and after everybody else had gone to sleep, the murderer climbed out of the window in their room.


Sorry that this was short, I'm trying to write longer.

submitted by Hotel Manager, Woodlock Mansion
(June 23, 2017 - 5:49 pm)

This is amazing Hotel Manager! You're such a talented writer! Can't wait to read more.

submitted by The Riddler
(June 25, 2017 - 1:02 pm)

Ooh! Are you in my Ski Lodge?!?! Do you read Ella Enchanted?:D

submitted by Fantasy Story Keeper, age ? million, Fantasyland
(June 24, 2017 - 10:29 am)

Are you the fantasy story keeper that I know?

submitted by MelodicAuthor
(July 22, 2017 - 1:15 pm)

Here is an aerial view of Woodlock and its grounds for reference.

Note: The mansion its self is huge, so keep that in mind when looking at it.

@Fantasy Story Keeper, No, I'm not in your Ski Lidge, though it looks awesome, and yes, I've read Ella Enchanted, but it was a while ago so I don't remember most of it.


submitted by Hotel Manager, Woodlock Mansion
(June 24, 2017 - 12:09 pm)

I'm going to try that again.....

submitted by Hotel Manager , Woodlock Mansion
(June 24, 2017 - 4:26 pm)

Ooh! I'm being accused! (Sorta-kinda-not-really.)

submitted by Leafpool
(June 25, 2017 - 1:30 pm)

Day 2, Part 1

At the sound of their alarm clock going of, the murderer groaned. They had spent half the night climbing around, looking for secret passageways and thinking of new ways to kill people.

“HAHAHA!” Shouted Jarnen as he fired his watermelon blaster at the murderer. Hmm, thought the murderer who was covered in watermelon, I think I’ll have to find a way to steal that. Maybe I could use it for my plan for disrupting the color war.

Breakfast passed without incident unless you counted Connie accidently knocking maple syrup all over herself and Lisbeth.

“Okay, everybody! There are going to be two teams for the color war!” said the Hotel Manager. “Team one, you’ll be wearing red, and Team two, you’ll be wearing blue.” She waved her hand, and they were all wearing either red or blue. “The color war will take place on the moor. There will be four games. This first one is a game of capture the flag. Boundaries are the river, the forest and the cliff. There is a line down the middle, so you know which side you’re on. Now, go hide your flags and choose a jail!”

Balletandbow, General Waffleson, Kilp, Storra, Storm, The Riddler, Kitten, Lock, Jarnen, Darkfeather, Joy, Lucy, Stan, PSXtreme, Arwen, Rosalyn and Key went to the left side of the moor. They all wore red.

“Okay, first of all, I propose we elect a Captain. Anybody want to be Captain?” said Kitten. Storra was the only one who raised her hand. “Storra, you’re Captain. Now you do all the fancy-schmancy talking stuff.” Storra drew a deep breath. “Okay,” she said. “We need a plan. Kitten, I elect you as chief strategist. We also need somebody to guard the general flag area who has to look generally non-suspicious, a jailer, and maybe somebody to help both those people, and we need to find a place to put a jail and somewhere else to put a flag in the first place. We’ve got fifteen minutes to do all this. Back to you, Kitten.” Key raised her hand before Kitten could begin. “I’d like to go on the offense, if that’s okay.” Kitten said, “Sure. You’re fast. Darkfeather, could you fly around and get an aerial view so we know any good spots to put a flag or a jail?” Darkfeather saluted as best a cat captcha can, and flew off.

The Riddler ended up as jailer, Joy as the guard of the flag area and PSXtreme as a helper to both. Balletandbow, Key, Lucy and Stan became the constant offense, who would rescue people from jails, try to spot the flag and create diversions. Storm, Lock and Arwen were backups for them and also defense. Everybody else was defense, except for the Captain and Strategist. The jail was by the forest, and the flag near the river.

