Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



Ariel: Don't you think that's a big title?

Puck: What? Naw, it ain't big. Besides, it's good aliteration! *Hisses* Now get out, you're ruining my big moment!


Hello Everyone, and welcome to Puck's Prank Palace! I hope you like it. *Gestures around the shop* Here is where you can find any sort of prank, for CBers and AEs alike! 

Some of our examples:

-Snowballs. Now, I know what your thinking: Snowballs? Why in the world would anyone want SNOWBALLS? Well, think on this for a moment: It's summer, and one of your best friends just came to your house. You feel a little mischeviousness coming on. So, what do you do? You go to the freezer for a snowball. Are you starting to see the picture? Ha! Who would expect a snowball in the middle of SUMMER?  And, if your snowballs melt before 30 days, we'll give you more snowballs, or your money back FREE. (Also, once snow runs out, who says you can't make snow?) 

-Pies. In any flavor. Banana cream, brussel sprout, rasberry, blueberry, apple, and more! We even have pies you have never heard of; such as: Razzleberry, Banana Bonanza, Moonberry, etc.

-Itching powder (One of my personal favorites! It's also the very prank that started off my pranking career.)

-Whoopee Cushions (In honor of one of my dearest friends, who is sadly not here, Grasshopper.)

-Hand buzzers

-Squirt flowers

and much more!

Sir Galahad: bomb!

Puck: Yes, I was just getting to that Galahad. Wait, did you say bomb?

Galahad: *Nods*

Puck: *Squeals* Galahad finally said his first word!!!! I'm so happy!!! *Sniffles*

Joan: *Smiles in the background*

Puck: *Coughs* Anyways, another one of my personal favorite pranks is my patented Itching Powder Smoke Bombs. They come in any color. (Although, the purple ones work best!) Allow me to demonstrate. *Throws* *Purple smoke appears* *Everyone ducks* *Smoke clears* *Puck is gone* *Puck reappears* You see? You simply throw one on the ground, and the smoke instantly starts up. Then, the itching powder falls. It's also a really good and quick getaway.

In the middle of the shop is a place with many assorted bottles. Here is where you can combine elements and other stuff to create your OWN pranks. 

As you can see, we have many assortments of Pranks. If you can't find me for help, you can ask one of my trusty assistants.

*Joan, Ariel, Diovald, and Galahad wave*

Puck: *Smiles* I'm usually in the store, or in my shed. *Gestures to the back of the store* That's where I make all of my other patented pranks. I'll try to come up with a new one every month or two. 

We also have many great ideas on HOW to use the prank you choose in the best way possible. (Such as, Itching powder as confetti at a party.) If your prank does not work, or is not to your liking before 2 months or so, we will return your money, or give you a new prank FREE.   

Also, if you have any ideas for a BRAND NEW PRANK, and would like to patent it, I can help you with that. Don't worry, I won't steal any of your own prank ideas. Puck's Prank Palace's main objective is to urge you to be creative, and we're very truthful. I promise.

Joan: What about the price?

Puck: Oh, that? Right. . . once you have a prank selected, comment on the one you want, and we'll come up with an appropriate price together.

Ariel: What about your pranking bag?

Puck: Nope. My bag is NOT for sale. Nor is the idea of my bag. It's one of a kind. So are my pranking curses. So yeah, those are not for sale. But, everything else is!

Again, if you have any questions, ask me or my assistants. 

I hope you enjoy!  


submitted by Puck, Joan B. of Arc's AE
(February 11, 2017 - 10:23 pm)

You know, I had a Razzleberry pie once and it was really good. I might buy another one, but not to throw. Just to eat.

I think you're missing the point of this. 

Are they good pies or are they, like, mediocre pies? I've heard Galahad is a highly skilled baker but I've never tried anything of his.

I'll have two whoopie cushions, five snowballs, and half a pint of itching powder.

Then again, Banana Bonanza sounds really good, too...

Heheh, Puck, remember when Dev put a worm in your spaghetti? Good times... 

submitted by H.A.B. and Spyro
(February 12, 2017 - 7:46 am)

@HAB; yes Galahad is a very good cook. No worrried there. You wanted Razzleberry? *Nods* Good choice. 

*Hands Razzleberry pie over* Here you go. 

Here's your things Spyro. *Hands over prank items* And yes; I DO remember when he put worms in my spaghetti. I never got the chance to get back at him... hmm... that gives me an idea for my prank shop!

Oh, and as for the price, does a dozen of Spyro's famous doughnuts sound ok?

Joan: *Looks at Puck*

Puck: What? I'm hungry! And besides; it will be our little '"celebration" for opening up the Prank shop. 

Anyways; once you pay you can be on your way. And come again!  

submitted by Puck, Puck's Prank Palace
(February 14, 2017 - 12:47 am)


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(February 12, 2017 - 6:58 pm)

Huh... I like this idea. I'll take one of everything!

No! Are you out of your mind? We don't have that kind of money to spend, even if it is for my dear friend, Puck.

True. Okay, I want one 1/2 pint of itching powder and a whoopee cushion, and banana cream pie.

