I got Veruca

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

I got Veruca

I got Veruca Salt!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! Some of you may remember me posting a thread about how I was going to audition for Willy Wonka, and I did, and I got Veruca Salt!!! I'm so excited!! The first rehersal is this Saturday and I'm already practicing. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

submitted by Joss, age 13, ME
(December 27, 2015 - 6:23 pm)

Good for you!


submitted by Aquina W., age 13, Atlantis
(December 27, 2015 - 6:49 pm)

Awesome! Good job at the audition! (Saying that makes it sound like I was at your audition, which makes it sound like I'm a stalker, but don't worry I have no idea where you live!)

submitted by Dragonrider
(December 27, 2015 - 7:58 pm)

Yay!!! That's awesome! Congratulations!!!

submitted by Regina
(December 27, 2015 - 8:35 pm)

I'm so happy for you! 

submitted by Horse Spirit Girl
(December 28, 2015 - 12:00 am)

Yay Joss! That's slightly funny, since, if I recall correctly, you were trying out for Violet. :-) That's so cool, congratulations!

Fflewddur says dawu. Well, Da means Yes in Russian. And...wu, as in woo? Yes! Woo! Go Joss! 

submitted by Sydney C., age 13
(December 27, 2015 - 10:59 pm)

Yay! Congratulations! That's a big role!

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose In a Book
(December 27, 2015 - 11:24 pm)

That's magnificent! You're gooing to have so much fun playing her.

submitted by Applejaguar, age !), New York
(December 28, 2015 - 7:45 am)

That's wonderful, Joss! Congratulations! You're such a kind and loving person though, not a spoiled brat like Veruca... I'm sure you'll do a fabulous job!

submitted by Scylla
(December 28, 2015 - 10:30 am)

Aww, thanks! It's a really fun role to play! I can go all out and throw temper tantrums.

submitted by Joss
(December 28, 2015 - 4:46 pm)

Congratulations, Joss! Awesome job!

submitted by OtR
(December 28, 2015 - 4:19 pm)

Thank you guys!

submitted by Joss, age 12, ME
(December 28, 2015 - 4:47 pm)

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! I know you'll do great! I've always wanted to be in a play!

submitted by Micearenice, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!
(December 31, 2015 - 3:40 pm)