Chatterbox: Inkwell
So. Now I'm not just dragon obsessed. I'm elf obsessed too. And not the Santa's little helpers types of elves. Tolkien elves. Tall elves. Awesome elves. Bow and arrow elves.
Yeah. So what elves do you like? And do you write stories about them? And do you draw them? Because I kind of really like drawing elves right now too. With huge pointy ears. And one eye covered by their hair.
submitted by Tiffany W., age 11
(October 18, 2011 - 9:18 pm)
(October 18, 2011 - 9:18 pm)
Tolkien elves rock (according to the movies)! They are the awesomest magical creatures/beings I have ever read about/watched. I LOVE Legolas and Galadriel and Arwen and... You get the point. :) The whole bow and arrow thing is also absolutely awesome!
I have never written a story about elves but I might try... Actually, the other day while I was brushing my teeth I got this idea for a prologue about elves... Actually, I should maybe go along with that idea...
Drawing elves. I tried drawing manga elves but they're pretty complicated so I sort of gave up... You should look at the Drawing Thread and the elf drawing that Kat drew! That's a manga elf. Absolutely adorable. :)
(October 19, 2011 - 11:42 am)
(October 19, 2011 - 6:54 pm)
Yes, thank you, Elizabeth M. for advertising my thread. I should make an advertising thread!
(October 23, 2011 - 11:48 am)
I like Tolkienesque elves, but only as written by Tolkien, because no one else does them well. And Discworld elves, which are - well. "No one ever said elves are nice. Elves are bad."
(October 19, 2011 - 8:40 pm)
My favorite elves are Arya and Oromis from Eragon (my favorite fantasy series of all time).
(October 20, 2011 - 3:25 pm)
Ok. I have problems with elves. At least with how they're portrayed.
Nobody is perfect. Elves do not have to be beautiful. Or blonde. What kind of species is all blonde?
You can not, can not, never ever classify an entire species, race, group of living beings as one paticular personality. There are nice people, mean people, happy people, sad people, scary people, scared people, on and on. Same with all other species. Not all elves are awesome. There are elves that are jerks. There are elves that are wimps. Have you ever met a person who was perfect? If you have, let me know. Also with weapons. Elves use swords, not just bow and arrows. And THEY CAN USE MACHINE GUNS. It's their choice.
(October 20, 2011 - 6:21 pm)
Actually, that's just one version of elves. There are also elves that look like tiny people with pointy ears and are annoying to you.
(November 8, 2011 - 10:57 am)
Oh my gosh, I LOVE DRAWING STEREOTYPICAL MANGA ELVES THE WAY YOU DESCRIBED THEM!! It's so much fun to do the ears! I think that some of Tolkien's elves are really awesome, like Legolas and Galadriel, but some of them really get on my nerves with their whole "perfect, dignified, superior, intelligent, etc." thing. I haven't finished reading the series, but so far I think those two are my favorite elves. Also, I really like Colfer's elves in Artemis Fowl. They're definitely far from perfect, they're not all blond (as a matter of fact, I don't remember any blond elves in AF...), and they DEFINITELY do not just use bows and arrows. Plus, the occupation of the main elf (Holly Short) has the best acronym ever: Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance=LEPrecon. :)
(October 20, 2011 - 8:11 pm)
... Well, not all Tolkien are blond. And it's true that some of them are too perfect. And I have nothing against elves using machine guns, I just prefer bows and swords.
The elves I draw aren't exactly manga. I could show you something like it... IF I found our how to post pictures here.
(October 20, 2011 - 8:56 pm)
You should ask Kat. She posts lots of pictures, I'm sure she could tell you how.
(October 21, 2011 - 6:23 pm)
Yes, Colfer does do a good representation of elves. Holly Short is amazing. And funny. And really good at flying.
Also, the Bordertown series did a good job too. Yes, their elves were blonde and tall, but there were mean and horrible ones, and nice and good ones.
(October 20, 2011 - 9:18 pm)
That is so cool!! I love France!
(October 23, 2011 - 10:43 am)
I love Tolkien's elves. That's how I picture them: so mystical, powerful, and great with a bow. Lanolas is awesome, in my opinion.
(November 8, 2011 - 10:55 am)
Yay elves! I'm an elf in one of the Pudding's Place roleplays, which reminds me that I need to post on there....
Anyway, I love drawing elves too! I draw them with hair covering one eye because when I draw two eyes they look all mismatched..
(February 8, 2012 - 6:07 pm)