Chatterbox: Pudding's Place


"COME BACK!!!" You cry tearfully as the dog wrenches his leash out of your hands. "COME BACK!!!" You yell again, soon realizing it's futile to yell any longer. That was your friend's uncle's friend's daughter's dog, and she had entrusted you complete care of him. You'd better start looking for him, then. As you call through the streets, you see a brown streak cross the road and head right for you! It's Marty! Except... what's that in his mouth?! It's the neighbor's cat! No, wait, it's just a cat-shaped note. Grabbing it, you unfurl it to see that it says,

Hello, person! You have been selected to come to our private farm for a relaxing, looong getaway from home. Don't bother signing in, just show up! Max visitors is 24; we'll close the gates when the quota is met. Pack your CAPTCHAs and AEs; we don't want to be bored, now do we? Just pack a few items, and your dog will show you the way! 


               Abigail V., Vacation Manager of the Resort Farm

P.S. We aren't responsible for any deaths, injuries, ect.


Uh-oh. You've heard of these before. Do you want to risk it? It certainly sounds relaxing, so it may be worth it... 



submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(November 30, 2015 - 8:36 am)

TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! This thread has been sinking all day!!! *Does CPR on thread* TOP TOP TOP!

submitted by Top!
(November 29, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

Splash! Splash! Splash!

submitted by A Salmon, SwimmingAgainstTheCurrent
(November 29, 2016 - 6:04 pm)

Hmm...Well, I just wanted to announce it, I finished the story! All that's left is for me to post the remaining installments. But to do all that in one day...I don't want to rush things too quickly. Or slow the CB down too much. So, I met my deadline, just not my Cricket deadline. I think it'll be more enjoyable if I don't shove the rest of the story in today.

So enjoy these last few days! THE END IS IN SIGHT!

submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(November 30, 2016 - 7:29 am)


