My mot
Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board
My mot
My mother was destroyed by the Brayzen Inquiry Guild. My father was chased away by them. And my brother... Something much worse happened to him. We all used to live in a village in the mountains of Northern Kyngdom, close enough to the city that my parents could ride there on horsback every day for work, but far enough that I could see the stars in the nighttime I don't live there anymore. The eight-year-old girl from the village... she's gone. She dissapeared when I became an orphan, five years ago. That was when I sold the cabin in the mountains and left the village of the humans forever. I took nothing with me but the clothes I wore, the pack on my back, and my horse, Diana. I travelled to places they didn't teach about in the schools provided by BIG. I travelled along brown forest roads, through dryest deserts, and across the prairie lands. I am still wandering.
(September 9, 2016 - 4:52 pm)
I sigh. "Well, I once had a job offer to SOCS, because of my experience with experimental procedures. But I turned it down. Then things got complicated. They got mad, and they started sending people after me. I killed most of them. Then I got a kill order from someone, and it was to kill the head of SOCS. I didn't care. It's money! I carried out the job, but the scientists there never knew it was me. Catastrophe must have been in link with the person who told me to kill the head scientist there."
"Ah," Shadow says. "Makes sense. So, what else are you hiding?"
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well," Shadow replies. "Sometimes I hear you saying the name 'Leva' a lot."
I hesitate. Should I tell her? No.
"Don't worry about it. It's nothing," I say, shrugging.
Shadow looks at me before replying. "Okay."
She's still sitting with me but I don't think she's looking at me. She's looking at Jake. We're all concerned about him, because he looks so sick. I look down at my paws. My fur seems more matted than usual. I yawn, and catch my reflection in Jake's glasses. I gasp slightly. My teeth. They're longer, and more fang-like.
What's happening to me?
(September 18, 2016 - 9:59 am)
They are stopping: better communicate:
"Heloo?" I shout in bat.
"Hola!" I shout in common.
One of the figures turns.
(September 18, 2016 - 10:07 am)
Shadow focuses her attention back to me.
"We escaped SOCS...." she says. "They shot Eli with a kill dart, correct?"
"Yes," I reply.
"But Eli took it out fast enough so the poison wouldn't get to her, correct?" Shadow continues.
"Yes," I answer again.
"So if you were injected with the same thing, then you would be dead, right?" Shadow asks.
"Yes," I say. "But it must have been a temporary thing that they shot me with. Like, a stun dart or something."
Shadow doesn't look very convinced. "Oh. Well, yeah, maybe."
I nod. She looks at Jake again, and I jerk my head down to look at my claws. I've already cut myself once. I've NEVER done that before. But this time I'm not careful when inspecting myself.
"Mina?" Shadow asks.
I turn my head to the side to look at her.
"Why do you keep looking down? It looks like you're looking at something."
"Oh, I-I um...." I stutter. "Er, my paws...they, um, they-they hurt."
Shadow then looks at me like, Really? The same look that she gave me when I first really got to know her.
"Mina, I'm being serious. What are you hiding?"
My head throbs. Then suddenley everything clicks together.
Catastrophe. SOCS. Mutations. Experiements.
This entire strand of events from our capture to Catastrrophe's appearence was all planned. I was shot with a mutation dart. The dart wasn't an accident. It didn't just miss Eli. It was shot on purpose to me. So I would become a mutant, and kill everyone on this journey. This was planned since my village, my family, my friends were destroyed. I was always supposed to be it. And Catastrophe knew. He enjoyed Shadow's mutation, but it was just a change in her appearence and being. I'm his grand finale. I'm one of his tickets to get where he wants. I'm the one of the ones, Catastrophe's experiments, that was chosen to destroy Kyngdom.
(September 18, 2016 - 10:26 am)
Pegasi? I guess I do need a Power to activate my weird fairy wings.
"Come on, I'm assuming that you're Shadow?" I call. "But we need to get out of here. There's time for introductions later." Why isn't she flying up!? Doesn't she know how to use her wings!?
Suddenly, a sword is in the flank of a Pegasus. Catastrophe!? I grab Shadow's hand and hoist her up, and we start to take flight. "Rats." Eli mumbles. "Rats?" "No, I said BATS!! These guys do NOT like me."
(September 18, 2016 - 12:39 pm)
I turn around. I see a winged figure in the sky. A bird?
"Umm guys? Did someone order a pizza?" asks Jake, seeing it to.
Everyone looks at him like he's crazy.
"Soory, human thing," he says. I roll my eyes and suddenly the bird lands right on my lap. Except, It's not a bird. It's a bat. Eli stiffens up.
"Not this guy," she says,
(September 18, 2016 - 4:24 pm)
Oh calm down. I am not mad at you. But I do need help. Where is Catastrophe?
