Christmas ACG! 

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Christmas ACG! 

Christmas ACG! 


Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas! (I'm still depressed about it the issue, but who cares, I'm making a happy thread because I want to!)

This is pretty self-explanatory; Include Hannukah and Kwanzaa if you wish. 


submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Not Fairyland
(December 20, 2016 - 8:03 pm)


submitted by Scylla, O
(December 23, 2016 - 10:16 pm)


submitted by Owlgirl, P
(December 23, 2016 - 11:17 pm)

Why did I have to get Q?

Ah, well.

Quacking roast duck

That makes no sense whatsoever.


submitted by Leafpool, Q
(December 24, 2016 - 1:37 pm)



submitted by Amanda, R
(December 24, 2016 - 3:44 pm)

Oops! I posted under my real name...

Sorry 'bout that! 


submitted by Bookworm, S
(December 24, 2016 - 3:45 pm)
submitted by Tinsel
(December 28, 2016 - 10:23 am)