Riddles :)&n
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Riddles :)&n
Riddles :)
So I'm going away for a while but I wanted to write something: if you know any good riddles write them up!!!
Mine: What came first the egg or the chicken (not as in how I wrote it)?
And: How can you be half clean half dressed in finery and half on a horse and half off???
submitted by Hana G, age 12, canada
(May 10, 2011 - 8:59 pm)
(May 10, 2011 - 8:59 pm)
It depends whether you believe in evolution or take the Biblical creation stories literally. If the former, the egg, because obviously, before that chicken hatched, its mother--who was not a chicken but another bird who was the ancestor of chickens--laid an egg. If the latter, the chicken, because God made the birds and told them to be fruitful and multiply. Personally, I believe the former, but debating will get nowhere.
You're falling off a horse. Half of you is still attached to the horse and clean, but the other half is on the ground and dirty, ruining your 'finery' and turning it to filthy rags.
Detc says yoco! Loco yoyo!
(May 10, 2011 - 9:42 pm)
(May 12, 2011 - 8:32 pm)
Good answers They are both right. It's just mine are different
The first one is kinda weird, The egg comes first because the word egg is used in general, The "egg" could have been a dinosaur egg.
The second one I thought that you would be falling off the horse and have cleaned half of you and got clothes that were rich on one side and tattered on the other...
I guess there're many different answers that make sense!!.
Here's a new one:
You are walking to a bridge and you have to get across, but you see no bridge. A voice tells you to find the answer to the question (which is: to go across the bridge you must cross what is not there) and tell the voice without speaking in anyway to it. How can this be done??
(May 19, 2011 - 7:39 pm)