Another RP.B
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Another RP.B
Another RP.
Because SC is very bored and she needs to get something to read and she's going crazy and she's talking in third person... SO, coming up with something must help. Except she doesn't know what.
oo-kay. Pencil. Lead. Drawing. Ink. Dark. Monsters. Deep. Calm. Dead. Zombie. Brains. NOT HELPING!!!!
Now I am sane. So, going off of the whole Fairyland idea (anybody remember that?) let's stick somebody in Fairyland Prison. Let's rename it. How about... Deaderland Prison. oo-kay. Deaderland Prison is in the Deaderlands. Under the ocean.
Here's the premise:
Fairyland's most secure prison is the Deaderland Prison, so named because it is located in the Deaderlands, the harshest, cruelest enviorment there is: the enormous, totally sterile former science lab that is floating just below the surface of the Bottom of the World Ocean. Think Zimbabwe sized. (It looks about right on the map helpfully located on the wall next to my computer) That's the Deaderland Science Lab. The Deaderland Prison just a small part of it.
Onto characters: Probably not gods, this time, just because it would easy for them to escape. So, normal (or not so normal) characters from fairy tales/myths/poems/songs/whatever.
Name: Peter Pan
Age: Uh... 19?
Appearance: He does not wear tights. Or a dress. Or a cap with a feather in it. In fact, he is currently wearing a bright yellow prison suit. With FAIRYLAND PRISON written on it in black. But yeah, he looks about nine. Brown hair. Brown eyes. Regular.
Other Very Important Stuff: His shadow keeps (annoyingly) falling off. And he can fly. But not through concrete, so he's stuck.
Object: Escape from Deaderland Prison, for crimes that may or may not have actually been committed!
(March 28, 2012 - 9:27 pm)
Name: Aed
Age: 200 (so about 20ish in human years)
Appearence: 5.5ft tall, pointy ears, pure black eyes, including the whites, scarred, thick black hair
Occupation: Assassion/Field Resaercher
Allegiance: freelance
Personality: quiet, sense of humor, once battled an enourmous wolf, magic abilities, communicates with animals, usually armed, but now is not because of prison security
Species: Lantech (alien)
(March 30, 2012 - 10:13 am)
Name: Baba Yaga
Age: About 4000. Probably.
Appearance: Standard disgusting old lady. Picture her yourself.
Other very important stuff: She's an outcast in the Deaderlands, banished from a bunch of countries because people don't need a witch to advise them or try to kill them anymore. She speaks English now. I'm not sure why.
Object: Get out of the Deaderlands and get revenge.
(March 30, 2012 - 2:24 pm)
I don't go on Inkwell that much so I have no idea what Fairyland is, but that and the Deaderland idea both sound awesome!
Name: Arla the Queer
Age: Somewhere in her forties...
Appearance: She is a pixie thing, so she has wings. Whose sparkles could rival the Cullens. And her face looks like a rabid squirrel's on caffeine. And she's VERY PUDGY compared to other "normal" pixies.
Other Very Important Stuff: When she is withdrawn from her daily Espressy (coffee for pixies) her face ages rapidly, her hair becomes limp and grey, and she gets very irritable.
Object: Get an espressy.
(March 30, 2012 - 5:39 pm)
Fairyland is the origin world of all mythical, lengendal, poemendal, storical, and lyrical creatures, animals, people, and dead things whether they be good, bad, honest, lying, living, or dead. Fairyland is home to humanity's greatest fears, nightmares, wishes, hopes, and products of a good imagination. That is important. No Mary Sues. Unless it is the one and only Mary Sue, because it takes a good imagination to dream up someone that...boring.
Other people have Fairylands, too, but theirs differ on different aspects with mine. Mine is just setting loose other people's characters, and my only intention is for them to wreak havoc.
(March 30, 2012 - 9:48 pm)
(March 31, 2012 - 1:39 pm)
Arla now has a full name. Arla Dahlia Nettles! :D
When can we start?
(April 1, 2012 - 4:51 pm)
Name: Hans Christian Andersen
Age: 32
Appearance: Like this: Picture from Wikipedia Biography of Hans Christian Andersen
Other Very Important Stuff: In the slammer for killing off so many fairy tale characters in his stories
Object: Get paper and pen and write more stories! Escape if needed to get story ideas.
(April 2, 2012 - 3:28 pm)
Nice one, Melody.
When shall we start? Oh, I dunno. Someone else start. I'm supposed to be doing homework.
(April 2, 2012 - 6:46 pm)
//Arla Dahlia Nettles the Queer//
"This place is a dump," Jin says, his dead legs trailing behind him, "compared to ohsobeautiful Fairyland. And there isn't even an expressy machine." I groan.
