Uhh....hi guys! I
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Uhh....hi guys! I
Uhh....hi guys! I made a post a couple months ago and haven't been around since then. Soo what I need help with is a story idea. I've had a couple of ideas lately but I feel like I'm copying other authors or the ideas turn out to not be really original. Okay so here are some possible ideas I've had...
1. Lately I've been LOVING the name Adalee. And since I really want to write a story with romance, at first I made Adalee this really mysterious young girl. She has really dark hair and wears a long hauntingly beautiful white dress. And she can mind read. So for the prologue of one of my story ideas, she sits next to this boy on a bench and looks into his eyes. When she does this she sees that his name is Jamie, she falls in love with him at the age of thirteen/fourteen (Not sure which to do!) and then she sees herself about to die in some tragic way ( I wanna make it a big fantasy mystery sort of thing) but the problem is I DON'T KNOW HOW SHE'S SUPPOSED TO DIE! Plus I can't get enough of the plot in my head to really get inspired. I mean what are their background stories going to be????
2. The second idea was to create a story of a world that was only gray. The sky was gray, the people were gray, everything was gray except in different shades. Then all of the sudden these new people come with actual beautiful colors and make the world colorful again. But with this there's no plot figured out, no characters...I haven't got ANYTHING figured out... :(. But I really like this idea besides for the fact I feel I am copying a different author. Have you guys ever heard of a story like this? I keep thinking I'm copying the book Mockingbird for some reason.
So yes...I NEED HELP!!!! :O Please help guys!! Thanks!
(April 30, 2011 - 8:21 pm)
Wow! Great prologue!
(May 4, 2011 - 10:20 am)
(May 4, 2011 - 5:37 pm)