I feel like

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I feel like

I feel like starting an RR because there haven't been any lately. I just don't know how to start it. And if I started it, it would be really cheesy. So, someone else start (or I'll think about something and post it later). 

Please join! 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(January 5, 2012 - 5:22 am)



I blink once, hard sure that I am dreaming, or imagining things. But no. I can see tire tracks on the damp pavement that just... end. I glance around, affirming that no one else was awake to witness this event before pulling on my sweater and slipping out the door. It was time to end this. I peered around the corner, checking that no one was there to see me sneak away. I was down the stairs and opening the door before I heard her.

"No!" A small shadow detached itself and firmly hugged my legs. Nessa looked up at me pleadingly. "Don't leave me like Mommy did."

"Oh, honey. I am not leaving you. I just have to go outside for a minute." But she wouldn't listen to reason, and I figured I might be gone for a while. Better to have her with me so I could watch her than leave her here to think I had abandoned her. I silently pushed open the door and we headed into the night.


Hee hee, keep posting! Smile 

submitted by Hawk, age 14, Cristophsis
(February 15, 2012 - 6:56 pm)

This kinda died, so TOP!

submitted by
(March 5, 2012 - 9:01 pm)


submitted by Ghostly-Alex, age 10, Slowly coming back.
(April 12, 2012 - 9:47 am)