Cages and Fear.
Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board
Cages and Fear.
Cages and Fear.
This RP is going to be about the now, in FaFa. I have no clue who is still here, and who all is in the tunnles. But we are going to focuse on three things here.
1. Cages for the hypmotized.
2. Trying to find who is hypmotized.
3. And being suspicious.
Jaaws is infact still in the caves, but maybe she could come and make spys. Also maybe admins could write as admin made characters every so often? (If its not too out of their way if course.) this will also be about suspisions of what BIG is doing, though we are going to leave them be for a while so they can rebuild. This is basically a now RP, of what everyone is doing in FaFa. I will start when this pops up on the RP.
submitted by Claaws
(June 26, 2016 - 3:06 pm)
(June 26, 2016 - 3:06 pm)
One moment i was talking to a very freindly beaver, who had just bult and extra wood encloser for the meatle cages transported from that weird...flouting...island...when another beaver screamed. Claaws turned around to see Windswift, slowly lifting the key from the rock and placing it in Eli's cage. "How many times have i told you to keep that key out of reach?!" suddenly angry Claaws turned back to the beaver.
"I-I didnt put it there...."
Claaws turned back to see that another beaver had quickly grabbed the key from the owl's metalic wing, sharp wing. And in that spit second, it seemed like the world had exploded.
The owl screached a war cry, slicing her wings across the beaver. He toubled to the ground, clutching his head. Red engulfed the room then suddenly both cages spraing apart, and Eli was suddenly awake and rushing for the exit to the cave. Claaws knew this cave well, sbe used to visit Cealani when he was still trapped in that horrid cage in here. Icy vanished from Claaws' vision, the beavers, well most of them, were laiying eather hurt or stunned on the cool cave earth. "Now would be a good time for those two idiots to show up." Claaws grummbled under her breath, sprinting after Eli.
Omg! Guess what my chapacha said! It said crik! As in cricket! I think noon is secritly a pirate dragon buggy in the magazine....
(June 29, 2016 - 1:17 pm)
(just so you all know this is Claaws)
Every wolf. Every animal. Every forest. Every tree. Nothing. Lunee was nowhere. Not even a small clue of where she may be.
Cealani flew through a large mable tree, the leaves brushed his wings and flank. He emerged on the other side, flaring his wings and swooping down to join Eico lumbering on the earth. "Dont you ever wish you could fly?" Cealani twirled in a circle, marvling over his glittering white wings.
"Dont you ever wish you coud shut up?" Eico retorted, continuing poking some stronge looking rock.
Eico was so lazy. Why couldnt of been Sylvia who was activated insead? Or Ayearth? He wouldve even gone for Lunee to keep Eico trapped. "What, do you think Lunee's gonna magjcally apear out of that rock?" Cealani cawed after a moment of silets, causing Eico tp slice it in half. "Opps." Cealani quickly flew out of reach of the badger's talons.
He paused and hissed, stamping the remains into the earth. "Im going back to FaFa. I cant STAND one more second with you. Or for that matter, Claaws. Im going to continue looking WITHOUT you." he turned his back and quickly dug into the earth, vanishing withen seconds. "You think Lunee is going to be barried under there?" Cealani snikered as he glanced down into the hole.
Dirt spirt up, and Cealani quickly backed away, rubbling the grime from his nose. He snorted and took off into the sky, winging towards the animal organazation. I think ill go check in with Claaws. He thought as the sun sparkled off his white and gold feathers. He flew to the entrance to the cave, surprised as a loud comotion greated his ears. In the two seconds he was in veiw of the entrance, he saw a white fox sprinting around the last turn, then following close behind, Claaws. Growling and hissing curses under her breath.
Without even really thinking he swerved the rest of the way to the entrance, but halfway through turned into a griffon and landed right infront of the fox. He roared, a great loud noise that eased the cave to quite. In the moment of silents he heard Claaws sigh in releaf. He spread his wings in a proud way, stepped into a battle stance, and charged.
(June 29, 2016 - 4:44 pm)
No no no no......
DoN'T fIghT it, I wIll oNLy mAKe yoU sTrOngEr.
I don't want to be your slave jaaws.
bUt yOu aLreaDy aRE.
*silence* Then why are you here?
YoU fiGht mE. I haVe aLreAdy loSt valUable seRvaNts tO My caUsE. I Do nOt waNt to RisK the amBaRReSmEnT oF lOsIng ANothEr.
I felt shooting pain. exesive pain. Over and over and over...........
I could hear me screeching, but it was faint. I just stared at the unconscious blackness around me and knew this is whered I'd be for a long time.
(June 30, 2016 - 8:04 am)
Uuuugg! Auto correct! Uuuugh!
Ahem here's the last paragraph again.
I could hear myself screeching but it was faint, barely audible though it was there. I just stared at the unconscious blackness around me and knew this is where I'd be for a while.
(June 30, 2016 - 9:02 pm)
I walked down the dirt path when a animal bumped into me. I could not tell what animal it was but it quickly ran away. Mabey that was one of the hypmotized. I flicked my tail, some of the dirt flew off and onto the road.
(June 30, 2016 - 9:40 am)
Ahh! Gryphon attack!
~Eli (said as Ellie)
I quick dart around the Gryphon and slash at it from the side, heading around it. Well, not me, but Jaaws. You know what I mean. There's Icy-she somehow broke herself from Jaaws? Lucky. She has fairy wings now? Lucky. Some guy is trying to kill her? Not lucky.
