Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ RP Board



Hi, Eli again. I feel SUPER bad for not asking storm for his advice or anything... But this is where we do the B.I.G storming mission and also figure the details out. I am not the leader. We should elect one. Read the entire Search/Map Mission Rp thread if you're confused. Hopefully we can work this out!

~Eli <3  


submitted by Eliyana Fur , age 105, Unknown
(May 11, 2016 - 8:13 pm)

I guess I could be Eico, but I'm kind of confused about what animal he is. A serpent? 

submitted by L
(May 28, 2016 - 9:22 am)


Communicating with the Fyre bird is harder than I thought. Finally, I give up to the last resort. Catastrophe is destroying Kyngdom. I say through song. We need you to help us. Just as I suspected, the Fyre bird is enraged at the though of Catasrophe. But what I didn't know, is that it would spurt flames everywhere. I freeze, terrified until my senses come back. "I am going to need some help!" I shout. "I can't handle this much longer." And I really can't, not alone. I'm exhausted... 

submitted by Wiseowl, age 11, Reader's Barn
(May 26, 2016 - 7:21 pm)

I am in the cave, watching as the boy is looking for the crow. They don't know that I have men in this tunnel, let alone my secret weapon. I have to get to it before they notice me, and then... they will be the first to die in this war.

submitted by Catastrophe
(May 27, 2016 - 10:44 am)

CaTaStRoPhE! yOu ArE nOt ThE oNlY eViL tHaT hAs AwOkEn... I hAvE sOmE nEw PeTs ThAt MiGhT bE uSeFuL tO yOu. I'm DoNe WiTh UsInG tHeM aS tOyS fOr NoW, dO yOu WaNt ThEm?

I hAvE a ArTiC fOx WiTh SoMe CoNnEcTiOn To ThE pOwEr Of ClAw (I'm KeEpInG hEr), A cRoW (bUt I'm GoInG tO kEeP iT), aNd OnE tHaT yOu MiGhT wAnT tO kIlL-a PoWeRfRiEnD. i HaVe No UsE fOr HeR, sO yOu CaN uSe HeR tO bAiT hEr SiStEr AnD tHeN kIlL tHeM bOtH-tHeY hAvE aN aNtIdOtE tO tHe BrAzEn GoO, aNd PrOtEcT tHe PoWeRs.

TeLl mE wHeN yOu WaNt HeR. 

submitted by SomeStrangeThing, age WhatIsIt?, ThatKidnappedThem
(May 27, 2016 - 12:43 pm)

Yes! Could I be Eico?


Wiseowl opens her mouth. An angry yet beautiful A-minor chord eases its way past her lips. It seems impossible that this girl can produce such a note, such a perfect, impeccable sound. She continues to sing, moving the notes higher, higher, higher, until I almost couldn't hear her anymore, the note is so high. Pure passion seems to ring from the music, giving me the chills at her sheer emotion. 

Time seems to slow down as Wiseowl sings, the alluring sound enchanting us all. Everyone turns towards her, mesmerized at the beauty.

For a moment, it feels like the note is the only sound in the world, the only voice, the only song. I can hardly remember anything else, only this sound, this divine dream. It feels like it this until a shrill cry slices through the air, like a knife through bread, like a swimmer through water. I look up.

It's the Fyre Bird, a beautiful phoenix. Its red wings shimmer with orange and gold, the color of flames, of fire. The flames seem to dance around it, creating a majestic background for the dazzling, magical bird.

The girl, Wiseowl, spreads her wings and takes flight. She floats up to the stunning, regal creature, ready to communicate in song.

submitted by Lucy/Xiǎolóng
(May 27, 2016 - 8:27 pm)

I knew! Little Crow! Gr..


Trill heard Wiseowl cry and looked up. "Something's wrong..." She said, her voice rising. Just before the entire area burst into flame! "Uh, Wiseowl? You need some help?" Laria called, her face pale. "Yes!" "I'll do it." Marsha said, her face stern. Trill nodded. She seemed the best choice. "No, you girl!" Hornshaw cried. "Shut up." Laria told her. "Go. Do it. Now!" Trill cried. "Wiseowl! Marsha is coming for help if you need it! Don't worry, she fine! She not steal your necklace!"

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G.
(May 28, 2016 - 8:10 am)

L what r u? Anyway, go ahaid and be Eico! Lucy, ur already Ayearth so since L isnt anything she can be Eico. (Ps thanks for someone finaly picking Eico up!)

submitted by Claaws
(May 28, 2016 - 8:41 pm)

Sorry! I accidentally wrote L instead of Arra

submitted by L
(May 29, 2016 - 3:10 pm)

Eico is the serpent right?

submitted by Arra W.
(May 29, 2016 - 3:11 pm)

Just for clarification, L and Arra are the same person, but I will mostly use the name Arra when submitting a comment

submitted by Arra/L
(May 29, 2016 - 4:58 pm)

Eico is the serpaint. Please read the RP thread and the Power orgain thread for more info about your new charrie.

submitted by Claaws
(May 30, 2016 - 11:52 am)

I will, thanks

submitted by Arra
(May 31, 2016 - 9:12 am)


I can't believe it! Marsha, my arch-nemisis, helping? I swoop down, grabbing her hand, and land. "No fire extinguisher can put this out!" I shout over the chaos. "Get people to safty, all the while singing." Her face shows confusion, then disgust. "I know," I answer her unspoken question. "Sounds like something from a crazy story book. But I have an idea. Try to get the others to sing too. Any song, alright?" She finally nods. "Hurry!" ...

submitted by Wiseowl , age 11, Reader's Barn
(May 30, 2016 - 5:13 pm)

The sun sinks in front of me, its last dying rays tinging the clouds a dusky pink. Its shimmering image is reflected in the calm waters of the ocean, only disturbed by the gentle rolling of the waves. Darkness softly cloaks the corners of the sky as the sun descends ever lower before me. I close my eyes and soak in the warmth and beauty of it all. Sunsets have always seemed to help me see the future, allowing me to pierce the veil of time and catch a glimpse of the yet-to-come. I sigh, a hint of a breeze ruffling the grass around me. The visons come as I stand there, scenes and landscapes darting quickly past, over and over, faster and faster. A particular image reappears again and again, filling my mind for an instant then darting away, only to come back a moment later. I frown slightly, trying to make sense of it. A dark passage, seemingly carved from rock. Countless passages, each blocked by mysterious gates. An ancient evil lurking deep inside the labyrinth, waiting, always waiting, waiting for the right moment, the moment it will awake and rise, filling the whole world with its unfathomable darkness. The image flickers again in my mind, showing a Kyngdom at war with itself, desperately fighting the darkness, alas, to no avail. The scene gets murkier, thrashing outlines barely indistinguishable. Then nothing. The darkness reigns supreme, having corrupted the world and every beast in it. I shudder, tearing myself from the frightful vision. The sun has disappeared from the sky. Only a soft glow on the horizon remains. The wind has picked up and whips around me, the cold finally piercing through my scales. Darkness waits to cover the world, like a curtain at the end of a play, waiting only for the last people to exit from the stage. This darkness is not like the one in my vision, though. This is comforting in its soft velvety blackness. I gaze up at it for a moment, my eyes narrowed against the icy breeze. Then I sigh and turn away, finally knowing where my goal is. In the Labyrinth. 

submitted by Arra/Ecio
(May 30, 2016 - 8:33 pm)

Is this okay with everyone? I think if the Powers want to succeed, they should work together, and I was trying to think of a way to change Ecio's mind. I hope this will be enough. 

submitted by Arra/ Ecio
(May 31, 2016 - 9:15 am)