Chosen Ones,I debated
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Chosen Ones,I debated
Chosen Ones,
I debated for a while over whether to put this here or in BaB, but I decided that since the reason I need to know is for NaNoWriMo, it would go best here. So:
My novel this year is called The Compleat Idiot's Guide to Being the Chosen One. If you're on NaNo, you may have read my synopsis. If not, I'll just say that it's me making fun of fantasy clichés, especially Chosen Ones.
And from there to the point of this thread: I need your opinions on Chosen Ones. Which ones do you love? Which ones do you like? Which ones do you hate? Which ones make you want to strangle them? I want /reasons/ for your opinions, too. Please go into detail. Ranting is encouraged; likewise verbosity. If you talk about a particular Chosen One, please give the book and author from whence they come.
Important: This is not just for Chosen Ones you hate. I want to hear about the good ones too.
I reserve the right to use things you say in my novel.
And... go!
(November 5, 2010 - 3:25 pm)
I agree. This works even better if
A) The Chosen One is not the main character or
B) This book is written from the point of view of multiple potential Chosen Ones and none seem more special than the other(s) until somewhere near the end, when the necessary deed must be accomplished.
(November 13, 2010 - 11:20 pm)
I agree.
(November 15, 2010 - 8:56 am)
@TNO (can't exactly figure out how to do the two little top dots. *blushes*) I agree about the whole Avatar the Last Airbender thing, but I talk about it so much that I'm restricting myself from going further into it.
Hah. Now I know why I've never read Eragon.
Haha-I just thought of how different the books would be if Neville was the Chosen One instead of Harry. Anyway, I thought the way JK Rowling set up the prophecy in HP was really clever.
This is a bit off-topic, but another clever prophecy is Rick Riordan with his "A single choice shall end his days/Olympus to preserve or raze," being that *spoiler* Percy's choice was to give Luke the choice of preserving Olympus and whatnot. Not that Percy Jackson compares with HP.
Ughh. I just read a book called Exodus and Its Chosen One; a fifteen-year-old named Mara Bell, was the most blah-ish charcater ever, because her personality was shaped by the following: stupidity, failure, second chance, more stupidity, and then having her daughter carry out her mission that some psychic carved into a random stone just because he wanted to entertain somone. I really don't get why that book was so widely praised.
(November 19, 2010 - 7:45 pm)