I dart towards Icy and I realise Jaaws is trying to make me take her down. There's one command that I like!
(June 30, 2016 - 10:58 am)
Elliot told me this was no 1 priority, so I ran back nto the battle. Sending my warriors out into the fight, I make a plan. "Claaws" I yell," Two things; Why do you spell your name with an extra A, and get over here. I need to talk to you."
(June 30, 2016 - 11:45 am)
Spelling claws with two a's make the name sorta pop out. So you dont get confused with regular claws and the name claaws. It also looks cooler.
Eli is no longer trying to escape. She swerves around the griffion's talons, gets a blow in across his side, then loops back around and charges for Icy, who Claaws had finally spotted when she turned blue. Claaws cursed under her breath as she skidded on the cool smooth stone and colided with one of Cealani's talons. "Nice going idiot," she hissed as he astonishingly looked after Eli.
"That fox is fast." he said. "And then you came along running in to my talon!"
"Oh hush." Claaws growled. "And atleast she didnt escape. Now do one usfull thing, hide me."
"Just do it."
There, just a little bellow icy was a blknd haird blue eyed boy king. She knew what she had to do. Cealani obedainty lowered his wing, covering Claaws compleatly. In a flash of dark fire Claaws was no longer Claaws. She was Dragon, the Power of Darkness.
Suddenly Cealani understood. "Common then," she hissed. "We have a boy king to kill."
Dragon ran ahaid with Gryphon closly following her tail. She heard animals gasp in reconization, from Claaws' encounter with Jaaws they certainly looked alike. She heard someone call her name, Claaws, but Claaws was no longer with them.
Claaws stopped, her snout wrinckled in a snarl as she faced the boy king. He turned, a smile forming across his face. "Glad you could join our Power party. Now we have Celesti, Dragon, Gryphon, and Jaaws."
Claaws turned around to see Eli in a crouching stance, siliva dripping in a line across the floor, and as she took one menicamcing step towards them, Claaws saw that her claws were leaving gouges in the earth. "Nice to see your true form, mother." the fox hissed as she neared.
"Ill give you a choise." Catastrophe growled. "If you let me kill this...descendant of Celesti, Jaaws will let the fox go. If you try to rescue the descendant, Jaaws will kill the fox. Its your choise. Only one will live."
(June 30, 2016 - 3:32 pm)
What to do? What to do?
(June 30, 2016 - 4:42 pm)
Um..being threatened by ancient immortal boy king. What do I say?! "If you let me kill this...descendant of Celesti, Jaaws will let the fox go. If you try to rescue the descendant. Jaaws will kill the fox. Its your choice. Only one will live." Catastrophe growls.
"I'll kill you first." I say in a calm, small voice.
Sure. I'm only 11 years old. Small for my age. I'm bluffing. He sees that. But he decides to play along in this little game. "Then Jaaws kills the fox." "Claaws wouldn't let Jaaws kill the fox." "Fine, then I would kill Claaws." "You don't have any possible places to keep Brazen Goo on you." "You would be suprised."
Uh..I'm outmatched here. Eli is a small fox...But Catastrophe might have good aim...I'll try.
I leap into the air, trying to use my wings as best as I can, and scoop up Eli as best as I can. She claws and scratches...and wow, her claws are tough. Catastrophe throws back his head and laughs. "You'll just get her killed." I smile. "Maybe that's not what I'm doing."
I know this is dumb. I know he won't die. I know Eli might die. But it might buy me some time to make a real plan.
I throw Eli. Right at him.
(June 30, 2016 - 7:15 pm)
Icy please return to kaualutin the story no one has done it we need to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(June 30, 2016 - 8:13 pm)
I'm awake.
I don't want to be awake.
I want to be buried deep down inside myself so I don't kill anyone.
My body is moving toward catastrophe, I want to scream. To screech. Anything to warn someone I'm coming.
But that's not my choice.
Catastrophe is threatening dragon. They don't see me. None of them do. I would kill someone. The deep purple raven in the corner may be one. Or maybe a beaver...........
Then icy dives down to eli, scoops her up in her arms and in a torrent eli is on catastrophe.
nO! I screech. Then I fling my head around to stare at icy. Not dragon. Not griffin. Icy.
I. aM. jAaWs!
(July 1, 2016 - 7:57 am)
Question: What are we supposed to be doing? We're looking for Lunee right?
(July 1, 2016 - 8:41 am)
Yes...but if you were in the tunnels, you're currently trapped by the Giant Ground Sloth.
~Eli (said as Ellie)
My body goes flying through the air, my claws outstretched, and....gosh. Thump. I just hit Catastrophe in the face by accident. I fall to the ground and Jaaws makes me stay still. "Fine." Catastrophe says. "Then you both die."
Keira~Captcha says text. Do you mean I have to write more?
(July 1, 2016 - 9:48 am)
Ya. They are all fighting hypno people and catastrophe and all that right now.
I'm leaving for a week to go to my grandparents beach house in chesapeack bay for the fourth of July. So I will be gone a whole week!!! My siblings are staying for two more weeks after that, but I am coming back since Im doing ballet camp this summer. So ya.
Please keep windswift in your stories. That's part of the reason I got her hypnotized so she does't really miss out on anything. And don't make her transform into jaaws or anything like that. So that's pretty much it.
I'm leaving tommorow. So I will definitely still post today. my grandpa just sent a list with a ton of things not to do. *sighs happily* oh grandpa.
(July 1, 2016 - 10:18 am)