Kyngdom Survival Guide

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board

NAME: valuyren
SPECIES:Middle age lava dragon
APPEARANCE:Redish skin,With cracks filled with lava and sharp green eyes
PERSONALITY:He is very protective over the accademy
HOME: volcano in a high mountain
MOST OFTEN SEEN AT:everywhere 
FRIEND OR MENTOR:Plasma,starlight,Basically everyone at the accademy
ENEMY OR RIVAL: Septer a poison dragon who wants to destroy magic
FAVORITE POSSESSION OR OBJECT: crystal orb that can let him change into anything
MOTTO OR FAVORITE SAYING: stick together with great trust
STRENGTHS:Lava,Fire anything hot
BACKGROUND:valuyren left his hometown when he was about 6.There was a big fight bewtween the lavarians and poisons. His mom told him to run as far as possiable,but he was very young and hid in a cave.Later on he was exploring the cave and found a portal kind of jellowish thing.He travelled through an found himself in a world known little about,crysteria.It is home to all sorts of creatures.There are dragons,gobblins,Animals,and many more.When he met plasma he gave him an orb and told him the secrets of it. 7 Years later.

submitted by Plasma's Accademy , age 12, pa
(April 19, 2018 - 5:58 am)

It is basically a place and a school called crysteriea alll things live there and plasma is headmaster your character is just what we need for the story thank you and tell anyone else who is interested that they can join as well

submitted by plasma, age 12, pa
(April 24, 2018 - 5:23 am)

I thought these might be good orbs i drew them on autodesk sketch pad

submitted by plasma, age 12, pa
(April 24, 2018 - 5:54 am)

When are we starting? 

submitted by Aliaza Shadowstalker
(April 26, 2018 - 1:59 pm)

I'm pretty sure we can just start, and others can join as we continue the plot. I already RPed Davina's arrival, it's the second post. Speaking of that, I'll continue that now.

Davina ~

Inside the small room is yet another dragon. He is larger and clearly older than Valuyren. 

"You're Plasma, right?" I blurt.

plasma pauses. "Yes. I am. Welcome to my Academy, Davina. I assume you have met Valuyren?"

" Yeah, we met. She tried to kill me, " Valuyren interjects, a sour expression on his face. Oops.


" Yeah, yeah. Whatever! Now, why am I here, Mister Plasma? " I say loudly.

"You see, at my school I look for fighting skills in my students and a sense of adventure. You have both," Plasma said, " So I invited you. "

"Not only fighting skills! We look for any talents!" Valuyren bursts. Plasma nods.

" Now, down to business. Davina, here is your uniform, " He says, handing me some odd looking armour, "And here is both of your schedules." Valuyren and I both look at the papers he hands us.

" what's Riding time? That class wasn't there last year, " Valuyren says.

"Oh, yes. Riding. This year I will be assiging partners. One a rider, the other a dragon. You'll be grouped at your first Riding session," Plasma explains , "and Davina, you may want to spend some time studying your map in the schedule. Our school can be a little confusing."

Valuyren and I stare at Plasma for a few seconds before heading into the hall. I use my map to find a ladies room, and change into my new uniform.

It actually looks pretty good!


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(April 26, 2018 - 4:31 pm)


I look around the office, feeling nervous. I wish Cindy was here, she would know what to do. 

"Are you Teddy?" a [I'm sorry, I don't know what Plasma looks like] 

"Yes." I squeak.  

"Good, I'm Plasma. Uh, am I reading these instroctions right? Just plug you up?" Plasma asks.

"Right, do you have the thumb drive for me?" I ask.

"Yes, here it is." Plasma says.

"Good good." I say.

I direct the mecanical arm to take the thumb drive from Plasma. I activate the loader and transfer the files from the drive to the hardware in my orb. I smile as a map of the school pops up. I read my class list and smile.

"OK! Thank you." I say.

"You're welcome." Plasma says.

I float down the hallway, following the map to my dorm. I open the door up and see a red dragon pacing around the room. 

"Hello! I'm Teddy." I say.

The dragon looks up and sees me, his mouth opens up and he takes a while to answer "I'm Valuyren. Are you a tadpole?" 

"Currently I am. One day I'll grow up into a dragon though! Until then, this is what I look like." I say.

