Kyngdom Survival Guide

"It's time to

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

"It's time to

"It's time to go."


I look over at Lorelei, who is gazing at the water. She adds to her previous statement, "This place has served its purpose for us. I believe it would be best to move toward the Grasplands."

"The Grasplands? But there's always trouble there." I protest.

"You seem to forget that we can hold our own against any trouble that comes our way. Besides, there is plenty of food and water there. This place can't support us any longer." Lorelei reminds me.

I sigh, my head lowering in reluctant agreement.

"You know, Jubileena," she begins, "that my time as Leader is nearly over. Soon you will be in charge of this tribe."

"I'm aware of this. Why do you bring it up so suddenly?" I ask.

"Because we are going to face some difficulties in our journey ahead. Conflict is rising in Kyngdom. And you are going to have to decide where we stand."

She looks at me expectantly. "Gather the tribe. Let's get moving." 

I do as she says, walking away without another word.

Little did I know, that would be the last time I ever saw Lorelei. 

submitted by char !, (Jubileena)
(April 27, 2021 - 1:32 pm)

Will I regret joining another RP? Probably. We'll see :D 


"There! Look at those," Keke says, pointing to a set of footprints on the ground. "Told you they'd be this way."

I nod. "That's definitely the Catastrophe soldiers. Can I ask again - are you sure we should be following them? Shouldn't we go back to base and report it? There are only two of us." 

Keke rolls her eyes. I can't see her, but I can tell. "Like I said, there are only three of them, and I can handle that many, easy." 

"Okay, okay." 

We walk in silence for a while. Then I freeze, ears pricked. "That's not three sets of footsteps." 

Keke looks at me blankly.

"Don't you hear it? It sounds like - never mind. But there are more than three people out there." 

I start to go forward again, but Keke stops me with a tiny hand on my back. "If there really are more, I'd better go scout it alone. They'd hear you."

I hesitate, but for just a second. "Alright. Be careful, okay?" 

She grins and says, "When am I ever not?" On that note, she flutters into the trees ahead.

It's only a few minutes before she comes out. The sprite is even paler than usual. "It's an entire camp full of Catastrophe's people" 

submitted by MoonKitten
(May 1, 2021 - 2:48 pm)
submitted by TOP, of the deep dark sea
(May 1, 2021 - 8:01 pm)