submitted by Booksy Owly
(November 30, 2016 - 9:53 pm)
The Nocte Fictiles had practically taken down a hundred animals. Since blocking the path of the army wasn't working too great anymore, they turned around and helped fight with the CBers.
Up at the watchtower, the three CBers shot arrows down left and right. But when the eagles noticed the CBers up on the watchtower, the trio knew they were in trouble.
"SCREEEEEE!" screeched the lead attack bird.
"They're coming for us!" screamed Princess Icicle. "Get them!"
The arrows seemed to have no effect on the largest bird, but the other two got hit on the wings and had to land in the forest.
"What's that thing made out of???" Over the Rainbow cried.
"We're doomed," wailed Icy.
"Hold on...Just duck when I say so," Booksy instructed.
The bird flapped closer and closer. So close that the CBers could see the scars on its face.
The CBers ducked. But somehow the bird knew what was going to happen. It reached down to snatch up all three CBers, and for Over the Rainbow, the world went slow motion.
  Hm, she thought. The bird is going to take all of us. So how about it just takes me instead all three of us?
She launched herself into the bird's talons. The enormous eagle instinctively closed its feet around the CBette and flew off.
"OVER THE RAINBOW!" Booksy shrieked. But the eagle had disappeared into the forest, and with it, its CBer.
"Now we can't even avenge her!" Princess Icicle said, disappointed.
Many of the animals below had either fled, been turned to marble, or taken down by a CBer, centaur, griffin, or dragon.
There were only about fifty animals left, and even then their numbers were rapidly descending. Emerald was panting in the shadows, exhausted from creating a marble museum.
Unfortunately, the last thirty animals were the fiercest. The Slorpion was there, along with the hippo that had kicked Elsa and Rufus across the sky, and many other fearsome magical beasts that the CBers had never even heard of.
The farmer and the farmer's assistant rounded up the remaining fourteen CBers into a tight defensive circle, except for Icicle and Booksy Owly, who stayed up in the watchtower.
The last moments of battle were more fiery than anything the CBers had ever experienced.
But they won the battle.
The CBers were weak and tired. There were only fourteen of them left.
"Chatterboxers, you were all more brave than I can express with words," the farmer congratulated. Icicle and Booksy climbed down from the watchtower. All the CBers were a mess.
"We defeated an entire force of over two hundred animals. If I could, I would give you all medals of bravery. In fact, once Emerald is feeling better, perhaps she can make you some. She deserves a medal herself."
The farmer's assistant then spoke. "Today we lost three Chatterboxers. Gwen, Elsa, Over the Rainbow. They showed the greatest bravery of all--they gave their lives to protect their friends, and the farm."
After the funeral, the CBers went inside. Emerald and the dragons cleaned up the area surrounding the fort. Emerald ate all the statues, since she was pretty hungry. The other dragons ate the dead animals, since they were also pretty hungry and it would be a shame to waste the food.
The rest of the day was spent quietly. No activity came from outside. The Chatterboxers ate little to nothing. They just sat. And sat. And sat. And went to bed.
At least they made a huge dent in the murderer's army.
Day 17~
The seventeenth day. Still subdued by yesterday's events, the CBers slept in late. But when they woke up, they insisted they go out and find more of the other army to defeat.
The farmer's assistant went with them and they all returned safely. They ate, and then all the Chatterboxers went out again. And again. Each time, they brought back prisoners. Mostly, they were African animals. But sometimes they came back with a fire-breathing lizard or a tree that could walk. Spyro sent them down with the Nocte Fictiles to be put under strict guard.
It was almost sunset when the CBers returned with the most important news of the day.
"We found the feeding grounds for the carnivores!" Spyro exclaimed.