"Who built that orb?" He asks.

"My friend Cindy did! She's very gifted." I say, "I miss her so much." 

"Uh... right." He says.

"Well I'm going exploring! See you around!" I say. 

submitted by Aliaza Shadowstalker
(April 28, 2018 - 6:27 pm)

Davina ~

I find myself out on a balcony, looking out into the surrounding land, crumpling the invitation to the Academy in my hands.

"Hello!" A cheerful voice says behind me.

"Mm," I reply, failing to even turn around and look at whoever it is.

" who are you? My name's Teddy! " It says. With a sigh, I turn around to see a tadpole in a water orb.

"Davina," I say.

" what's your schedule like? I wonder if we have any classes together! " He says. Claaws, this is getting annoying.

"I would hope we dont," I growl under my breath. Teddy fails to hear it.

he floats closer. A scowl appears on my face.

"Aw, what's the matter?" Teddy asks in that obnoxious voice of his.

" you are, that's what! " I snap, turning away. His face falls for a second.

"Oh, come on, I'm not that bad!" He protests . I snort.

"Do you know what Riding is?" Teddy asks.

" Yeah, " I say, grumpily.

"Really?" He asks.

" Yeah. It's going to be entirely obnoxious, and a total waste of my time, like talking to you, " I snarl.

"Oh, it'll be fun!" Teddy insists.


Note- I apologize for my charrie's rudness. I think Teddy is a positively delightful character, and I wouldn't want you to be offended by Davina's rude habits. 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(May 1, 2018 - 5:51 pm)

Here we have Teddy from egg, to tadpole, to dragon! It takes a year for the egg to hatch, a year and a half for the tadpole to turn into a dragon, and the dragon grows to three feet over the years. Teddy is six months old so he'll probaly have little legs, I'll leave it up to you to decide. 


submitted by Aliaza Shadowstalker
(May 2, 2018 - 9:53 am)

That's really cool!

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(May 2, 2018 - 5:40 pm)

I'm so sorry I haven't been posting!! I'm getting over a cold (Seriousy! Who gets a cold in spring?!?!). I'll try and do a real post tomorrow.

submitted by Aliaza Shadowstalker
(May 10, 2018 - 9:27 am)


I feel my spirits plumet as the girl growls at me. She turns around and doesn't look at me again. I sigh, I thought school would be fun! I float onto the railing and activate the legs so I don't roll away. Davina gives scowls at me again and decides to ignore me. I open up my diary and continue the entry.

I'm was so exited when I finally arrived at school! I can tell it'll be a fun and wonderful time. But, their's this girl Davina who seems to dislike me. I was hoping that we could be friends but she doesn't seem to want to bother being nice. I also met a dragon named Valuyren, he seems a lot nicer than Davina. I hope that we'll have a wonderful time!

"Well I'll see you around Davina!" I say.

She snorts but doesn't answer. I float out to the hallway to continue exploring the school.  

submitted by Aliaza Shadowslalker
(May 15, 2018 - 2:11 pm)

Davina ~

My gaze lingers on a certain person underneath the balcony. A human girl, like me. with red hair, and pale skin, and a freckled face, and blue eyes.

I look away, and head back into the Academy.

Something was wrong.

It was just a premonition. But an evil premonition.

Something was awry about that gril.

But what was it? 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(May 19, 2018 - 11:16 am)

I'm sorry, but I'm going to send Davina off. I just don't think she really... 'fits' the school.

Davina ~

I walk down the hallways, when suddenly something grabs me. I whirl around to see the face of the girl I was watching.

"Who are you?" I growl.

" you don't belong here. You're from the north --Sanukaville, correct? " The girl says.

"Ye--wait, how would you know?" I snap.

"I'm from the North as well, though I left that place years ago. I have a message for you--they need you up there. A camp has just been bombed by Catastrophe!"

" What? " I say, a horrible feeling rising in me.

"You need to go, Davina!"

i run. Down the halls, thdough rooms, until I reach the doors. I shove them open, and keep running despite the shouts behind me. I've got to leave this land, get back to home.

Hours later, I collapse on the ground of Kyngdom...


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(May 28, 2018 - 6:34 am)