Poetry Thread!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Poetry Thread!

Poetry Thread!

My poetry! It probably all sucks! But oh well!

This is just poetry that has been written by me in tha past few years. I've posted it on several writing websites and such, but it's not like it ever comes to anything. It's just kind of there. So, I've decided to give it a new life! Please critique and/or post your own poetry, I DON'T CARE. 

A Muddy Clarity

It's a way of saying to me

The mirror hides hideous

Shows what is not meant to be

But we are oblivious


Lies pull you under

On your back, you finally see

No things go asunder

You didn't know what you meant to me


It's a muddy kind of clarity

See all, but not exact

Fractured lines, spare me

I know I can't take you back


When the wind blows, I think of you

Or I break my will and cry

But I know we have to pull through

You must always try


Eh. Sad, right?


I stand at my window

Gaze out at the landscape

Holds a blazing inferno

That wants to escape


Mist dusts the faces

Of conquerors, long dead

Who claimed all these places

Power goes to your head


A scarlet sun scorches

Old documents, paper curling

Lost songs, held to torches

Sad memories unfurling


A whisper calls out to me

Through years, don't know how

'Why forsake your history

For tarnished glory now?'


Snap... These two are some of m saddest- why did I do them first?

My sister is yelling at me to get off the computer.

Chickuu says eumt.

~Ash out~

submitted by Ash, age 13, A galaxy far away
(November 18, 2011 - 4:02 pm)


submitted by TOP, age TOPTOPTOP, at the top
(November 21, 2011 - 12:28 pm)

That first one is really good. I can really see the feeling behind it.

submitted by L
(November 21, 2011 - 7:30 pm)

Though I don't read much poetry, I like yours. Ihave limerik.

Blue and Red 

There once was a girl namedTrue,

Who thought she really liked blue,

But one day she said ;

"I really like red."

To her little cousin named Sue.


This is one of my best poems,I don't write many.


submitted by True S., age 10, Denison Texas
(November 23, 2011 - 2:25 pm)

I wrote a limerick in response to Star Wars once...


There once was a Sith lord named Sidious

Who was so unalterably hideous

His apprentice named Vader

Said to Light, "See you later,"

And now he's more hideous than Sidious.


Charming, right? But I think it's funny.

Garthwumpian Flopp says bbpu. Road Runner rolled in something stinky?

Quintus- The pen may be mightier than the sword, but the sword is mightier than the paper shredder.

submitted by Quintus, Calveicia
(November 24, 2011 - 12:15 pm)

heehee :D

Ok so this one doesn't make much sense to those who have never seen my piece of artwork entitled "Interconnected" but I'm putting it on here anyway. Interconnected is a bunch of shapes all mixed up (and all connected!) with charcoal outlines and pastel insides. You also might wonder "why the sudden dark change?" Well, it's kind of a three-part poem. The first two stanzas have a sort of hopeful, mysterious feel, while the last one is more... you'll see. And please critisize! I'd like to know how I can change it to make more sense.


Lines swirl

Shapes curl

Chains link

Buds unfurl.

Chapters end

While new ones start,

Adding renewed depth

To my heart.

As I make connections

I can finally see 

Through a transparent film--

A possibility.


Colors blend

Hatreds end

Passion throbs

Wrongs amend.

An orderly jumble

Portrays my soul-

Abursting outline,

Pastel and charcoal.

I go through the motions,

Repitition tells me

That life is a mirror,

Reflecting similarity.


Raw holes glow,

My faults show,

I scream in pain:

"I know! I know!"

I try to love

And yet I fail,

Letting greed,a vice, prevail.

With my last thought

It dawns on me:

Accepting love and hatred both

Is a part of reality.


I know, terrible. Especially  the end. I might just stop at "life is a mirror/reflecting similarity" and make the last stanza into a different poem.  

submitted by SusyQ
(November 25, 2011 - 11:07 am)

Actually, that's amazing! I really want to see this picture now.

I love the last stanza. The poem sounds resolved, but then you add in that little bit and it's just that much more amazing.

Chickuu says ixgy.

~Ash out~

submitted by Ash, age 13, A galaxy far away
(November 26, 2011 - 3:03 pm)

Maybe if we get our scanner working...