"Really?!" said the farmer. "Where?"
"We think it moves every day. Today they're eating rabbits from the land kind of close to the breedery. But they're in a valley--squished between two hills. If we could just set up some traps down there and captured all of them...We'd have about a hundred animals. I'm not even kidding."
The farmer stroked his chin. "Well, I'm not sure Puck could build enough traps for that many animals, but we could certainly imprison...about fifty. By the way, how are the prisoners down below doing?"
"Good, sir, but they're really hard core. I think it'll take over a week to get them just to simply stop trying to snap my head off."
The farmer nodded. "I see. Well, let's gather up the Chatterboxers. We've got to jump on this opportunity before it's too late."
In the dimness of twilight, the Chatterboxer army moved out. Their creatures from the forest fort joined them as sentries. Five Nocte Fictiles also accompanied them.
Each Chatterboxer carried five throw-traps apeice. They were sort of like grenades...Just pull the pin out and throw it. The small, tennis ball-sized spheres would expand in the air and puncture whatever it landed on with a sedative.
"Here we are," Spyro whispered. "Let's get into formation."
The farmer and eleven Chatterboxers stayed at the front entrance to the valley.
The farmer's assistant went with three CBers to the exit.
The plan stated that the farmer's assistant would transform into a griffin and scare the predators to the other side of the valley. The Chatterboxers waiting on the other side would trap them as they filed out. The dragons would pull the prisoners aside to make room for the other fleeing carnivores.
The plan worked--at first. The farmer's assistant, in griffin form, roared loudly enough to shake the hills and flatten the grass. The beasts all crowded for the exit, just like they were supposed to. But while the CBers were distracted with trapping the carnivores one by one, the murderer's plan was working perfectly.
"Mortifero, pass me another trap!" Moonfrost demanded. Silence. "Mortif?" Her sister's AE was nowhere to be seen. "Where'd she go?"
Meanwhile, Spyro found himself in the same predicament. "Where's Rufus? Rufus? Hey, guys, have you seen Rufus anywhere?"
I know where he is, thought the murderer.
"No. But, er, where's Critic A?" asked Dragonrider.
The farmer looked nervous. "We're missing three Alter Egos?"
Booksy looked throughout the group. "It appears so..."
The farmer didn't hesitate. "Abort mission! We have plenty of animals already. Nocte Fictiles, transport the prisoners back to the fort. I hope the others are okay..."
"We're fine. What's wrong?" It was the farmer's assistant. She and the other three Chatterboxers had returned to help.
"We're missing three AEs. We need to get back to the fort. Now."
The farmer's assistant looked instantly worried, her face pale in the light of the rising moon. "Who?"
"Mortifero, Rufus, and Critic A," Booksy supplied. Clouds floated across the sky, and a cool autumn breeze blew among the grouping of Chatterboxers. It seemed as though summer on the farm was almost over.
"Let's get back to the fort."
"It was a trap the whole time!" yelled Spyro as soon as the door to the fort closed. "How could we have gotten tricked like that? And the murderer is here, laughing her head off right now, at how stupid I was."
"Don't stress yourself, Spyro. It was a mistake anyone could've made," assured the farmer's assistant.
"I hope they're okay," Moonfrost muttered. "I mean, they might not be dead."
"They might show up like Joan did," Puck speculated. "And then get killed off when we thought they were finally going to be okay."
"Let's not get our hopes up," Dragonrider sighed.
"Whatever the case, let's keep our eyes out for clues tomorrow morning," the farmer suggested. "And in case the three Alter Egos return, I shall stay on watch tonight."
submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(December 1, 2016 - 9:16 pm)

@Everyone: Be sure to be here tomorrow! Some exciting stuff is happening! Can't tell you what but you can probably guess. Just look out for lots of posting!

