Kyngdom Survival Guide

Hi guys. I

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

Hi guys. I

Hi guys. I guess I have something to say.

Kyngdom has changed a lot from its old days. I first arrived at around the middle/end of Power of Fin, I think. Not sure, but I remember being there well before Alexandria and Shadow died/were captured.

I'm not one of the originals--far from it, in fact--but I have been here much longer than most of you guys. Hazel and Trixie were here before me (and I think Catsclaw was too), but that's about it. (Well, out of the remaining, like seven active roleplayers.)

I like it when new people come. It's exciting, and brings new life to the story. Dusk, you've really brought Ciaran to life and made him into a loveable character. Soren, Kirah is one of my favorites. Tux, Jasper is also one of my favorites. Nyx, I love all three of your charries, all are so unique and interesting.

But I guess you can say I've been feeling overwhelmed right now. Which is crazy, because there's really not a ton going on in my life. And yet, I feel as if this is all too much. 

I thought leaving the rest of the CB would help. It helped, yeah, but it didn't solve it. 

I'm not leaving Kyngdom. I don't plan on doing that for quite some time.  I just... might not roleplay for a bit, I guess. I'll still be around and I'll still read all the new posts. But I think I need to take a little break from writing for a while.

Knowing me, this will probably only last a week. Although, this does seem to be more severe this time. Almost like a bone deep tiredness, as if nothing I post is really affecting anything, I guess.

Maybe I just need more sleep.

Well, I suppose that's all. Huh, interesting. I sound less cheerful than I typically do in my posts. Maybe that's part of it. Maybe I'll go try to stay at a friend's house or something. Something to lighten my mood, I guess.


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(January 8, 2020 - 7:18 pm)

Well, as long as you're not leaving for good. We really need you around, both as an RPer and as a friend. :)

submitted by Night Whispers
(January 9, 2020 - 2:09 pm)

Oh, Sybill. *hugs*

Take as much time as you need, and don't feel like taking a rest is a bad thing. (Breaks are beneficial to any kind of writer--it's refreshing to have opportunities to work on other things and grow/develop other ideas.) I don't want you to feel burnt out!

I will say that you're one of the most dedicated Kyngdomers I have ever known, and an amazing part of the team. I can assure you that your posts (both your comments and RPs) do make an impact, so don't ever think otherwise!

submitted by Hazel C.
(January 10, 2020 - 9:41 am)

*hugs you until you can't breath*

I know that was a little excessive, but OF COURSE you can take a break! Being in things like this can be super overwhelming, we all understand.


submitted by Hunter/Ayearth, age ???, Kyngdom
(January 10, 2020 - 2:16 pm)

*hugs* Aww, Sybill. You've always been so good about talking to all of us, keeping the plot going, and guiding us through Kyngdom. It was so comforting to have someone so active and expirienced as you helping me along. I loved RPing with your charries (and laughing about your large roster of them). I really hope taking a break helps and that you feel better soon!! It's easy to feel overwhelmed, even if you're not busy.

Thank you for being an awesome person, Sybill dear *more hugs* (and aww, Kirah is one of your favories?! <33) 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(January 17, 2020 - 6:52 pm)