BABTMP, Torstyn, Sketch, Fireburst, Leafpool, Lisbeth, Connie, Bryann, Rae, Scarlet, Anna, Icy, Charles, Serene, Elementgirl, Silverwaxwing, and Epic Fangirl walked to the right. Leafpool was nominated as Captain, and Icy was Strategist. “First, we’ve got to hide the flag and choose a spot for the jail. Then we can elect positions.” The flag was placed near the back of the cliff, and the jail was by the river.  The jailer was Sketch, and Fireburst guarded the flag area. Serene, Torstyn, Anna and Rae were on constant offense, while Bryann, Scarlet and Connie were their backup. Everybody else was on defense.

“READY CBERS?!” Shouted the Hotel Manager. “YES!” the Cbers shouted back, and then they said something at the exact same time that sounded like “GO-O-O RELUE!” “START!” shouted the Hotel Manager.

Key ran on to the right side of the field, an dodged Charles, ten spun on the ball of her heel to avoid Elementgirl, who managed to tag Stan. Stan was led away to the jail, but Key didn’t have time to see where he went. Torstyn ran on to the left side of the field, flanked by  Serene and Anna. They split in three directions then curved back inward heading for their side as PSXtreme and Arwen herded them back. Key saw a glimpse of a blue flag by the base of the cliff. “Keyword 15 spotted by point 16!” She shouted, but was promptly tagged by Scarlet. Storm headed across the right side, to the jail and began trying to tag Sketch who fought back with everything she had. He got her, and she screamed “Jailbreak!”

Key and Stan ran free, and Torstyn and Anna ran alongside them, equally paced. As they crossed the line they split off, dodging and looking for red- it was by the forest! But this time PSXtreme got Anna and Torstyn was forced to spin to avoid Joy, yelling, “Seen by Violet Peak!” Jarnen tagged him, and Rae, who had just run over, was tagged by Darkfeather.

On the right side, Fireburst and Elementgirl got Lock, Arwen and Balletandbow.

Lucy narrowly escaped BABTMP, then ran for the flag. Fifteen feet, ten, five, she had it! She ran for the boundary line, so close- and she was over! Red team had won the first game!

“For she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow,  let’s give her a forkful of pie!” Sang all of the CBers.

“Pie? There’s pie?” Somebody shouted, and everybody else yelled “NO!”

“Congratulations, Red Team! You win one point towards the Color War! Now, everybody, in the Mess Hall there’s homemade lemonade and assorted pastries! Go eat!” said the Hotel Manager.  

Creampuffs, danishes, mini-pies, snozzberry flavored macarons, muffins, scones and lemonade awaited them.

“Hey,” asked Icy, “Where do we get all this food? Is it like in Harry Potter, where there are house elves?” She (and here I refer to the manager) said, “Well, we have automatons, and in the library there are a couple of holograms.” At the word library, Serene and Lisbeth high-fived. “Now, anyway, go eat!”

“Oh,” the Hotel Manager announced. “I need everybody outside at two so I can set up the next game.”

The murderer smiled. Time to set some traps.

submitted by Hotel Manager, Woodlock Mansion
(June 25, 2017 - 12:41 pm)

Day 2, Part 2

After all the pastries had been devoured, particularly by the captchas, Serene and Lisbeth headed to the library. Which was kind of like any other library and the Gryffindor common smushed together. With holographic librarians.

“Hello. I am Ms. Tobin, one of the librarians. You can ask us any book related questions, and we will know the answer.” said an aforementioned holographic librarian, who was dressed like she lived in the 1960’s. “This isn’t book related, but you will probably know the answer; why are you dressed like a person from the 1960’s?” asked Serene. “I lived in the 1960’s.” replied Ms. Tobin. “Lisbeth, the fiction section where you will find Doll Bones, by Holly Black, published in 2013 is up that ladder in the right corner.” Lisbeth walked away, wondering how she knew.

Serene, however, who did not have any particular wishes for books in her mind that Ms. Tobin could read, just wandered around for a good half hour.

At two o'clock, the CBers went outside, whether they wanted to or not. Except the murderer, of course, who stayed in to begin their plan.