PS--TOP! This thread needs to be at the top by tomorrow! 

submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(December 2, 2016 - 6:26 pm)
submitted by Tippy Tippy Top!
(December 2, 2016 - 6:26 pm)
submitted by My Captcha says Cgbz, in case you were curious.
(December 2, 2016 - 6:27 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 2, 2016 - 6:27 pm)


submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(December 3, 2016 - 8:44 am)
That night was the worst one the CBers had ever had. Tossing and turning, they worried for the AEs. What if they were just lost? What if they were out there, alone, with the murderer's vicious animals? But a darker suspicion nagged at them. The murderer could've easily snuck away, taking two other AEs with her. It was the perfect coverup. Unless...Well, the murderer had made a voice changer. Out of Rufus's pie blaster. What if...? Had they been believing the wrong thing the whole time? Rufus was from the Dining Room. Rufus had just disappeared. And who would be better to train animals than a dragon walking on two legs?! It fit perfectly.
Now they had resorted to accusations. Whether in mind or out loud, they had picked someone to cast the blame upon. It mattered not if they were right or wrong. They were so torn up that their careful point of view had shattered. Previously they feared the blame. They didn't want any of their friends to be the murderer. They were still extremely uncertain--tiptoeing around everyone, playing it nice to each other, in case they spoke to the murderer and got on their bad side. But if someone didn't carry that load, if the CBers coudldn't be sure about anything, they would crack under the pressure and give in. Perhaps that was the murderer's grand scheme in the end. Mix everything up so much that nobody could see clearly.
It could still be anyone! So if it wasn't Rufus--Puck had a knack for building things. She had the capabilities of building this scheme. She played it cool, played the good guy. She'd built the voice changer. Yes, it all fit. She'd break them down mentally, and betray them once they were ripped apart.
The Chatterboxers were ignoring every fact they'd ever discovered. Irrationality was taking over, creeping into their minds like a sudden fog.
What if the murderer wasn't even from the Dining Room? What if they had climbed in through the window? Or planted the boa there in the afternoon while it waited to find its prey? What if the murderer was more than one Chatterboxer?
Many of the CBers fell into a fitul half-slumber, while the rest couldn't even say that they slept. Something horrible was coming and they couldn't shake the feeling of danger looming over them like a giant cloud.
The danger was real. In fact, at around one o'clock, a certain someone met with the Spirit of Fall to plan the next day.
"Autumn Leaves!" shouted the murderer from the safety of the house. A wind kicked up around her and the girl appeared in the dining room next to the murderer.
"Yes?" she said. "My powers grow stronger. Four more hours until they peak. Have you readied your...troops?"
The last word was spoken with an air of distaste. The murderer was offended. "What, you have a problem with my using animals to do my bidding? What else would I use?"
Autumn Leaves shook her head slowly. "I forget the utter lack of powers you humans posess."
"Yeah, well, I have intelligence, and that's all that counts."
Autumn Leaves bristled. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
The murderer grinned. "Nothing. Let's get down to business."
The two planned out the battle methods and discussed a great many things in preparation for the upcoming battle. They rallied every animal the murderer had ever trained. They even made snacks.
After Autumn Leaves left, the murderer approached her prisoners, who were being held captive in the old, chewed-up nursery.
"Rufus, Mortifero, Critic. I'm sorry about your accomidations..."
The two AEs frowned and looked away. "Think hard," the murderer pleaded. "Don't you understand what I'm trying to do here? I told you already in that letter I left! Have you changed your minds? Have you seen the truth? You're lucky I let you two stay alive. Doesn't that tell you anything about my mission?"
"You killed my CBer and you killed my friend," Mortifero spat. "Not to mention Chip. I'd never join you."
"You killed my Chatterboxer AND you make no sense," Critic A hissed. "What you're asking--Well, it's a bit of a tall order, in my opinion."
The murderer sighed. "Fine. But I can't let you go. You'd just run off and lie to everybody. Would you rather be alive, helping your friends, than dead, and being bored?"
Mortifero rolled her eyes. "I won't be bored. I can play with Chip and Holly."
"Fine then. Have it your way." The murderer whistled for her lions and left the room. She had just a bit more work to do--and, finally, a letter to plan.
Day 18--
The farmer's assistant hadn't even bothered trying to sleep. From the table downstairs, she could hear the Chatterboxers struggling to relax in the bunks above. At around four o'clock, she roused them and brought them downstairs.
"Having trouble sleeping?" she asked sympathetically.
"You don't know the half of it," Dragonrider yawned.
"Well, you don't have to sleep if you don't want to. After all," she laughed drily, "you're supposed to be on vacation."
Poetic Panda stifled a yawn. "I was thinking...and there's something I'd like to discuss with the farmer. Is he coming inside any time soon? Isn't there, like, a shift change soon?"
"I guess we could switch shifts for a bit. We haven't actually had any shift changes. He wanted to watch the night on his own; I guess he needs some alone time. But he's been out there for six or seven hours, so I'm sure he wouldn't mind switching places for a bit. I'll send him in."
The farmer's assistant disappeared into the chilly night.
"It's getting cold out there," Shadow Dragon noticed.
"It was already winter and summer. It's amazing how quickly the seasons change here," Turgon agreed. "I wonder how Emerald is doing out there. She's never experienced cold weather before."
The farmer stamped the dirt out of his shoes and entered the fort. "It's chilly out there," he commented, carefully closing the door behind him. "What are all you Chatterboxers doing up so early?"
"Couldn't sleep," Puck mumbled.
"Ah, I understand. Now, General Panda, did you have something you wanted to tell me?"
Moonfrost interrupted. "Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but...any sign of the AEs?"
The farmer shook his head. "No."
Poetic Panda beckoned the farmer over to the living room area. The Chatterboxers stayed away from the area while the two held their private meeting.
"Remember my idea?"
"Which one?" asked the farmer. They sat across from each other on the soft leaf couches. "You're full of them."
"The one where we all wrote books and used the characters to help us."
"Ah, yes. That would've been very dangerous to do, and surprisingly hard to accomplish. However, it's too late for that."
"Well, I have another version of that idea. We're at a major disadvantage here. The murderer already took all the magical animals for her...or his...self. Since all we have are the dragons, and you and the farmer's assistant, we really don't have much hope. But you and the farmer's assistant--you have magic powers. Is it possible for us to get magic, and take on magical forms?"
The farmer looked thoughtful. "That is an excellent idea, Poetic Panda! If we can figure out a way to accomplish this...Yes, that may be possible! My assistant's magic affects life. She can change the forms of living things, as you saw when she was 'cooking' the dinner. I'll have to ask her if it's possible for her to do that--to change your very DNA. Of course, it's an enormous desicion, changing your self to that of another. Each CBer and AE will have to think deeply about their choice to change forms. I'll see what we can do, though. I'm very glad you thought of this."
For some reason, Poetic Panda didn't feel much better. In fact, she felt worse. Something was coming. Something...big. It hung in the air. And all the CBers could do was wait.
The farmer hurried outside, leaving Poetic Panda to be peppered with all sorts of questions. "I can't tell you yet! It's a secret!" was all she would say.
submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(December 3, 2016 - 3:00 pm)

