Good day.You

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Good day.You

Good day.

You have been given a once in a lifetime chance. You will be able to visit the repository of knowledge spanning two galaxies and all the planets with sentient life within. Your tiny planet was almost overlooked in this chance. So, will you take it?

Ten people will be able to come.

Please fill out this form, then leave it in a sunny place for our messengers to find it.

Full Name:


Preferred Book Genre:

What you will be bringing:

Please note that no edged weapons are allowed. Our patrons get nervous.

Please also note that this is a ski lodge. 

Crystal Tome

Crystal Tome, Sublibrarian, Intergalactic Library 

submitted by Sublibrarian Tome, The Intergalactic Library
(February 21, 2017 - 7:12 pm)


Let the rest of the people see 

submitted by Top
(March 14, 2017 - 1:32 pm)

I'm still reading it! Please continue; things just got interesting! And, according to the clues I have, I think I know who you are.

You've got Puck's personality down pat, so I'm assuming your NOT a newer CBer.

You know that Puck won't let anyone touch her bag, so I'm also assuming that you know about her Prank Store a little while ago, when she wouldn't let anyone touch her bag either. . .

AND this is a big clue too: ""{speciestest23wingnutloveshalliasubspeciestest4"

SO. . . you most likely are "The Color of Quantum," (formerly known as Aquina W.)  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(March 14, 2017 - 6:21 pm)

Well done. 

*clap clap clap*

I am, indeed, TheColorOfQuantum. I thought someone would pick up the clue.

I'm glad you like the story so far! 

Wingnut says meib, which I think means... me i be? Don't know. 

submitted by Sublibrarian Tome, TheColorOfQuantum
(March 15, 2017 - 8:45 am)

This is amazing, Sublibrarian/TheColorOfQuantum! I'm definately still reading it, and it has me on the edge of my seat every time!

submitted by Cockleburr
(March 15, 2017 - 6:35 pm)


I had to go on spring break.  Back and happy!

Day Three Part 1

The CBers slept out in the art museum. Puck found so many ways to set up tripwires, knock over statues, and many other ways to make the AEs quadrant impervious to attack. Most attacks, like other AEs.

A Murderer trained at Vin-al-Sirk Assassin/Bodyguard School, however, could easily detect and disarm most tricks and traps and tripwires. Puck had left one invisible, undetectable trap, though. As the Murderer neared her tent, a loud, blaring alarm went up.

AEs burst out of their tents, running toward the figure in black slipping out of Puck's tent.

Their knife dripped with blood.

Puck, wheezing in pain but still conscious, slipped out behind him and, drawing something from her from her bag, neared the cloaked figure.

Another figure, this time in gray, dropped down in front of Puck. Noiselessly, they removed their hood.

Puck's eyes widened. "You?!"

The Assassin winked,  raised their hood and punched the Murderer.

Both Puck and the Murderer toppled, Puck into the arms of a very out-of-breath Joan, and the Murderer into a trap door.


The Assassin turned the corner and minutes later, a tour guest rejoined the group.

Joan was treating Puck's wound with the utmost care, her gauntlets strewn across the floor, Tome and three other staff members watched and helped.

Kestrel wrung her rubber bone, worried.

Cockleburr sat nervously in a corner, an almost glazed expression on her face.

Most of the tour members went back to bed. Joan didn't, she sat up next to Puck, who would survive, Tome said.

[Asassin-1 Murderer-1]

The next day, Puck even attended breakfast, leaning on Joan's shoulder. Both looked drained and haggard. Both ate ravenously, devouring french toast and wiggly Jell-O.

Tome didn't let Puck go on a hike with the rest of the Cbers, though.

She slept.

Joan, who had no such luxury, dragged herself through the hike, stopping quite often to wipe her forehead and watching the small, scaly creatures of the Teribinthian Highlands nibble her booted feet.

Icy sat on a rock, observing and taking notes.

Nugget was playing with the small critters.

Destiny was reading.

Brooklyn Newsie was making a very effective slingshot modifier out of a pair of red suspenders.

Cockleburr was… not doing much. Watching her fellow CBers, Icy assumed.

Elementgirl was teaching Connie and several of the scaly things how to repair miniature lightsabers.

She set her journal down, and tucked her pencil behind her ear.

She looked around again.


Someone wasn’t where they were three seconds ago.


Tome yelled “Hey! Icy! We’re going back!”

Icy picked up her notebook and walked over to the group.

submitted by Sublibrarian Tome
(April 8, 2017 - 9:11 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 8, 2017 - 9:12 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 8, 2017 - 9:12 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 8, 2017 - 9:12 pm)


submitted by Top
(April 9, 2017 - 5:57 pm)

Reach... for... it...

submitted by Top
(April 9, 2017 - 5:58 pm)

Almost.. there...

submitted by Top
(April 9, 2017 - 5:58 pm)

Ok, please don't hate me for this(XD) but... what just happened?

submitted by elementgirl18917, age 10 1/2, the Periodic Table
(April 10, 2017 - 6:11 am)