Lord of the

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Lord of the

Lord of the Rings Movie


So, has anyone watched the movie version of LotR?  We're watching it at my co-op for my Literary Analysis class (we're doing an entire year of going over the LotR) and I really like it. I've only ever watched a few movies in my life, and my opinion is usually swayed with the first few reviews I read or see. But I like this one well - so far. we're watching it bit by bit,and now, after thre third bit, have just  gotten out of Moria. I'm the only one in the class who hasn't watched it yet, and am probably also the only one in the class who hasn't read the book yet, either. But luckily, we're going through the book a lot faster than we're getting through the movie - though I don't know how long that with hold. 

So, for those of you who have watched it, do you like it? Who's your favorite character? And if you've read the book, which do you liike better? 

I'll give my thoughts in another posts, so it doesn't get mixed up wit this one. 

submitted by True, Middle Earth
(February 7, 2015 - 6:59 pm)

No I have not.

submitted by Keira S., age 9, Mission Viejo, CA
(February 8, 2015 - 7:47 pm)


submitted by Top
(February 10, 2015 - 5:38 pm)

That's one of my favorite movies!!!! (and yes, I have read the books)

My favorite character is probably Sam. 

submitted by J.B.E
(February 14, 2015 - 2:54 pm)

Ahem, well, let me say in answer to your first question: I UTTERLY ADORE LOTR.

Frankly, I think it's the best film trilogy ever made. In comparison with the books, too, I'm so glad how faithful they remained. I can't say which I like better; they're both so wonderful in different ways. Though I feel you can't precisely appreciate the films that fully if you haven't read the book. You only get about 80% of all the nuances and history.

My favorite characters in general have to be Aragorn, Éowyn (she comes in the second film and steals the show), and Sam, though in the films, I also really like Boromir and Gandalf. I thought they were perfectly casted/acted. Though really, everything about the trilogy was PERFECT. Can't wait to know your impressions about it.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Moria
(February 14, 2015 - 9:56 pm)

My opinions of LotR.

All right, I loved the book (actually, I haven't finished the book, because I want to try and go with the pace of the curriculum). Through the book, Aragorn the Ranger really came alive to me. All time favorite character. Many of the others were so well portrayed in the book, that I should stop now, before I go one for tenty pages or something. 

As for the movie, it kind of felt like they're stuffing in some of the info just so we can understand the story; it's just rush, rush, rush. But I usually don't notice that. It was, from what parts I've seen, very well done. the Nazgul made me shiver, and though you can tell some of it's CG, it's still awesome and makes you shiver as you watch. (Except for the fact that when I see Sauron, I think "Darth Vader," and I 've never seen that show.) 

My favorite character? I still love Aragorn. Strider in the corner of the Prancing Pony, and him dragging Frodo off of the stairs was awesome. Elrond came alive for me (I used to think him to be a stuffy old Elf who had this grey beard and look suspiciously like a king version of Gandalf.), and I like the explantion of the character of Arwen. Boromir grew a bit kinder in my eyes, and though I didn't like Gimli at first, but he's grown on me. Merry and Pippin are still hard for me to tell apart, but I really like Sam, and Frodo is awesome. (And Gandalf is still the best of the Istari ever.) 

Before I saw the movie, I would ask some people who their favorite character was. Some of them had only seen the movie. Either way, the majority of them answered "Legolas." I admit that when I asked, I hadn't seen the movie or read until past Boromir's death (and hadn't seen the Three Hunters bits). But I still had absolutly no idea why people answered Legolas. I mean, he was nice, yes, he was an Elf, but still. And then I saw the movie. I don't know, something about how he's portrayed really make me like him in the movie - and that's spread to the book. He is one of my favorite characters now. 

As for whether I like the book or movie better, I'd say I like each in its own right. The movie isn't great with the story at times, but it helps me visualize Middle Earth so much, and is just awesome. The book is so descriptive in things other than scenery, and has some great chapters they never mentioned. (Where's Tom Bombadil?!) So, while I'd say that the book will, as usual, hold the top place, the movie is great in its own way. 

submitted by True
(February 16, 2015 - 8:24 pm)

After both reading and watching, I have to say both are absolutely fantastic. The movies appropriately captured their essence ( as much as possible) , and the characters were portrayed very nicely. And I have to say, in both book and movie Legolas is my absolute favorite , though Gandalf is awesome as well. A little upset that they didn't include all the beautiful songs in both The Hobbit and LoTR in the movies that JRR Tolkien so brilliantly wrote...


submitted by Cloudy Dweller, Middle Earth
(February 17, 2015 - 11:30 pm)

You are the luckiest person on Earth! You get to watch it in school? Ahhhh!!!





Spammie says dded....

Yes, people do die in that movie. 

submitted by S.E.
(February 18, 2015 - 4:23 pm)

It's a co-op, so it's a bit more 'lax. And we happen to have a TV in the room, since we use a church for our building, and the class is a Literary Analysis with LotR (which means we get to talk about the book all class!). But, yes we can watch it in class. *grins and rubs hands together.*

submitted by True
(February 18, 2015 - 8:20 pm)

lucky lucky lucky

submitted by S.E.
(February 19, 2015 - 11:03 am)

I've read the books and watched the movies, and in general I think that I've very rarely seen a movie adaption that works so well. There's a few problems a bit (such as The Two Towers UTTERLY BUTCHERING FARAMIR'S CHARACTER FOR FORCED CONFLICT) but in general I really enjoy them and they're pretty and have good music and acting and yes I like them a lot 

My favorite characters are Faramir, Eowyn, and Merry'n'Pippin (am I biased for Scottish accents and people who are amusing? No no no why would you get this idea....? Yeah, I am.)

And for Books VS Movies... That's a difficult question. I find the movies easier to rewatch (mainly because Discworld is detracting me from every work of literature ever now that I'm five books or so away from finishing it entirely), but I think that I definitely enjoy the movies more having read the books. So... both work? They're different mediums and both work very well in what they intend to do. 

(dramatic flashbacks to 2009 or so when everyone was so into Aragorn and Legolas) 

(oops I was into Aragorn as well.... These days it's Eowyn and Faramir and Pippin.) 

submitted by Katia
(February 19, 2015 - 7:35 pm)

Lord of The Rings is awesome! I might be biased from seeing the movie first (It's not my fault, I was only six and didn't even know there was a book!), but LoTR is probably the best book-to-movie adaptation I've ever seen (unlike The Hobbit...). They couldn't get everything from the book into the movie, but they sure did a good job of trying! Although I'm sad they left out Tom Bombadil, he's a great character. I'm not sure if I have a favourite character, but I think Sam is the real hero of the story. And... everything else I had to say has already been said by you people! Now I just need to go reread the book!

submitted by Pied Piper, age never, Lothlorien
(February 22, 2015 - 11:08 am)





Favorite Character:  Either Legolas or Aragorn, but leaning more towards Aragorn.  And Pippin, too.  He's cool. 


So, yeah.  I recommend them.  :D ESPECIALLY bc of the music.  It's what I listen to every night while doing homework (don't judge).

And you're so lucky u get to watch the movies in school.  So.  Lucky. 

submitted by Anonymous, age 12, Lothlórien
(February 5, 2016 - 8:50 pm)