Top...I didn't get to post but once yesterday. So I'll see if I can post the last two parts today, or today and tomorrow.

submitted by The last day is here, with no one to read it.
(December 4, 2016 - 11:47 am)

Aww no OtR! And AES! I think I need some tea... And a hug... *slinks off to cry in a corner* OtR died to save us...

submitted by Booksy Owly
(December 4, 2016 - 9:04 pm)

*Hugs* *Hands cup of tea*

*Grabs own cup of tea and slinks into corner*

Wait till you see the ending... 

submitted by Micearenice
(December 5, 2016 - 10:51 am)
Both the farmer and the farmer's assistant came into the fort ten minutes later. They both looked excited, but also nervous. The Chatterboxers gathered at the table, sensing an important announcement.
"Everyone," she began hesitantly. "Poetic Panda has just come up with a very amazing idea. You know how the farmer and I can change forms?"
The CBers looked at each other.
"Well, Poetic Panda has asked me to change your forms as well. Now, it's a bit complicated. I can give you magic, but there's no guarantee it'll stay inside you. I don't know if I can turn you into anything, since that isn't really...natural. But I can enhance you with magical properties and make you...magical humans. If you want to."
The Chatterboxers looked at one another. Did she really just ask 'if you want to'? Of course they wanted to! Who wouldn't want magical powers?!
"What kinds of powers would we have?" Spyro asked excitedly.
The farmer's assistant didn't know. "That's the thing. Your powers will compliment an aspect of you, but nobody can predict what aspect."
All the CBers nodded at each other. "We'll do it!" Poetic Panda confirmed.
The farmer continued explaining the details of how the transformation would work to the curious Chatterboxers.
"This kind of magic isn't really my department, so I won't be taking part in much of this, but my assistant will first enchant eleven needles. She's over there doing that right now, actually. You see, magic works much in the same way as electricity, so we'll stick one needle for each Chatterboxer inside your arm, like an I.V. Then, we'll connect the needles to my assistant and I by means of electric wire, which I created with some of my more...modern magic. Centaurs are natural crafters, but we can create things magically sometimes, if we really have to. But we don't really have as much magic as griffins, so simply holding the wires isn't going to do the trick--I'm going to stick some needles in me as well. Anyway, all the wires on my assistant and I will be twirled together and then sent out to each Chatterboxer individually. You'll be getting both griffin magic and centaur magic and, hopefully, it'll stay in you long enough to do some good.
"I'm done!" the farmer's assistant called. "I hope you sterilized these things."
Eleven shimmery sewing needles were placed before each Chatterboxer. The farmer's assistant tied an electrical wire to each needle, whereupon she twirled them together in the middle. She gently stuck the very tip of each CBer's needle into their arm and returned to her seat, where she separated the loose ends into her needles and the farmer's needles.
She then stuck all the little magical IVs into the farmer's arm. (He didn't even wince). She simply grasped hers in her hands and sat down.
"Alrighty, here we go!"
The Chatterboxers felt their arms tingle, and after an hour, their whole bodies were numb. Another hour passed and they overcame the numbness, feeling normal again. But something was different about this kind of 'normal'.
"I feel great," commented Spyro.
"Me too! I'm not even tired!" Rosemary said.
"Really?" the CBers mumbled. "We are."
"Oh, wait. Yeah, I'm tired. Come on, why'd you have to say that?" Spyro's eyes were drooping.
The farmer's assistant smiled. "Looks like it worked! You should go back to sleep now. It'll be a good way to see if the magic really did work."
The Chatterboxers wanted to ask why, but they were really too tired to. They'd just have to wait and see.
They eagerly fell into their beds. It would've felt strange to not sleep at all that night, and they were glad that they could at least get an hour's worth of it.
The Chatterboxers popped out of bed, feeling refreshed, all at the same time. If that wasn't strange enough, the clock read '7:00'. They'd gone to sleep at 6:45. They had hardly even slept for fifteen minutes! They expected to feel the tiredness sink back into their bones, but it never happened.
"What the heck is going on?" Spyro wondered.
"We're magical now, I guess," Dragonrider replied. "It sure feels great."
"Are you Chatterboxers all awake?" the farmer's assistant called up.
"Yeah!" they answered, and piled downstairs.
"My, my, Poetic Panda, your idea has worked! I wonder what all your powers are."
"Sleeping?" Puck suggested.
The farmer's assistant laughed. "No, no. When you're magical, you don't need to sleep for very long to get recharged. I mean, you can, but you don't need to. Let's do some experiments."
"How will we figure out our powers?" asked Princess Icicle.
"You'll know. I mean, it could be anything, but usually, if you close your eyes and just channel your magic, you'll figure it out. DO NOT focus on any Chatterboxers, okay? Because if your powers are harmful, you could really hurt someone. Focus on little objects for now. And some of your powers will already be in use, like, you know, if your power is making people happy when you walk by. Just an example. It depends."