"Don't remind me. Please." People- and other sorts of odd creatures- stare at us as we walk by. Jin is invisible and we share a mouth, get over it. For the last time: I. Am not. INSANE!
"Maybe just a little bit," Jin says. "Probably because of lack of caffeiness."
"Keep your mouth shut, princess!" the giant two-headed dog snarls at Jin and me, and spittle flies. Great. Then it opens a cell with its giant teeth and flings me inside. Jin obviously follows, floating through the bars.
"I wouldn't mind an espressy just now. And a rinse to get all that dog slobber off," I mutter. Dogs- with multiple heads and ears it seems- just have to have amazing hearing. The thing snarls at me and hits the door with its paw before trotting away.
It has paws and trots. Things too innocent for that four-eyed monstrosity.
"I'm going to find some other non-hallucination to chat with," Jin says. "And hopefully find an espressy." His form starts to float away and soon, he is gone.
Great I'm alone.
Without an espressy.
Maybe we can get Tim Horton's to make a delivery. Sorry, Olive, I couldn't resist adding that.
(April 3, 2012 - 3:37 pm)
Elsewhere... //Aed//
"Why am I here?" I asked thin air. "I mean, I only assassinated the President."
"Why are any of us here?" The voice floated in from the hall.
"Oh be quiet Cerburus." I had been getting tired of the guard dog's mock tough guy act, and had talked him into trusting me. Now I am getting tired of his woe-is-me act.
"Hey, you did ask."
"No, I didn't."
"Yeah, you did."
"Hey! Be quiet!" another guard called from the hallway. I groaned. This would be a v-e-r-y long 700 years.
"I need to escape," I thought grimly to myself.
(April 3, 2012 - 5:17 pm)
@Admin: You're too awesome. It should be illegal. :p
(April 3, 2012 - 7:43 pm)
Name: Boo
Age:12 or so
Appearance: shabby
he is from a story in cricket
(April 4, 2012 - 10:20 am)
Baba Yaga~
I stare at the wall. Why? Why did it have to happen to me? All the other witches were okay, as long as they kept out of the way, but I got banished and exiled just because my house ran over some law enforcer or other.
At least they gave me a place of my own, and not a cell. All the others get a dirty, cramped cell, but I--
I stop. Small comfort. They took my house, all my posessions, and sentenced me to the Deaderlands for 100,000 years. You might think that if you're immortal, time passes more quickly.
Sometimes it does.
Not when you're in prizon.
Then, one of the guards bursts in-- Little Red Riding Hood, Captain of the Guards. The wolf teeth jangle on her wrists as she grabs me by the hand.
"You're being moved," she tells me.
I'm so shocked I don't even bother to use my old lady voice. "What??"
"Just because." She leads me into a cell, and slams the door behind me.
Before I have time to slump against the wall or do anything dramatic that prizoners always do before they escape, a non-hallucination floats in.
"There's got to be espressy around here somewhere," he mutters to himself.
Yay. Someone to talk to.
(April 5, 2012 - 7:36 pm)
"I'm sorry I have a violent streak when I write!" I cried at Cerberus, "I just want paper!"
The guard dog just laughed. Throw me anywhere you want, if it has a paper and a pen, I'll be fine. Being here was torture.
OOC: And writer's block hits...
(April 6, 2012 - 6:42 pm)
Name: Red Riding Hood (Rei for short)
Age: 13
Apperance: Shaggy brown hair, blue eyes, medium height
Occupation: Was crazy, but something made her get to her senses. Now she's in jail, feeling guilty about it. And trying to get out.
Other important stuff: She's as tough as nails, and her one goal in life is to get back at the Big Bad Wolf.
I paced my cell. Back, forth, back, forth. The smell of molding walls and the sound of other nutjobs in this place was really stating to get to me. "Listen, girlie," a pixie thing with grey hair yelled towards me. "No matter how much ya pace, you're not gettin out of here. If that worked, we would have been out of here a long time ago."
I ignored her, trying to think. What the heck would get me out of here? I'd been sitting in this nuthouse for who knows how long, and honestly, I was getting pretty darn sick of it. Even though I had proved that I wasn't crazy anymore, no one believed me.
"Quit it, Red," Cerberus growled at me. Usually by eleven o'clock, I was ready to punch his ugly face out.
"It's Rei, actually," I snapped. "Not that you don't know that, of course." I finally sat down, and started to scratch at the floor with a stick someone had dropped on their way in here. It was one of the only things that made sure I didn't die of boredom around here.
"Can you dip that stick in ink?" Hans yelled across the room. "I can write on the walls!" I rolled my eyes and chucked the stick aside. I needed to find a way out of here. Fast.
But where to start?
(April 11, 2012 - 3:43 pm)