Character Lounge
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Character Lounge
Character Lounge
For those of you who don't know: In a character lounge, we dump characters from stories we wrote in to one spot and watch them interact with each other. It's great for learning about your characters. Anyone up for it?
Location: Back alley in New York City, this will be especially fun for characters who don't even know what electricity is. >:D We all use the same location, ftr.
Character: Dyani Ather
Gender: F
Age: 15
Looks: Long, black hair, green eyes, tall, thin.
Clothes: Forest green leggings and tight-fitting shirt. She has a quiver of arrows over her back and a bow over her shoulder along with a sword at her side.
Character: Alistair Kioth
Gender: M
Age: Early twenties, late teens
Looks: Brown hair, brown eyes, taller than Dyani, average wieght.
Clothes: Brown pants and loose shirt. He has a sword.
Dyani: ~poofs in and glances around~ Where the heck am I!?
Alistair: ~also poofs in and grabs the hilt of his sword~ What just happened?
Dyani: ~worried look~ Where's Durn!?
-Dyani looks around as if expecting to find her spaniel running up from nowhere.
Alistair: We have to get back to Iringar.
(September 23, 2011 - 11:29 am)
How the groups split, Part 3
Myla Saurini
"I'm leaving, " Nico Le said apruptly, almost simeoultaneously with Shade. "Follow if you like."
Shade looked at me. I shrugged. And a boy fell out of the sky. Happens all the time.
He was tall, had weird eyes, funny ears, weird bat-like wings, and spikey things on his fingers. Probably lethal. Gosh, who was writing this, if Lily was right? This is ridiculous. We've got everything except.... except.... except....angels. Yeah, no angels. No halos. And no cats. Definitely no cats arranged in a hierarchy. From a series of books.
The guy with the funny bat wings got up and dusted himself off, glaring at everyone. And another guy fell out of the sky. See, I told you. Happens all the time. He had robes on. Like... Harry Potter ish robes. The ones from the remake, not the original.
And so, that's how Kyrian and Tavven showed up, and how we split. Shade off to have fun, and drive fast cars. Those that went with her went with her to get away from Nico Le. Those that went with Nico Le went with her to get away from Shade. Me, too keep an eye on Nico Le. I'd just throw Shade out from the Hunters if she killed a lot of people.
(October 7, 2011 - 6:35 pm)
Rather short, with spiky green hair. Violet eyes (w/ cat pupils) and a scar across nose.
Never takes anything seriously.
Wears a lavender flowy shirt with long bell-sleeves, navy blue boy cargo shorts, and yellow kneesocks. Always has a pencil/pen/marker/crayon/feather/stylus in pockets (with pad of paper).
What she draws comes to life.
(October 8, 2011 - 10:38 am)
I'm confused but I'll post anyway. :)
Now, to go over how my day's been going so far, let's recap:
1. I singlehandedly destroyed one of my society's secret bases (a long story involving me, a boy namesd Ben Hilton who really likes to annoy me, and a bomb).
2. I somehow was transported to New York City, and met creatures even I have never seen.
3. My communicater is vibrating, and the number is Ben's-- one I really would not prefer to see right now (or ever, after today).
So, so far, I've been having a great day.
I walk away from the rest of the mish-mashed group of human and inhuman creatures to answer my communicater.
"What?" I snap through the cell-phone looking device.
"Hello, Jaylena." a eerily monotonous voice replies. I shudder. This was not the voice I was expecting. Talking to Ben is nothing compared to who-- or should I say what-- is on the line.
"How do you have Hilton's phone?" I ask in a shaky voice.
"That is not your business." The monotone voice answers.
"Demon, I swear, if you don't leave me alone I'll..." my voice trails off as maniacal laughter echoes from the other side of the connection. It's a horrifying sound.
"'Demon'? Now, now, I may be one, but must you rub it in, shifter?" the voice says cruelly. I resist the urge to scream my head off. I have no idea of the extent of the situation.
"What do you want?" I say quietly, almost afraid of the answer.
THE END!!!!!!! :D cliff-hanger ending......again! :)
I don't know where this is gonna' go, so......
(October 8, 2011 - 3:17 pm)
We're splitting up into two different groups on two different threads, because there are just too many people to keep track of. Now I must go search the pages of Inkwell for Shade's Thread because it has disappeared.
(October 9, 2011 - 1:10 pm)
Sorry about that!!! I think that's becasue I commented on it.
(October 9, 2011 - 4:29 pm)
This story is awesome! You guys have to keep it moving along so I'm adding a charrie.
Name: Equal Hypotenuse
Species: Dragon-person
Age: 15 (in human years)
Appearance: Has triangles all over his body (hence the name).
Gender: M
Equal: *pops in* Where the *dragon curse word* am I? (takes a look around) New York city! I've got back home!
Nico: *pops in*(w/ sarcasom) Excuse me, but none of us know how to.
Equal: You mean there are others?! Where are they?! Lead me to them!
That's all fo now guys. I've got to eat dinner. Post more tomorrow.
(October 24, 2011 - 6:38 pm)
kinda late but........
(January 4, 2012 - 8:08 pm)
And I shall join Tiffany in the fight! Top Top Top! Into battle with the back!
(February 4, 2012 - 8:46 pm)
The word top gets a little repetetive so....
Capatcha says oggp.
(February 5, 2012 - 6:23 pm)
(February 7, 2012 - 10:14 am)
Following what SC said when SC attempted to start this thread over....
Myla: Okay, guys. I don't know about you, but I'm bored, this place is weird, and I have things to do. So bye. Jesse, you're coming too.
Jesse: Okay (look of relief). Bye, Ava. Shade, are you coming?
Shade: No way! Not yet! This place is fun!!
Nico: -groan-
Ava: Hey, look! It's one of those big car thingies! Let's have a look!
Shade: Yeah! Let's go steal it!!!
Lily: No! It might belong to someone!
Nico: No way am I getting into that thing. I'm not insane yet.
Elyana: Neither am I. It doesn't have--
Draco: Wings. Or scales. Or claws. How's it even supposed to defend itself? Run people over?
Shade: -sighs in exasperation-. For the LAST TIME, they're cars! They're not alive! They don't have to defend themseves!!!
Nico: But what if someone attacks them?
Draco: Did you notice, Elyana, that it's the same color as Rilleyo's tunic?
Equal: -walks in-
Jay: Is your skin okay?
DElyan: Are you a Draceai?
Shade: That's the best you can do? I've seen better.
(February 7, 2012 - 7:03 pm)
Sorry! I mean when I attempted to start this thread over! *facepalm*
(February 7, 2012 - 9:11 pm)