True/False Game!!!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

True/False Game!!!!!

True/False Game!!!!!


Okay, I wasn't sure where to put this, so I'm just putting it in Inkwell. This is how you play. The first person (in this case, it's me) posts two false stories/statements, and one true story/statement about yourself. Everyone else has to guess which story/statement is false. You may only have one guess per person. Whoever guesses it first gets to go next. Then, everyone's guesses reset, and you can guess one guess on the next person's stories/statements. If you have any questions, just ask. Here's mine:


1. I have been shocked by an electrical cord.

2. I have never fallen out of a tree.

3. I have been to Disneyworld 12 times in my whole life.


First one to guess gets to go next!!!


Fun game, Princess! I'm tempted to guess, but I'll leave that to other Chatterboxers.


submitted by Princess P.
(April 21, 2011 - 1:47 pm)

Here's mine:

1. I like to hunt and have shot a deer before.

2. I've thrown up off the side of a roller coaster (after having previously eaten a corn dog).

3. I've performed (along with other people) a half time show for the Cleveland Cavaliers.


There is one truth and two lies.

submitted by R~D~, I'll be 15 in T
(April 26, 2011 - 3:30 pm)

@R~D~: I think your truth is Number 2 since Cleveland is in Ohio and I think you live in Washington...

Can't see Princess P.'s comment right now. 

APC says bury. Bury what? Treasure? You have treasure? 

submitted by Olive
(April 26, 2011 - 5:26 pm)

I'm guessing that 2 is true and 1 and 3 are false.

submitted by Princess P.
(April 26, 2011 - 5:18 pm)

@R~D~  I think #3 is true.

Here are mine.  Two are fabrications, one is true.

1. I have read every single Harry Potter book cover to cover.

2. I tap dance.

3. I have a pet fish named Plum.

submitted by Analesia, age 12, *wishes she cou
(April 26, 2011 - 6:07 pm)

1.  I could never shoot an animal. FALSE!

2. I LOVE roller coasters!  That's never happened, no.

3. YUP!!!!!!!!!!!  I used to live in Ohio, Olive. :)  Tricky.  Good job, Analesia!  I performed when I was seven in a group called Bee Bouncers.  We did tricks with basketballs!


Analesia, I think 1 is true!

submitted by R~D~
(April 26, 2011 - 7:16 pm)

I think Analesia's 1 is true too. 

 Here're mine (two fibs and one truth): 

1. I can speak four languages

2. I have never been to London

3. I live in a big city 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 27, 2011 - 5:31 am)

Analesia, that's a hard one. I'll go with 1 is true since I know quite a few of us are big readers, and lots of my friends like Harry Potter. But all of them could be true! I'm going to go again if I can think up some good ones.

1. I wear glasses

2. I LOVE Harry Potter!

3. I LOVE photography!

submitted by Princess P.
(April 27, 2011 - 7:56 am)

I think one is true!

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 28, 2011 - 1:44 am)


submitted by Ima
(April 28, 2011 - 7:42 pm)

Nope, I don't wear glasses. Try again!

submitted by Princess P.
(April 28, 2011 - 3:51 pm)

@Elizabeth M: I think 2 is false.


@Princess P: How many truths and lies are there?  I think 2 is false.

submitted by R~D~, age 14
(April 28, 2011 - 6:22 pm)

R~D~, you got it! I have never read any of the Harry Potter books before. You can go next!

submitted by Princess P.
(April 28, 2011 - 8:11 pm)

@RD-- Nope!

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany
(April 29, 2011 - 1:35 am)

@ Elizabeth M: I think one is true.

Here are mine. (It's two false and one true)

1. I have broken my collar bone three times.

2. I can hit a squirrel out of a tree with a bow.

3. I have tanned a deer hide.

submitted by Elizabeth D., age 14, Texas
(April 28, 2011 - 11:23 pm)

Is 3 true?

submitted by Ima
(April 29, 2011 - 7:11 pm)