The second game is a game kind of like hide and seek. All the lights will be off, and everybody will wander around in the dark. There will be two seekers for each The seeker that finds the most people will win the point for their team, so what can I do to kill somebody during all of this?  The murderer thought. They had seen the Manager’s notebook. Oh, wait. If I put this here, and then this over here… voila! One dead person! After rigging a couple things, they went outside.

“Why is this taking so long?” Rosalyn complained. “It’s been forever since she made us go outside. And it’s too hot out. This is so boring!”

“It’s been FIVE MINUTES.” said Rae. “Just five minutes. Sheesh.”

“She does have a point,” said Icy. “It is too hot out.” Rosalyn stuck out her tongue at Rae.

Five, loooong minutes later, everybody was called over to one of the picnic tables.

“The second game is kind of like hide and seek, except you walk around instead of hide. It would take hours and hours to find everybody if they hid, especially AEs.” said The Hotel Manager. “I mean, with the last gro- Sorry. My tongue got tied.” She smiled sheepishly, but her eyes clouded over for a split second with pain. “Anyways, there will be two seekers for each team. Whichever seeker finds the most people wins. Please do not talk unless there is an emergency. Once you are found, you will be transported back to this room. I have chosen the seekers, and they are (drumroll, please!) The Riddler and Icy! Any questions?”

Balletandbow raised her hand. “Can we go anywhere?”

“Yep! You have five minutes to choose a spot to walk around in. Now begone!”

After everybody else had left, The Ridder asked, “How long will this take?”

“Oh, maybe an hour.” said the Hotel Manager cheerfully.

Kitten ran down five hallways, went up a trapdoor, and began walking around randomly. The lights went off, and the intercom sounded. “Alright CBers, The Game has begun!”

The Riddler and Icy ran up the hill to the doors and went in. Icy had to take five rights, one left, and go up one ladder before she her first person, Darkfeather, who was sent back. Five floors, thirty minutes and fifteen people later, she crossed paths with The Riddler, who disappeared down a trap door. Icy went up a staircase.

The Riddler went down a trapdoor, where she found Jarnen, her fourteenth person. She went down the hall and had just turned a corner when a watermelon exploded in her face. She screamed and fell down. Mostly blinded, she grabbed a rope hanging from the ceiling and used it to pull herself up. She stood there for a moment, until suddenly the ceiling panel tipped and an anvil fell on her head.

Icy heard the crash and the scream, and ran down the trapdoor, accompanied by the person she had just found, Elementgirl.  

As they turned the corner, they saw what looked like the Riddler, a anvil, and the remnants of a watermelon.

The lights flickered on, and everybody else came running. “Our second murder,” Icy whispered. “And I think I know who did it.” Her eyes flicked to Jarnen.

“M-me?” He stuttered. “I didn’t do it. I didn’t have my w-w-watermelon blaster, I swear I didn’t!” “You were closest to the scene of crime, so it makes sense that it would have been you.” countered Joy.

Storra, Sketch, Scarlet, Stan, Charles and Lucy were all glaring at him. “Take him away!” Ordered the Hotel Manager. Then she paused. “But we don’t have anywhere to take him- wait! He can go in my office.”

“How could you do that to poor Elena?” Wailed Sketch.

“What did The Riddler do to you?” Asked Stan.

“Jarnen, how could you!?” Leafpool said in a horrified tone.

Rosalyn, Serene and Arwen stared at him with hurt and upset eyes.

Jarnen hung his head as he was taken away.


I'm trying really hard to write better. Tell me if this is horrible, please. Hint as to who I am: Leafpool, Icy, The Riddler were all in the last one.

submitted by NEW PART OUT!!!!!!!!, age Hotel , Manger, Woodlock Mansion
(June 28, 2017 - 5:27 pm)

Magnificent writing!

And...are you...the Oddball? 

submitted by Icy ❄, age 13inAugust, The Forest
(June 28, 2017 - 8:30 pm)

Great part! And the last one! And the one before that!

submitted by elementgirl18917
(June 29, 2017 - 3:49 pm)