The wind blows
Chatterbox: Pudding's Place
The wind blows
The wind blows in your face as you walk back from school, cursing the fact that you left your sweater at home. It isn't cold enough for the fleece that you have tucked in your backpack, but something to protect your bare arms would have been nice. You can barely breathe, the wind not giving you a chance to suck in some still air, so you turn and walk backwards instead. That's better.
In your moment of enjoying the usage of your lungs, you don't notice the black shape that was following you dart behind a tree. It is upset; now it won't get to have some fun. It tosses the knife it was holding onto the pavement, and you hear the clink and go over to investigate. You don't want to pick the weapon up, but as you look it melts into a scroll. You pick it up and read,
Hello, traveler! Many apologies that we could not frighten you with use of this knife, and had to give you a boring old scroll instead, but this might be safer anyways, don't you think? I am The Shadow Mistress, and I am here to welcome you to a cross-country tour of Europe in a special, one-of-a-kind moving castle!* We'll go to famous monuments, have scenic detours, and there will be NO pushing of people off the cliffs of Ireland!
Oh, and also, unfortunately, you have no choice but to go, because there is an assassin hiding behind the tree on your left who may or may not have another knife.
Have fun! Hope to see you there!
The Shadow Mistress
*Studio Ghibli copied off US, not the other way around.
You glance at the tree off to your left. Is it just your imagination, or is there a shadow lurking there?
You decide not to take chances, and go home to pack.
(May 22, 2016 - 12:11 pm)
I am SO coming, Katy? I'm bringing Pinkie, Elsa, my lightsaber, wand, and dictionary of EVERYTHING.
(May 22, 2016 - 5:49 pm)
I am not Katydid!
(May 22, 2016 - 7:44 pm)
I'm coming! I'll bring:
My phone
My computer
Hair stuff
My copy of The House of Hades
My clipboard
My clarinet
Xiǎo tùzǐ is bringing:
Hèmǐn is bringing:
Her wand
Her Time-Turner
Her bookbag
Fúdìmó is bringing:
His wand
His diary
Slytherin's locket
(May 22, 2016 - 7:55 pm)
SO COMING. Considering my name, I should be right at home!
How are those weird wings that make you look like some sort of hybrid raven going to make you seem at home on a European tour?
Tara! That's mean!
The Knights code requires that I tell the truth.
Anyways, despite my rude AE, I'm bringing.....
A translator device
Plenty of fluffy jackets
Three flashlights and a Unicorn* nightlight. (Don't judge me. Europe is scary.)
Extra clothes.
The designer boots that I totally wish I had. (In real life, that is)
Of course, my portable library.
Extra clothes.
My iPod.
Tara is bringing....
Aquadeath(her blue sword)
Saphira (her blue horse)
Blue armor (I don't have a name for that, it just exists.)
And, of course, "A Knight's Guide to the Knight's Code" (Special Edition with 3-D knights)
Luna is bringing
Her almanac.
Her howlsacord. Wait, Luna, what's that?
* isn't it self-explanatory? It's like a harpsichord, excepted it howl. I use it during bad weather. *
Oooookay..... Sorry this list was so long! I can't wait to start!
(May 22, 2016 - 8:13 pm)
YES!!! Yes, yes, YEEEEEEESSSS!!!!
I'm sooooo coming!!! I've always wanted to see Ireland, and one of my dreams is to live there someday...
Anyhoo, I'm bringing:
Torstyn, who is hauling along his 'Anti Assassination Kit'.
Sorry, he just died in the other ski lodge that we're in, so he's a bit nervous.
BABTMP: Who is bringing along some mysterious bag that looks like it's full of rather scary objects.
PSXtreme: Who looks rather angry for some reason, maybe BABTMP stole her bag...
Extra clothes, and a universal credit card.
(May 22, 2016 - 11:09 pm)
I'm in it, too, and I think that Tour Guide wrote that Torstyn was dyING, not dead. But, yeah, pretty much. She's basically dead.
(May 23, 2016 - 3:38 pm)
This looks so fun! I hope that it starts soon! ;)
(May 25, 2016 - 7:05 pm)
This is odd. Are so many people willing to brave my murderous servant? Perhaps if I move this thread to the top, it will get more attention.
(May 26, 2016 - 3:10 pm)
I'm bringing:
*My sword,
*My daggers,
*A couple of books,
*And my journal.
Puck and Sir Galahad are coming too.
Puck is bringing:
*Her prank bag, (filled with all kinds of pranks imaginable)
*and her journal. (That if anyone opens, besides her, they are haunted with pranks for the rest of their life.)
Sir Galahad is bringing:
*His sword
See you there!
(May 26, 2016 - 3:45 pm)
I am SO in! This is my first ski lodge!
BTW, I am a human in this thing! I just go by bookworm as like a nickname. Russel is a 9-inch long inchworm (grown proportionally) with round, brown glasses, not unlike my purple ones (except mine are more square-ish.)
Anyway, I'm bringing...
My Daedalus laptop
My portable pop-up bookshelf
Grappling hook
Sandwiches to eat
Russel is bringing...
His blanket
His pillows
Extra pairs of glasses
Some tasty books to eat
His towels and towel warmer
(May 26, 2016 - 5:58 pm)
Oops, I forgot my AE!
Yeah, and I'm not happy 'bout it either.
Chill out, Sandra.
Don't tell me to chill, you little---
Okay, here's her list-
Ice cream
Extra spoons
Hammer and nails
Drums (to pound on loudly at night)
Weapons bag
Speaking of the weapons bag...*runs away*
I'm comin' for ya, book face.
(May 26, 2016 - 6:04 pm)
I'm coming! I'll pack later...
(May 26, 2016 - 8:51 pm)
I'm bringing:
My computer
Cortana is bringing
A sword
(May 29, 2016 - 8:31 pm)
Coming! No Spyro this time, just Dolphin!
(May 27, 2016 - 6:00 am)
Also, I'm a girl, Russel is a boy, and Sandra is a girl too.
Russel says bedo. Like a minion! Or he wants to be in bed...
(May 27, 2016 - 5:02 pm)