But thanks!


submitted by SusyQ
(November 27, 2011 - 8:05 pm)


That is beautiful!!! 


submitted by Teresa, age 13, Michigan
(January 5, 2013 - 4:57 pm)

you are the perfect, the only one

you are the savior, the eradiactor of fears

you are the chosen one

you are the imperfect hero

you are the dead, the living, the future

you are my love

you are the fighter, the rescuer of worlds

you are the rain, washing away my tears

you are the one who makes my tears flow

you are the one who left and left me behind

you are the chosen

you are the hero

you were everything to me

you are the dead

you were the living

you were





Loosely based on Ethan Wate from the Beautiful Creatures books. Writen on the spot.

submitted by edge
(November 24, 2011 - 6:28 pm)

I like them both! The first one really gets accross the feeling of "muddy clarity" somehow. They're both a bit vague, but it's poetry, so who cares? :)


Here's a poem I posted on another poetry thread a while ago:

Warriors come forth,
Swords glittering in the sunlight,
Defending their castle,
Built brick by golden brick,
From a beast
Many times their size,
That blots out the sunlight
And swipes a paw,
Killing off


Others surge forward,
Sacrificing their lives
To sting with the blades
Of their swords,
To protect the treasured gold,
Hidden in the castle,
Among the many rooms
And passages,
Though the beast is bigger
By a hundred fold.


The queen lies inside,
Hearing the battle
But unable to help,
As her duties lie
With those who make the gold,
Not the warriors
Who bravely defend it.


But the castle is falling,
The beast is winning,
The warriors dying,
The gold uncovered,
And the bear
Steals the honey
From the bees.


Now here's one I just made up:


Silent darkness
Fills the sky,
Draping the lake
In shifting shadows.
Mist spirals off
The water,
Like a blanket
Thin as spider silk.
Branches hang low
From the trees;
Arms of old men
Searching for support.
There is no sound,
Just darkness,
No faint echoes,
Not even whispers.
A bird calls.

submitted by Alexandra, age XIII (13), Never Land
(November 24, 2011 - 11:22 pm)

The first one is rather... I don't know.

But the second one is really good! Me gusta mucho!

Chickuu says yecg.

~Ash out~

submitted by Ash, age 13, A galaxy far away
(November 26, 2011 - 3:01 pm)

Cinquain: An Apology

Oh dear

By accident

My vulgar words seem to have

Insulted you both at once


submitted by L
(December 11, 2011 - 3:32 pm)

Here's some I wrote in 5th grade...

Midnight Moon

The midnight moon is behind the trees

all alone just him and me.

A deer appears

just across the river bend.

I have all night to spend

with the deer, my friend

who has a clear view of me,

a kind and free human being. 



Pretty, cold

falling, gliding, twisting

Landing on my nose.



Warming up with hot chocolate by the fire

Indoors decorating the Christmas Trees

Never-ending fun and games

Together with family and friends

Elated children sledding downhill

Reading in bed, lost in a story 


submitted by Teresa, age 13, Michigan
(January 5, 2013 - 4:55 pm)

I don't really do rhyming poems... 

Open My Heart


Make my dreams

Mostly it seems

Like I see 

Ugly things

Of I do tell

Deep down from

The bottom of nowhere

Massive creatures

With hideous wings

Muzzles with fire 


From their nostrils

But I do see

White, fair


Lovely nymphs

Courageous horses

So open my heart 

To see my dreams

Aching limbs of trees

Brandish their leaves high

And make their coat of arms,

Swaying their heads unto the sky

Little sparrows sing

To their hearts’ desire

So open my heart to see my dreams

Larks sweetly sing their own song;

Far and wide, ’tis heard

Horses neigh to their contentment

Daisies bloom;

Share their smell

So open my heart

To see my dreams




Sailing on the sea

Waves grasping the ship

With vicious claws


It spills on board

Salty water 


Mine eyes

Pulling to the ropes

I hear the voices

Calling to me

“Courage, courage”

I had courage and became


Hope came



Stormy music sweetly called,

“Courage, courage”

Thunder rumbled 


Into the storm

Lightning fiercely 

Struck the sky

I hear the voices say,

“Courage, courage”

I became braver

The storm vanished

Whispering a few

Last words:

“Courage, courage”



submitted by Marie, age 12, Florida
(January 28, 2013 - 5:51 pm)

Here's a thing. Let it be said that this poem is not supposed to make any kind of sense. Do not try to pick it apart to find a 'deeper meaning' or whatever other tortures English teachers are devising these days.

Talk to me like it rained slow
Give me the frog that flew
The whale meowed, it's time to go
Bubbles float up on cue

Walk upon the golden leaf
Like I talk about the weather
Apples eat the coral reef
Generally, I'd want that feather

The snowball hops and crumbles
It's chemical bonding time!
The volcano erupts to mumble
Why it doesn't like the clime

Why can't I have the Civil War?
My paintbrush broke its pear
What is in that suspicious drawer?
Sherlock Holmes needs his stare

Don't kill Frodo, I need that hobbit
For my world-dominating plane
I hate stormtroopers, I just forgot it
Spock thinks Voldemort is insane

I asked you, Cyrus, what happened to your nose
But you had just returned from Rome
A war was waged with dirty toes
Is it time to eat all of Nome?


submitted by L
(January 31, 2013 - 5:15 pm)