(September 18, 2016 - 5:35 pm)
"Where is Catastrophe?"
"Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you. Forget it." I snap. "I'm not letting any animal get themselves killed by going after him."
(September 19, 2016 - 10:04 am)
I look at the weird bat creature. No one here seems to like him. I suddenely feel blinded. I scratch at the back of the horse that I am flying on. It yelps and flies faster. I don't seem to be controlling myself. I lunge at the bat creature, my claw slightly ripping through it's wing. It shrieks. Shadow tries to hold me back, but I bite her arm. I lunge at Jake. Shadow's screaming, and Eli's struggling to get something out of her pack. I lunger at her, scratching her. She finally takes it out as I lunge at Icy. Everyone's screaming. Eli finally looks at me like, Sorry. She shoots me with something and the world fades out, and everything goes black.
(September 19, 2016 - 7:41 am)
When Mina pounced, Alexander flew away. She tore at his wings a little, but he was still able to get away. The rest of us, on the other hand, are a different story. Eli's tail is all scratched up, she shredded Jake's arm, and we think that my leg is broken. My wings are miraculously unharmed. But Icy suffered the worst of all. Her face was practically a target zone, and she has to wear an eyepatch. Her left arm is broken, and it hurts her to speak. Oh, and Eli had to knock Mina out again. This is becoming quite a theme, isn't it? With Mina asleep, we land in a meadow and call a meeting.
"First order of business," says Jake, "what the heck happened to Mina? I mean I know she doesn't like me, but this-'
"Was a catastrophe. Or shall I say," says Eli, "The wok of one,"
"Catastrophe," I say, "of course. But how could he have done this to Mina? Sweet, caring Mina?"
"A mutation dart. Catastrophe arranged for someone to shoot her with a mutation dart when he made his appearance. The serum was also in the arrows he used to knock you guys out and bring you to his headquarters. It was only on her arrow, though. That's why she's mutated, not you"
"Why does he want Shadow and Mina so much?" Asks Jake, "I mean, couldn't he just make more, excuse my language, mutants?"
suddenly it all goes click, "He wants Mina because she's the last of her kind, he destroyed her village, and he can't find any more like her..... Because she's a descendant of Claaws. The ultimate weapon. And me? I'm part power too. I'm part bird yes. But I'm also part unicorn."
(September 19, 2016 - 5:23 pm)
I am a fox who is part of kyngdom. So, any plan of where your going to go next?
(September 19, 2016 - 2:22 pm)
Cool. I'm sorry, we don't really have any idea at all on where we going. We're kind of on the run so......
(September 19, 2016 - 4:59 pm)
Ow. I hate scum who think they can hurt me...
I call for my army, and about fifty bats descend to my aid.
"Get the idiot who attacked me, and bring it to me alive," I yell at my servants.
(September 19, 2016 - 4:49 pm)
Everyone is silent. I look up at the sky and see what looks like a black cloud descending upon us and the herd of pegasi. Except, they aren't aimed directly for us. They're heading for the sleeping Mina. I realize that the bat must be angry because Mina scrathced him earlier. I fly as quickly as I can towards Mina, and pick her up. If it weren't for my newfound 'superstrenght' I probably wouldn't be able to lift her off the ground, but now I am able to grab her and fly. I fly as quickly as I can, but I can't escape them. The bats are on all sides. I try to fly through them, but they are to strong. They take me and Mina.
(September 19, 2016 - 6:33 pm)
I feel myself lying down. I quickly stand up, wondering where I am. I look around me. So, where am I?
"Aw, my little cat," I hear someone mock. "Such a beautiful mutant. Ugly, but beautiful."
"Who's there?" I yell out into the darkness.
"Only a catastrophe that follows you around everyhwere," the voice cackles.
"Catastrophe," I growl.
"Yours truly!" he chortles.
Why can't I see him? "If you think you're such a big deal, come out and show it!"
"Oh, my dear, I don't have to show myself to scare you!" he chuckles. "The figment of imagination scares people enough!"
I scowl. "But you're not my imagination," I spit.
"You're right! I'm worse!" he bellows.
Mina . Mina. Mina. Mina. Mina. Mina.
I look down below. Everyone's yelling for me. I look up. Bats carry me away.
(September 19, 2016 - 7:44 pm)
One of the bats looks at me.
"We don't need her!" He chitters.
They let me go. If I didn't have my wingsy to save me, I would have died falling to the ground. The others rush to me.
"Do you have Mina?" Asks Jake.
I shake my head. The smiles on their faces dissapear.
"Why is it always Mina?' I say.
And I start to cry.
(September 20, 2016 - 5:32 am)