Mission at BIG

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™

Mission at BIG

Mission at BIG HQ

Some sort of mission here in BIG. Maybe do another story starter prompt??

submitted by someone in BIG
(April 8, 2016 - 12:45 pm)

I just had this really crazy idea, but I think it might work!!!!

Excuse my poor grammar!!!

So anyways . I was thinking instead of being a Power, Piiri could be a Chosen One. You know how she was touched by that golden flower? Well, maybe that could how she became a Chosen One. And the six other things she sensed? Those could be the six other Chosen Ones. And each Chosen One could have a special ability , a bit like a Power? And maybe Piiri though she became a Power, but then discovered she was actually a Chosen One. We can figure out the other Chosen Ones later. I would like one to be Albero, my dragon charrie who is doing nothing now. His ability could be a Healing Touch --After all, he's a healer! 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(April 4, 2018 - 3:29 pm)

Hm. That would make sense! I like that! I was given the powers of the Ancient Keentheives, thanks to that petal. Would you like to be my ally, Sybill? I would like to be yours!

submitted by Piiri (Shadowkiller), age Classified, Classified
(April 4, 2018 - 3:52 pm)

WAIT I KNOW WHY YOU GUYS ARE CONFUSED!! 1: I was not saying that art is bad. 2: I am not a Power such as the Six. I am called the Forgotten Power because Keentheives used to Have miraculous abilities (powers). The Keentheives did not use their powers for good, so they were stripped away and Keentheives became merely a large reptile-like creature. The petal From the Flower Carrier restored those powers to me. Nobody remembers the powers Keentheives used to have, hence the name. I'm sorry I did not clear that up earlier. Please forgive me!

submitted by Piiri (Shadowkiller), age Classified, Classified
(April 4, 2018 - 3:49 pm)

I presume you're talking about the Flower Carrier mentioned here:


The flower she carries is not the flower whose petals transformed into the Powers. That flower grew before any other life forms existed, and only ever created nonsentient life before its petals transformed, so it's impossible to have been touched by one unless you're a time traveler. 

Also, it's really confusing to have all vital information spread out over several unnamed threads, so I'm going to name them now and post screenshots of all the relevant conversations on the Calling all Powers thread.

Threads: Calling all Powers!... (posted on the RP Board by Piiri (Shadowkiller)), Myths and Legends..., Mission at BIG..., *Note from Editors..., *Kyngdom Live Chat!...

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 4, 2018 - 6:03 pm)

No, I never said that. Don’t jump to conclusions dearie. I’m just saying you can’t be a Power, you can still be another thing and we’ll get to know you. We’re just telling you the rules already established. 

submitted by @Piiri, Mina
(April 4, 2018 - 3:50 pm)

No, I know the rules, don't worry! I am not a Power, I thought I was one because of SMA(LL), but now Sybill and I have found that I am actually a Chosen One (See Calling All Powers RP Thread)!

P.S Sorry if I seemed rude and intrusive on the storyline, I didn't mean it that way. I'd like to join the story, but I don't know how to do that so currently I'm kinda just floating around. Do I just jump in on one of the story threads or...

submitted by Piiri (Shadowkiller), age Classified, Classified
(April 4, 2018 - 6:06 pm)

I would recommend reading the Story So Far thread located in the Power of Claw section, accessed by clicking the Power of Claw icon at the top of the main page, for a little background. But it has not been recently updated, so also read the *A Travel Guide thread, The Ball of... thread on the second page of the RP Board, the Alright friends, time... thread on the third page, and perhaps the Hello, it's me thread, which isn't entirely plot-relevant but goes back a long way contains a few summaries.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(April 4, 2018 - 7:53 pm)

Well, I'm an author, not a character! But you can most certainly be an ally with Albero --I'll go RP his encounter with the petal soon. Maybe he could find out he's distantly related to the Keentheives and that would be why he is a Chosen One!

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(April 4, 2018 - 5:31 pm)

I don't think it should be limited to Keentheives only; it should be for any beast! Well, the Chosen Seven, anyway.

submitted by Piiri (Shadowkiller), age Classified, Classified
(April 5, 2018 - 7:19 pm)