You sit down

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You sit down

You sit down on a bench. You love the park! It's peaceful, it's beautiful, and most of all, it's quiet. There is greenery all around you, and the flowers and grass sway just a little in the breeze. You inhale the sweet scent of the air--fresh, cool leaves, with just a hint of flowers and honey. The sky is as blue as an aquamarine gemstone, dotted with cheerful, puffy clouds sitting here and there.
As you relax, a curled, green leaf comes spiraling down to you from an overhead tree. It lands in your lap. You unfurl it, and to your surprise, a little scroll falls out. As you unroll it, it gets bigger and bigger until you can read the words on it.
"Dear Chatterboxer," it reads, 

"You are invited to a vacation to a place unlike any other--A trip to fairyland! And there will be absolutely no murders! 100% guaranteed. Well, more like 99%.

But anyways, one of our fairies will take you all around the place--Around this magical, exciting world! You will love it. Cool attractions. Beautiful plants. Amazing food! Fairy brownies taste divine! Perfectly sweet and yet not heavy, the little cakes will be the best thing that you every tasted. But beware--Do not drink anything. When offered a cup of nectar, or a glass of fairy wine, refuse, no matter how good it smells. One sip and you are stuck there for eternity!
Pack your bags quickly--The fairy will stop by at your house to pick you up no later than tomorrow! Alter Egos and CAPTCHAs are invited! Make sure to bring water, unless you want to go the whole trip without drinking!"
"This sounds amazing!" you say to yourself. "I want to come!" And with that, you stand up from the bench and start off towards home.
submitted by Queen of Fairyland
(June 5, 2016 - 12:18 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 23, 2016 - 12:50 pm)

I’m making up random stuff about you CBers and AEs, such as HAB knowing Spanish and Donut being afraid of things. Is that okay?


Finally, a shape appeared in the sky. It was dark at first, but as it got bigger and bigger, the CBers could make out its shape.

It was a dragon.

“Aha, Rojo’s here!” said Selidore. “The RedDragon Stables were so happy to have humans coming, Chatterboxers at that, that they sent one of their best dragons to come pick us up!”

The ginormous creature landed. It was a muscular thing; Strong, bulging muscles that shone red because of his shiny, shiny scales. It slammed onto the ground, shaking up the dirt. Owlgirl shielded the dirt from her eyes.

“Hello, Rojo! Long time, no see!” the elf tried to reach up and pet the dragon, but he snorted and spit a puff of smoke. It engulfed Shadowmoon, who coughed and choked a little bit.

I’m glad that wasn’t fire, the murderer thought. I need her to die at MY hands!

“So, anyways,” Selidore continued, “Everybody must climb on. Rojo is one of the strongest, he can hold all of our weight.” As he said this, he waved his hand and all the tents disappeared.

Donut gulped. She would have to CLIMB this animal?!

“Come on, Donut!” Jack-a-Nat grabbed her hand. “Don’t be scared.”

Selidore led everyone up the feet, and watched as they climbed onto Rojo’s back.

As Donut climbed on, she was unnerved. The “ground” she was now climbing onto was now moving up and down! BREATHING! And the scales were glistening brightly, glittering a bloodred color. She shuddered.

Bluebird was thrilled. She was standing on a real, live, dragon! Breathing fire and everything!

“Alright, alright! Everyone on?” yelled Selidore over the noise of the crazed AEs.

“Yes!” the crowd of CBers called.

“There’s a spell cast so that you can’t fall off,” he told everyone.

“Rojo, ready?”

The red dragon blew sparks in response.


And just like that, they were off.

Shadowmoon’s heart soared as the RedDragon climbed higher and higher, into the cotton-candy clouds. The rainbow down below them became smaller and smaller, and she could even see the Fairyland Palace gleaming in the distance. She grabbed Luna tightly and squeezed her close. The cool wind blew through her hair as the temperature dropped with the land below.

After what felt like hours to Donut, who was shaking with fear the whole time, Rojo started his descent.

Mirax just couldn’t get over how big the dragon was. An entire tour group of CBers could fit on his back! With room to spare! The creature was massive. Gargantuan. Colossal.

A mountain of muscle and gleaming, red scales.


submitted by Selidore, On Rojo the dragon
(July 23, 2016 - 7:03 pm)

Just BTW, I’ve given three clues so far! One of which was kinda obvious.