That was it? Such little instruction. But the Chatterboxers soon found that they didn't really need instructions. When they concentrated, they could feel the magical pulse inside of them. It was still new to them, and they could feel the foreign power inside.
Moonfrost discovered her power first. She closed her eyes and sensed the magical flow. Relaxing her body, almost instinctively, she tapped into the power and opened her eyes. She felt like she should focus on something...A chair! She pointed her magic at an empty chair and it flew into the air.
"EEEEEEEE! I DID IT!" she squealed. The chair thudded onto the ground. "I made it float!"
I want a turn! Jack demanded.
Meanwhile, Spyro was looking at a cockroach. "Mhm. I see. Well, I'll be sure to tell them." He looked up. "Hey guys, this cute little roach just wants to let you all know, he's trying to start a family under this floorboard, so please don't, like, drop poison into it or squish any of his kids. What's that? You're welcome. Here, have a doughnut."
"Talking to animals," the farmer noted. "Fitting. And conjuring doughnuts--a dream come true!"
Puck could make things explode in small blasts. "It's like throwing a firecracker with my eyes," she explained. "I wonder if I can do smoke grenades..."
Turgon could turn his skin hard as diamond and make crystals rise out of the ground .
"Oh! LOOK at my AMAZING new haircut!" Princess Icicle cried. "I LOVE my power!"
"Your power is cutting hair?" Dragonrider asked, bewildered.
"Want me to try it on you?" she asked eagerly.
"Um, no thanks." Dragonrider used her power--teleportation--to flee the scene.
Shadow Dragon's power fit her name perfectly! Not only could she melt into the shadows, she could create them, too.
Booksy could summon any book in the world. She could also make books fly in the air, slam into people, inflict horrible paper cuts, and make others bored with boring books.
Rosemary could heal people. She discovered this power when Booksy accidentally gave Spyro a deep gash in the leg from a paper cut.
Joss could shock people with electricity.
Poetic Panda could speak telepathically with anyone she wanted.
The Chatterboxers experimented a bit more with their powers before settling down for a delicious breakfast of doughnuts. The poor meal was also subject to experimentation, and it was sliced, diced, and given a haircut all in one go.
After breakfast the farmer went outside to check for the AEs. When he came in, his face was grim.
"Chatterboxers, I'm afraid there's been an...an advancement. Follow me."
The merry mood instantly vanished, only to be replaced with dread, as the CBers filed outside. There, burnt into the ground right in the front of the fort, was a message that sprawled across the entire yard.
  Greetings, and good morning. I do hope you've had a nice time becoming magical this morning. However, you don't know who you're fighting. You don't know what you're fighting. I could take you down with one sweep of my forces. But I'd prefer not to. I'm giving you a chance to surrender. To right your wrongs and join me! Meet me at 12:00 noon in the field northwest of my new hideout--unarmed--and I will not attack you. But refuse and I will finish what I started. Not that you should be scared about that. It's now or never, Chatterboxers. Join me as friend or foe, but mark my words, this will be the final battle.
The Murderer
  The sinister message sent chills all the way down the CBers' spines. The sickening doom they had forseen the previous night--it had come. This was it. They were going to die.
The CBers bit their lips, anxious. They could surrender, and live. Or oppose and be killed.
"Guys..." Poetic Panda said. "We aren't going to surrender. We can't. Not after all she did to us."
Princess Icicle frowned. "But--"
"Come on! She killed our friends!"
Rosemary looked miserable. "And she'll kill us too!"
"Look, we're on a farm full of storybook characters. We've even met some of them! And what do all the heroes in these books have in common? They defeated the bad guy!"
"Yeah, but--"
"They risked their lives, they were brave, and they won the battle. There's always that moment where the good guy wants to give up. There's always the moment when he has the choice to lie down and submit. We're here, among all these heroes: The ones we look up to! The ones we admire! The ones we've read about and actually met! We will not disappoint them. We will fight. And we'll win! Because today, we are them. We are Percy Jackson. We are Firestar. We are Leven Thumps and Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter. The mice of Redwall! The hares of Salamadastron! Septimus Heap! We walk the footsteps that so many before us have walked. I am proud to be here today. I am proud to be given this chance. Proud to be considered a story character. Who will join me today as heroes? Even if we go down; even if we die, we will have fought our hardest, and that's all that matters to be a hero. Do it for our friends. Do it for the farm. Do it for the book characters within! Who's with me!"
The Chatterboxers cheered and Poetic Panda smiled. "Today we stand in the face of our doom. But we won't be afraid! Now we must prepare. Make haste, CBers, for time is of the essence!"
The Chatterboxers dispersed and readied the dragons. They practiced their powers and stood around nervously. Puck found another cryptic message up in the loft, burnt into the wooden wall.
Very well, then. Your fate has been sealed.
Deep down, Poetic Panda was worried. We're technically still in a ski lodge. And in every ski lodge I've ever seen, the murderer always wins. Always.
submitted by Farmer's Assistant, The Resort Farm
(December 5, 2016 - 8:38 am)