Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You trip over something stuck in a crack in the sidewalk and bend down to see an envelope. Checking who it is addressed to, you see your name, which is odd, since you’re walking down to the bus stop, and you’re half a city away from your house. You open the glossy creamy envelope, bursting open an ornate wax seal. Inside are two pieces of paper, a lengthy letter written in neat printed handwriting, and a dirty note with only one sentence scrawled in messy cursive on it. You take the larger epistle, and begin to read.

"My dearest Angelica- Wait, is that how human letters are written? I’m rather confused. Let me start again. Save us Obi- No. That’s not right either. Captain’s Log, Stardate- Definitely not. Fourth time’s the charm? Dear recipient of this letter, or current resident, you have been selected because of your, shall we say unique personality, charisma and charm. Either that, or I randomly selected your address. Your choice what to believe. You are cordially invited to attend the social execution- sorry, social event of the year, at my gorgeous and antique mansion. (Is antique the word I want? Perhaps classic or vintage would be better. Your language's nuances are so subtle.) You and your AEs and Captchas shall be picked up immediately following reading this letter. Limit three AEs please, they can get a little flamboyant. No, I apologize, I meant rambunctious. Ha Ha. Anywhosit, Come stay at my mansion, three AEs and a Captcha, max, along with your lovely self, and I will let twelve people in, but if it takes a long time, we will start after eight. The locomotive will arrive shortly. Fare thee well, or any other appropriate greeting you may prefer."

You finish reading the letter, and suddenly, instead of a bus, a train pulls up to the bus stop. You hurry on, forgetting about the other paper. As you pull away from the bus stop, the note flutters past your window, and you get a glimpse of a single word. Help.

submitted by Mistress Antonia, age 7,659, Mansion Tenebras
(April 26, 2017 - 9:09 pm)

Welcome Curio and friend. We will start after three more people join, or on Sunday, May 7th. Whichever comes first.  

submitted by Mistress Antonia, age 7,659, Mansion Tenebras
(May 1, 2017 - 6:41 pm)
submitted by TOP
(May 21, 2017 - 10:11 am)