Also, I’m continuing to make random things up about you guys. Sorry, Bluebird, if you hate flying.


Owlgirl stared at the clouds as Rojo started to go back down. She felt. . . happy.

Happy even though her Æ was gone.

Would that be an insult to Umbridga’s memory? Should she feel happy?

Umbridga was annoying, a little voice in the back of her head reminded her. Owlgirl pushed that thought away. How could she think of her Æ like that when that Æ was dead?

Owlgirl’s grief for her Æ was plain enough to see. Her friends would not see Owlgirl enjoying the trip, only a sad, depressed, winged little girl without an Alter Ego to annoy her.


(Sad music stops, happy music starts)

They were landing! Woohoo! Bluebird laughed in delight as Rojo started his descent. Just like her name, she loved flying. She loved the clouds floating past her. The feel of the wind in her face. The roaring sound of the dragons wing, beating at the air. The exhilarating feeling of going faster, faster, faster as the creature sped towards the earth. She felt, happy, free. She felt excited.

She felt like a Bluebird.


Finally, they landed. Donut sighed with relief, Bluebird sighed with happiness, and the AEs sighed with disappointment. The ride was over.

Rojo had landed in a field of some strange, unknown plant. They had a black root and white blossoms. A sweet scent drifted from the ground, and thinking that the flowers looked nice, Owlgirl bent down to pick one.

“NO!” Selidore shouted. “No! No!”

She jumped at Selidore’s sudden outburst. “Sorry! Are they precious, or–”

“No human can harvest this moly! As Homer puts it, ‘The root was black, while the flower was as white as milk; the gods call it Moly, Dangerous for a mortal man to pluck from the soil, but not for the deathless gods. All lies within their power’. “ He took a deep breath. “In other words, you pick it, you die.”

Owlgirl fell silent for a second. Then she spoke.

“You–You DIE?”

Selidore nodded, his eyes round and serious. “Die.”


The murderer , upon hearing this, smiled inwardly. Maybe she could somehow trick Leafpool into picking one! But how?

This was fairyland. She could tamper with magic, and make them look like dandelions─No, too hard and risky.

But hey! They were visiting a dragon barn. A RedDragon stable. Those couldn’t be too different from horse stables, could they? And besides, how hard would it be to push Leafpool off the back of a RedDragon?

No, no, no. Everyone would notice. How about if she put on a mask and pushed Leafpool right in front of a dragon right while it was blowing flames?

PERFECT! That girl would die right away!

The idea was good, but the thought was not right. The [CENSORED] made HER the murderer of this ski lodge. She needed to show them that she was cruel enough for the job. Otherwise. . .

She recalled the voice she had when she received her dream. “You’ll be PUNISHED!

She didn’t want to think about what that meant.


First person to post a picture of moly, the mythical version, gets a day-part to themselves!

submitted by Selidore
(July 25, 2016 - 4:21 pm)

Hmmm, I wonder who the killer is working for.

submitted by Owlgirl
(July 26, 2016 - 9:38 am)

The right way of thinking:

"That little Leafpool will be BURNED TO A CRISP! Mwahaha!!!" 

submitted by The murder
(July 26, 2016 - 12:06 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 25, 2016 - 4:21 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 25, 2016 - 4:21 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 25, 2016 - 4:22 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 25, 2016 - 4:22 pm)
submitted by Top
(July 25, 2016 - 4:23 pm)
submitted by TWO NEW POSTS! READ!
(July 25, 2016 - 4:50 pm)

Wow. That was a lot of tops.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 25, 2016 - 5:10 pm)
submitted by TWO NEW POSTS! READ!
(July 26, 2016 - 6:44 am)

We've chosen a murderer. We injected her with [SUBSTANCE REDACTED]. It's perfect! No one will suspect [NAME REDACTED]. Once the stupid tourists are gone, We can stop all fantasy and magic! (Evil laughter) The Evil Age of Nonfiction is immenient. Say goodbye to your precious Harry Potter!

submitted by [REDACTED]
(July 26, 2016 - 1:11 pm)

Nice, Mei! Does this count?

submitted by Shadowmoon
(July 26, 2016 - 2:00 pm)