Okay, gonna start
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Okay, gonna start
Okay, gonna start a new role play here b/c there are only a few on the Inkwell now.
Ummm... It's about... these kids who... go to this school... and... the school... umm... it starts burning... it's a boarding school... and then this kid... comes walking out of the fire... and they've never seen him/her before... and the fire doesn't harm him.
My charrie:
Name: Rena Kiltan
Age: 12
Appearance: short, fiery red hair, green eyes, freckles
Personality: Really quiet and shy, she only talks to her friends, genius
Other Info: She's been through hard times.
submitted by Analesia, age 12, being a Disney geek
(June 6, 2011 - 7:37 pm)
(June 6, 2011 - 7:37 pm)
Ok, that's fine.
Is that ok with you, what I said on my bio? If not it's ok, because I have another idea that goes with your story better, if you want me to do that. :)
(July 26, 2011 - 10:40 am)
i mean @ WritingWarrior, not @ Choco. For some reason I saw Choco's name on a different post and wrte that. :P sorry Choco and WritingWarrior.
(July 26, 2011 - 12:23 pm)
Happy Girl, I don't think that we really wanted to make it like that. You can just be a girl from the boarding school.
(July 26, 2011 - 6:45 am)
@ Choco: OK, that's fine. I'll let someone else introduce my character, because I don't want to mess up the story. I'll just be a girl from the boarding school, so I don't know how to get me in to the story.....sorry 'bout all this.
(July 27, 2011 - 9:52 am)
I'll be a girl from the boarding school that just moved there so no one really knows her that well. I'll let someone else introduce my character into the story so that I don't mess anything up. :)
(July 28, 2011 - 10:31 pm)
I am going to post as soon as humanly possible! Don't die little thread!
(August 2, 2011 - 2:31 am)
Top! Puh-leeze!
Spammy says yack. He's either sick or talkative.
(August 5, 2011 - 11:20 am)
Smoke, Marion, and I don't want to come behind him, but after a couple of times threatening us with fire, Fire sighs and burns the end of my hair off. I scream and give in. Smoke and Marion hold their ground, but fifteen minutes and sixteen scars later, we get into a line behind Fire. Nyx from our chemistry class jumps in behind Smoke. Smoke starts to say something, but Nyx holds her finger up to her lip. The principal stops Nyx. "Ma'am, he is not authorized," he starts. Fire just smiles and holds out a release form for Nyx. The principal sighs, and waves us on. "Before we go to my country," Fire tells us, "we need to pick up a homschooled girl who lives around here."
(August 5, 2011 - 2:54 pm)
Here's some more. Sorry for all the switching of tenses in my posts.
"Well," Mom replies, "the house down there was burnt in 1911. And knowing you, you probably want to know how it was caused."
I nod my head up and down rythymically. Of course I do!
was a boy who lived there named Norman, but he was called Fire Boy by
all his friends," she continues, gazing out at the ghostly building.
"Those who knew him who are still alive today-most of them are down at
Twin Oaks*-claim that he could light his hands on fire without getting
This story sounds a little too familar, I think to myself. Almost like that newscast.....
day," Mom goes on, picking up speed as she talks, "there was quite an
accident. Most people say Norman was in the middle of one of his famous
shows. Just as he flicked the lighter, a fireball exploded at his feet.
The house and barn caught fire, and Norman was never seen again. It was a pretty sturdy structure, which
is why it's still there today, but the interior transformed into
nothing but ashes. Your Great-Grandma Susan saw the house catch on fire, and also found this." She reaches into a dusty, old trunk that lies in the side of the room and pulls out a scrap of paper. "She said it was from Norman's diary, on the day of the fire."
I pick up the paper and begin to read....
Today is the day. Another show, but it will almost be time. I will find the six of them soon, and they will go to my home. It is raging and filling the world with its poison, so they must find their elem
"WHAT?!? It just gets cut off?" I yell angrily.
"It was probably time for the show," Mom replies grimly.
"I really think there's some connection between that Norman and the Norman we saw. Like a ghost or an ancestor or something," I continue.
"Oh, bosh," Mom says with a giggle. "The whole thing is just hooey. Ever heard of special effects, Eris? People use them all the time to attract crowds. And as for what happened in 1911....well, some people have extrordinary abilities, that's all."
I've heard of special effects, I think to myself. But that wasn't any effect. And it was more than an extrordinary ability.
(August 5, 2011 - 5:30 pm)
Thanks Analesia! :)
(August 5, 2011 - 6:28 pm)
I hate Fire. I don't care if he is someone helping us or not. He is so conceited. He thinks he knows everything. He is even hurting us- a little.
As I shuffle behind him I think about how I will be able to escape. Would I be able to escape with a few of us, or just myself.
Fire suddenly turns around. "Don't even try to escape," he looks straight at me.
"Oh let me guess," I say sarcasticly, "You can create fire, and read people thoughts too."
"Of course I can!" Fire says.
"Stop fighting!" Marion screeches at us, "You guys have been fighting the whole time. Apoligize this instant!"
"I'm not going to apologize to him!" I say shocked. But then Fire comes up to me and holds out his hand. He looks up at me and did he just smile?! Knowing we are seriously not going to be going anywhere until I shake Fire's hand, I hold out my hand. Fire gives it a firm shake, but holds on a little longer then normal. I suddenly take my hand away.
That made me super uncomfortable. Does Fire... like me?
(August 6, 2011 - 8:31 am)
Since you allowed WritingWarrior and HG to join, I'll assume that I'm allowed to join too.
(August 6, 2011 - 10:06 am)
Yeah you can join.
(August 6, 2011 - 2:31 pm)
(August 6, 2011 - 6:10 pm)
So how do I come into the story? I really don't care that much how but I would like to be included.
(August 6, 2011 - 8:56 pm)