Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board



Admins please DO NOT DELETE THIS THREAD! I need it for my other one "On The Road Too Many Times" thank you.

Anyway... If You want to join me You write it here not On the Road to keep things tidy. Tell me about yourself, are you friend or foe? Human or Animal? Heck maybe your another anthro traveler. That'll join me. And if there are 10 "rpers" that join, I'll post a picture of my self. here hope to see you soon.

Alex the walking fox signing off

submitted by Alexander R, age 14, Woods
(October 31, 2016 - 12:51 pm)

I'm joining, of course. I said I would on the On The Road thread, so this is just confirmation. I will be various side characters, providing different perspectives.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2016 - 12:52 pm)

I do also have a human charrie, Lycaella, but I don't think she'll be here. She's a little busy right now.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2016 - 12:53 pm)

Hm... Should I... No. I don't have to offer. And yet...

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2016 - 12:55 pm)

The thread is on page thirty-something right now, so I'm just posting to get it higher.

Mexi says dedp. Deadpool? I know nothing about Deadpool except that he wears red and black, has swords, and is immortal.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 3, 2016 - 6:12 pm)


submitted by Alexander R, age 14, Woods
(November 4, 2016 - 12:40 pm)

You're welcome!

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(November 4, 2016 - 7:07 pm)

Sure, I'll join!

submitted by Arra
(November 3, 2016 - 7:14 pm)

So I'm deciding to make a new charrie, but I have no ideas who to make, what species, and in what circumstances. I will take anyone's advice or comments. Thank you so much!

submitted by Arra @everyone
(November 3, 2016 - 7:22 pm)

#there are many! what I did was be unque, in my case an anthro. you could be another traveler from Zekia or another regin. or be an animal, human or mutant like everyone else, remember if you do choose anthro, it's basicly a animal with few human qualitys, which is walking on 2 legs, thumbs, height a bit under or over adverage humans, and speaking human language. other then that it has everything else of the animal of choice.

submitted by Alexander R, age 14, Woods
(November 4, 2016 - 12:39 pm)

Hey, I know another anthro. Or, at least where she comes from, they call her species the "Dolor Felis". Her name is Mina and she's an upright (human pose) cat.

submitted by Icy , age 12!!!, The Forest
(November 5, 2016 - 8:31 am)

Anthros are a species itself so Mina is not an anthro. Anthro can uuuuhhhhh "mate" with each other despite the animal type so you can have a rat anthro marry an elephent anthro but it is mostly prefured for same animal type since you can end up with something pretty mess up like I remember this one that was part wolf, kangaroo, duck, gator, and bear. I think her name was "Martha" and when I saw her family tree it was a whole line of different animal type uh "mating" each other. Mina is a Dolor Felis, an anthro is Civilis Anthropomorphicus then the sub species being the species catagory of that animal. for example a cat anthro in scientific trems would be a Civilis Anthropomorphicus Felis. Myself would be a Civilis Anthropomorphicus Vulpes. you get the idea (and Mina if your reading this sorry if this sounds rude) does she have thumbs, is her species natual (is she not a mutant?) does she wear cloths, if the answer is yes to what I listed then it comes down to this... Does her species speak human. if no then she's not an anthro, if yes she is still not a anthro (again sorry is this sounds rude just listing fact) she's a whole different species so I can't... you get the idea. anyway if she was an anthro I think shadow would've told me (she knows a LOT of people) and I would probly be having the same converation with her. Hope to see you On The Road, Icy.

submitted by Alexander R, age 14, Woods
(November 5, 2016 - 4:25 pm)

so arra have you desided?

submitted by Alexander R@Arra, age 14, Bog and Burrow
(November 7, 2016 - 9:40 am)


I didn't think it was rude, and I took no offense to it. But I think I can clear some things up.

So here's the thing- My sister Leva and I are the only Dolor Felis left (unless there's more) and we did have clothes and talk and everything. We were basically humans who lived in a village, but instead of humans, we are and were, well, cats. I'm not anthro, I'm specifically Dolor Felis, just like you're specifically anthro. But I get what Icy was trying to say- you're a fox that can wear clothes and use weapons and a whole lot of other things, and so am I (but I'm a cat- well, Dolor Felis). But we're just two seperate species. 

Hope this cleared things up! 


submitted by Mina
(November 5, 2016 - 7:12 pm)

Mina the cyborg cat

Thank you for clearing things up, I looked you up and you make good posts. I also notice that there is another alexander so can you please put in the R that comes after mine? I once repled to a post that you sent to that alexander and only a hour later did I realize "oh crap she was talking to someone else" wait... If you replied to this then did you read on the road or did you just found this by random chance an also are you gonna take part?

submitted by Alexander R, age 14, Woods
(November 5, 2016 - 10:13 pm)

Okay, I will put the "R," and I'll participate using a different character. :)

submitted by Mina
(November 6, 2016 - 7:48 am)