Character Lounge! This

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Character Lounge! This

Character Lounge! This can either be for characters in a RP or RR, in a NaNo or other novel, or from a book. The place can really be anywhere, I really don't care. Time is in the present.

Here's my charrie:


Name: Kiara McLevenson

Age: 14

Gender: Girl

Species: Human

From: My NaNo novel =)

submitted by ZB ☮
(November 27, 2011 - 3:59 pm)

Name: Shadow (goes by Shadow anyway)

Age: 19

Gender: female

Species: Human (mostly)

From: A random story that I once tried to write 

submitted by Tiffany W., age 11
(November 27, 2011 - 6:40 pm)


submitted by TOP, age topillion, topping this thread
(November 27, 2011 - 10:08 pm)

Name:  Princess Flameria Elora of the Palace Dawn (goes by Flame to her friends)

Age:  I suppose that depends on whose time measurement you're going by...In our world, she's 13,000, in hers, she's 13.

Gender:  Female

Species:  It occurs to me that this would be a huge give-away, so I'm going to pass on this one.

From:  A novel that I'm currently writing.  However, if you ask her, she would say "Magia," as that's her homeland.

submitted by Ferris F., age 12, Denver, CO
(December 6, 2011 - 9:20 pm)

So where should it be? =)

submitted by ZB ☮
(November 27, 2011 - 10:58 pm)

I'm going to join before this story starts. It seems like something I'd like. P.S. I am a girl, if you're wondering.

Name: Wendy

Age: just turned 11

Appearence: very modern clothes; colorful style.

So, Are going to write in first person, or what? Also, I think the setting should be someplace in Tennessee. 

submitted by Alex, age 10, East TN
(November 28, 2011 - 8:06 am)

The middle of a random field?

submitted by Emily L., WA
(November 29, 2011 - 12:17 am)

I want to join, but I have a request. It would be much less confusing if:

1: each person was only allowed to have one character

and 2: each person could only act themselves. Last thing like this I was in got Reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllly confusing.

Name: Annika

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Clothing: blouse, long skirt, red riding cloak. Armed with a bow and arrows.

submitted by Emily L.
(November 28, 2011 - 1:13 am)

We are supposed to make a charachter? Ok, here is mine.

Name: Marie Grace

Age: This story shows her ages 0-adult

Gender: Girl

From: My story


submitted by True S., age 10, Denison TX
(November 28, 2011 - 4:53 pm)

Okay, I'm confused, but gonna join.


Name: Rena Kiltan

Age:... I think she's 12?

Gender: Girl

From: This RP I did once.

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(November 29, 2011 - 5:46 pm)

Ooh! I wanna join!


Name: Biodest (Bye-O-Dest)

Gender: Female

Species: Plant/Dinosaur/Robot Hybrid

From: The Souls of those lost in the Great Dino Extinction...

submitted by Nathan C., age 11, Chicago, IL
(December 7, 2011 - 11:49 am)

Name: Elsa Townsend
Age: 17
Home town: Ecitan
Current town: Mirad
Hair: wavy, long, bright orange hair, side bangs
Eyes: bright blue, wide
Skin: olive
Clothing style: Steampunk, “nice” mechanic style. Leather fingerless gloves, dress shirt, tie, broach, nice aviator goggles, and pocket watch. Boots, leather pants, lots of buckles.
Appearance flaws: small birthmark on back of neck, like star
Tattoos, Scars, Anything else: double pieced ears (small silver posts)
Parents: Died in fire when she was 8
Sister: Chel, 13, tall, shoulder-length extremely wavy (not curly) blond hair, green eyes
Pets: dragon familiar (needs to come up with better word) named Kay

Good characteristics: stick-to-itiveness, leader, brave, adventurous
Bad characteristics: stubborn, unlikely to change opinion
How do they act when mad: yells, argues, gets more stubborn
How to they act when sad: shuts it all in, puts on happy face (or tries to)
How do they act when excited: flusteredly happy
How do they act when scared: is never scared. If is, just hides it and asks brave

Food: anything she can earn, has poor family
Color: black, white, gray
Animal: dragon
Weather: sunny
Season: fall
Place: train station
Person: sister

Best friend(s): Moline- short strait brown hair, works at train station with her so same clothes
Close friends(s): Jack, Moline’s identical twin brother (with shorter hair)

Work: Train station in Mirad
Job(s): Mechanic/stewardess
Home: small shack (they call it a cabin) in the woods by the train tracks on the outskirts of Mirad

Transportation:(Walking, Bike, Car, Bus, etc.) Walking/train
What do they keep in their bag or purse: it’s a toolbox. :)
Do they own any weapons: small pocketknife

submitted by kaukatkay, age 13, Here
(December 9, 2011 - 7:20 pm)

Name: Alana Kirke [Most people call her Lana, or Lock]

Age: 15

Grade: 10th

Gender: Girl

Species: Human

From: New York

Clothing: Wears mostly ripped stone-washed skinny jeans, very "hot" tops or tank tops [she's wealthy], dangly earrings, bracelets like any 15 year old, Converse [has every color]

Appearance: Straight, white teeth [had braces in elementry school], about 5'5, Light brown hair with blonde highlights, passed her shoulders and has bangs, very rare, violet eyes.

Best friend: Cameron Barns




submitted by Vida
(December 14, 2011 - 3:18 pm)

Name: Samantha Brook

Age:  13

Gender: Girl

Species: Human

From: A novel I am currently writting that isn't part of NaNo but who says it has to be?

submitted by Blackberry E., age 12
(December 16, 2011 - 10:26 am)

Name: Oliver Flannery

Age: 16

Gender: Boy

Species: Human

From: A book I'm trying to write, it's actually going pretty well.   

submitted by Hawk, age 14, Michigan
(January 12, 2012 - 4:21 pm)

Here's some more on my charachter.

Appearance: Brown hair and eyes. White shirt, white and light blue checked skirt, white stockings, black shoes, and some of her hair.

Did I put Marie Grace? Sorry, wrong character!

Name: Katherine

Age: Around 10

When do we start?

submitted by True S., age 10, Denison TX
(December 22, 2011 - 5:59 pm)