And I'll take a bag of 24 snowballs, Puck, no need to know what for. *Faintly smiles*

Quill pranking someone?! NO WAY.

Huh? I didn't say anything. *Shuffles in bag for money* Ahhh... Here we go. What price do you want, Puck?

RIGHT. The price, what'd you want for my stuff here? 

submitted by Quill and Zeon, Ashlee's AEs
(February 12, 2017 - 7:47 pm)

Here's your stuff Zeon: *Hands him 1/2 pint of itching powder, whoopee cushion, and the pie*

Sorry I haven't come to help you earlier; Joan has been busy lately and was unable to drop me off.

Ooh, you got 24 snowballs Quill? *Grins* Nice. *Whispers* Tell me if whatever your planning works, ok? *Hands over the snowballs*

Will that be all?

Oh, and as for the price, how about a bargain? Ariel has been begging to go surfing, but he doesn't really know how. I know that Zeon is really good at that; so maybe he could, you know, give Ariel a couple of lessons in exchange for the pranks? Once the weather gets warmer, of course though.  


submitted by Puck
(February 16, 2017 - 2:26 pm)

Oooooooo pranks... *laughs maniacally*

oh no. wait, pranks?! hehe. ill take some of that itching powder. 

Briar, what are you planning?

oh nothing. *whispers* olana won't see it coming. 

Oooookaaaay. Anyway! I'll take a hand buzzer please!! 

submitted by Ember
(February 12, 2017 - 9:16 pm)

Puck is busy helping some other customers; so I'll be your helper for today.

Here's your hand buzzer Ember; and how much itching powder would your AE like?  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, Camelot
(February 16, 2017 - 2:28 pm)

First of all, super sorry I haven't replied till now!! Anyway, she'll-

ill take two large bags of it. 

Make that one. I don't need a fatality! Thanks!  

submitted by Nighthawk/Ember
(February 18, 2017 - 2:43 am)

*Yells across the store* 

Throw me a bag of itching powder Puck!

Puck: Sure! *Throws across the store*

Joan: Thanks! *Catches the bag*

*Hands it over to Nighthalk*

I'm going to hand this over to you; just because I know how mischevious AEs can be. :) Will $15 be agreeable for the price?  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(February 18, 2017 - 7:01 pm)

Thanks, and yea, probably a good idea lol. *fishes 15 dollars from my pocket and hands it over* thanks again! 

submitted by Nighthawk/Ember
(February 18, 2017 - 7:59 pm)

No problem! Come back anytime!

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(February 20, 2017 - 5:58 pm)


Grey: NEVER!

Niccolai: For once, there is an AE thread that i can TRULY ENJOY!!!

Me: Dont go too crazy, please Nick?

Niccolai: Dont ruin this for me! I am so happy right now i might explode!


Grey: What are you going to do with all of that stuff?

Doublock: Wouldnt you like to know... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

submitted by Nebula and Co.
(February 13, 2017 - 6:59 pm)

*Coughs* I'll be your helper for today, as Joan and Puck are busy.

*Looks at your order* *Yells across the room*

Hey Puck; where are the prank guns?

Puck: *Yells back* They're in the corner.

Ariel: *Yells* Thanks! *Walks over; grabs the glittter cannon* *hands it over* Hmm... I think I remember seeing the shaving cream somewhere behind the itching powder section. . . *Rummages around* You wanted a 200 vat; yes? Please sign here, and we'll have it delivered to your house in a jiffy.

And the rubber chicken is located right next to the hand buzzers. . . *Walks away* *Grabs the chicken*

Here you are! And the payment comes out to be. . . *Thinks for a moment* Will $20 suffice?  

submitted by Ariel
(February 16, 2017 - 2:34 pm)

Ooh... How about exploding gummy bears?

Of course, it would be licensed under... ColorTech? How about that, Mali?\

Nah. Colorgem? Gemtech? 

Mm. GemColor? No. Candy related would be... Sugar Rush? It would be split 60/40 between us and Puck's Prank Palace, anyway. Unless I can speak with Puck's lawyer? Joan? Ariel? Galahad?


We didn't forget you, dearest CAPTCHA. Sugar Rush sounds great! Please don't make me do jury duty, though.

I won't. So! Exploding gummy bears? Think on it.


submitted by TheColorOfQuantum, age forever..., Timespace
(February 16, 2017 - 7:46 pm)

Puck: Funny you should mention exploding gummy bears; *adds it to a list on a clipboard she's holding*

I was JUST thinking about doing a prank food section; and then having a "just food" section; as everyone seems to EAT the pies,  rather than throw them. They are rather delicious though. . . *Licks her fingers after poking them into a razzleberry pie on the counter*

Joan: I don't have a lawyer; and besides, this is Puck's Prank Store! *Smiles and nods at Puck* She's the one who makes all the decisions around here.

Puck: Thank you Joan. I'm fine with splitting it 60/40, after all, this prank idea is YOURS! Would you like to patent it?

You called it "sugar rush;" right?  



submitted by Puck
(February 22, 2017 - 6:28 pm)