Round Robin!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Round Robin!
Round Robin!
Of randomness. This is just written on the spot, no revision whatsoever. Only writing, and then posting. So, yes. I shall begin:
"I know you! You're that girl who tried to push me out the sewers so I could fly!" the boy yelled at a passing girl, who then answered,
"No. I am the banana crazed hippopotamus with a bandana on." And indeed she was - she had the grey, wrinkly skin of a hippopotamus, who had banana peels somehow smashed to her side, and the dark indigo cloth was tied neatly onto the large, hippo-sized head. The boy had just had some mild hallucinations about the hippopotamus being The Girl.
"Crazy boy..." the hippopotamus muttered, walking away, into the crowd of people the boy had mistaken as the girl he 'knew'.
"I know you! You're that girl who tried to push me out the sewers so I could fly!" the boy said, to a passing man carrying what seemed to be heavy bags. The boy was ignored, as usual.
Most boys wearing rags were ignored. Especially if they had long, brown unruly hair, covering half their face. Which was good, since most of their faces had dirt smeared on them, and occasionally blood.
But this boy was not most boys. His hair was long, brown and unruly, true. But you never know what may be under the brown. It could be golden, as was his. His face could be clean, and he may have never ending blue eyes that sparkled in the sun. Right at this moment, he did have a dirty face, mostly because of the sewer he had been running in and then being pushed out of. But his face was not usually dirty, but clean. And he did have blue eyes, though only one eye was seen, the other being covered in hair.
But this boy was different in a way only known to few, and in a very strange way indeed.
Continue as you like.
(August 20, 2010 - 5:09 pm)
I like your location. Did you make it up?
(August 21, 2010 - 5:48 pm)
(August 21, 2010 - 5:50 pm)
@Kat: Yes, I did make it up. I was stating where I was and what I saw. In a prose-type-manner. :)
@ :):: :D
(August 22, 2010 - 12:40 am)
Pushing the boy out of the sewers was my favorite activity. After I pushed the boy I ran. He never noticed who I was, but this time I was afraid he had, and if my Aunt found out I had been running through sewers... I didn't even want to think about it. I was walking now - and the boy wasn't in sight. Then I felt a tap on my sholder. I turned around.
"I know you! You're that girl who tried to push me out the sewers so I could fly!"
It was the boy!
"I-not-" I stammered.
"You are!" he said triumfantly.
"Well so what if I did push you out of the sewers," I countered, "Where did you get the idea that I was trying to make you fly anyway?"
He squinted at my face beneath my head scarf, "Wait..." his eyes widened and he started backing away from me, "Your the Queen's niece!"
(August 24, 2010 - 6:51 pm)
"I'm not!" I said, trying to sound definite and angry. Grabbing onto the boys arm, I pulled him into an alley. "How could you suggest such an idea"
The boy was unsuccessfully trying to pull away, but my grip was to strong for him. If I let him go, then he would run to the palace and immediately inform the Queen. If she believed him, or even listened to such a lowly boy as this, then... I didn't even want to think about it.
My eyes stared at him, telling him that I was not the Queens niece. He tried to pull away one last time, but his struggles grew fainter, and my grip ceased, until it gave way. The boy, being pierced by my diligent stare, broke down and slid to a sitting position against the wall.
His head was in his hands, and I might have seen a vague sense of wet near his eyes. "Queen's-" he began in muffled sobs, "niece."
The boy was overreacting - such a small thing should not make someone fall to the the ground crying. But it did - and I was beginning to think this boy slightly mad.
"No!" I yelled quietly, so that people outside the alley could not hear, but still it sounded like yelling to the boy.
He shrunk back, his eye staring at me, mind deciding that this definitely was the Queen's niece.
(August 25, 2010 - 11:38 am)
Ummmm... I've never done a 'Round Robin' before, but I had sort of a entire plot line and personality set up for, let's call her, Nequity, and you just made her do somthing that I wouln't have had her do in that situation, and if that isn't how a 'Round Robin' works, can we make it a Roleplay? Please don't take this to be rude, or a bribe, but, if this doesn't become a rp or a rr where we stick with our characters, I'm not sure I want to do this anymore.
If you, the creator of this thread, do make it a rollplay, please stick with your character's point of view, and take my post into account.
Also, I do like your post, it just doesn't make sense with the normal RP (and RR?) rules, STICKING WITH yOUR CHARACTER!
(August 29, 2010 - 6:18 pm)
I'm sorry. Forget my last post and pretend that your post was the boy's P.O.V.
(August 29, 2010 - 6:21 pm)
I know. A bunch of posts within min. of each other, O well.*sighs exasperatedly @ self*
He shrunk back, his eye staring at me, mind deciding that this definitely was the Queen's niece. This boy was going to have to come with me, he would let somthing slip, and then, WHAM! The 'Evil' Queen would find out, and my plan for poisining her and the 'Spoiled' Prince and becoming Queen and saving the Country would do this:
(August 29, 2010 - 6:48 pm)
A Round Robin is slightly different from a Roleplay, where one person writes the beginnning of a story, and another continues. But there is no character assigned to a cirtain person; anyone can control her or him. I am sorry that I did not make that clear in my thread.
I would much rather this be a RR, because RPs get confusing sometimes, at least for me. And RRs are much less confusing, seeing as you can just continue from the last written story without worrying about taking over other peoples characters.
I should have questioned your first post when I read it, because I did notice that it was in a different point of view than my first post was, but instead I just wrote in the same POV you did, and therefore took over your character and messed up the plot line you had. But this is a RR, not a RP, and I did not know that you thought it was a RP.
If you would like this to be a RP, maybe you could take your first writings of Nequity and make a RP thread. :)
I am sorry that you do not want to continue in this story, since it is not a RP, but if you do make another thread with this being an RP, I hope you have fun! :D
(August 31, 2010 - 9:41 am)
And then a pie flew out of nowhere, SPLAT! Then it turned out the boy COULD fly, because he got pushed out of the sewers.
"HEY! YOU'RE THAT BANNANA-CRAZED HIPPO WHO PUSHED ME INTO THE SEWERS SO I COULD GET DIRTY!" He yelled at a fish-crazed iguana who had tipped off the hippo to push him into the sewers. The iguana had got tipped off from the girl, who wanted to have a good reason to push someone out of the sewers because an apple-crazed eagle had threatened her because he had got threatened by the boy, who wanted to fly, because a cofee-crazed robot had convinced him that he wanted to fly because a oil-crazed scientist programmed the robot to do so, because the sceintist's boss had told him to, because the crazy boss wanted to see someone fly...
Vick says rayf. Ray if, Raif...
(September 19, 2010 - 1:01 pm)
VICK! SAYS! fygv.
(September 21, 2010 - 5:12 pm)