Team CBer Picturing

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Team CBer Picturing

Team CBer Picturing thread!

So, anyone who wants can sign up as a Picturing CBer, or Requesting CBer. You can be both. If you are a picturing CBer, you will make a picturing of a CBer who requests one. You can also request them from other Picturing CBers. As a Requesting CBer, you can request a  picturing by one or more of the Picturing CBers! Here are the sign up sheets:

Picturing CBer:

CB Name:

Picturing Style(s): (anime avatar, drawing, chibi drawing, fantasy drawing, etc.) 

Picturing Speed: (how fast do you usually complete a picturing?)

Picturing Requirments: (you must tell me your Appearence, you must tell me your interests, etc.)



Picturing Sample:


Requesting CBer:

CB Name:

Preferred Picturing CBer:

Preferences: (can you do me with blonde hair, I want to be wearing a dress, etc.) 




Preferred Picturing Style(s): (if the requested Picturing CBer has multiple styles)


Ill be a picturing CBer. Here's my form.


CB Name: Leeli 

Picturing Styles: Drawn Realistic, Drawn Fantasy, Drawn Imaginative (how I imagine you)

Picturing Speed: Usually about a day or two, it depends on how much I'm filled up and how busy I am. I will try to post a busy notice if I can't do Picturings for a while  

Picturing Requirements: For Realistic, I need an appearence, and for fantasy I need a chosen option below:

Fantasy Elf

Fantasy Fairy

Fantasy Hybrid (wolf girl, fox boy, etc. Mythical creatures included.)

Fantasy Princess

Other: I also do animal/pet picturings, and Admin-Requests. (That's right, Admins! I'll do a picturing of you if you like!

Now bring in the sign ups! 


submitted by Leeli
(November 24, 2016 - 5:38 pm)

Requesting CBer:

CB Name:

Darth Daisy, aka Daisy 

Preferred Picturing CBer:

Anyone. :) 

Preferences: (can you do me with blonde hair, I want to be wearing a dress, etc.) 

If i could either have a daisy in my hair, or a daisy somewhere on me, or perhaps be holding a Starbucks coffee cup or just a regular coffee cup... Lol, that would make my day. :) 


Shoulderlength honey blond hair, a bit slanted hazel eyes, tanned skin, tall, i love wearing dresses (especially light, flowy ones with big skirt!


I am on a swim team, I love coffee and books, I have a slightly (OK, fine. A lot) of a romantic personality, I love wearing dresses, and like to consider myself fashionable. :) 


Preferred Picturing Style(s): (if the requested Picturing CBer has multiple styles)

I prefer realistic, please.  

submitted by Darth Daisy
(November 24, 2016 - 8:20 pm)

Top! Right on it!

submitted by Leeli
(November 25, 2016 - 7:36 pm)
submitted by Top already!
(November 27, 2016 - 12:19 pm)

I'll take one!

CB Name: September

Preferred Picturing CBer: Anybody

Preferences: Reddish-auburn hair, please! 

Appearence: Human

Interests: Volleyball, debate, reading, writing

submitted by September
(December 6, 2016 - 9:23 pm)