Chatterbox: Inkwell




My Language Arts Teacher gave us an assignment to write a powerful story in six sentences. Mine isn't quite done yet, but it originated with this one guy who made a bet with someone else that he could write a powerful story with only SIX WORDS! This is how it went:

For sale.

Baby shoes.

Never worn. 


Its so sad! Any how, I was wondering what inkwell could come up with. Remember, six sentences, no more, no less, and "The End" Is NOT a sentence.

submitted by Jean
(August 19, 2010 - 11:27 pm)

Wow.  That really is good.

submitted by Kyra/Analesia/Mindy
(October 20, 2010 - 7:38 pm)

All right... Here goes...

She dances across the room and takes the single rose.  It withers in her hand.  She looks down at him as he senses her disapproval.  "I just thought you were the one..." he starts and lets the sentence linger in the air.  But her answer is clearly no.  So he moves on.  Sort of...

submitted by Kyra/Mindy/Analesia, age 12, Well...
(October 20, 2010 - 7:35 pm)

Here's my attempt.

A small, lost child wanders through unfamiliar streets, crying "Mama? Mama!!"  At the police station, the frantic mother begs for help. They send patrol cars.  However, their search is futile.The child wanders farther and farther.  In the shadows of an abandoned warehouse, a masked man waits. 

Well, hope you like it!!

submitted by Mattie
(October 21, 2010 - 3:26 pm)

Mattie, that is seriously disturbing. Seriously. Good, though.

submitted by ZNZ
(November 10, 2010 - 5:32 pm)

Wow.  OK.  Sure:


The girl walked through the graveyard, a girl of fifteen, with a face as pale as the moon and eyes as dark as the night.  She stood by a weathered headstone, then knelt, eyes closed in a pain only she could feel.  The headstone read: Frederick and Edith Nerouin, 1971-2010 and 1974-2010.  The girl reached out to touch the cold granite.  "Mother, Father... I'm so sorry... for all the pain I caused you."

But there was no response.

submitted by Somebody, age young, very lonely
(June 12, 2011 - 3:26 pm)

Top this thread!   It's a really neat idea!  Post here!

submitted by Oregano/AAA, age 13, doingmyownNaNoWriMo
(June 16, 2011 - 1:33 pm)

Great idea! Okay, I'm topping this. And I'll be working on my six sentences! By the way, why don't we give out a virtual prize to anyone who writes a powerful (or if that's too hard, then just a good) six WORD story, okay? TOP!

submitted by Princess P.
(June 17, 2011 - 4:23 pm)

Here's my 6-word-story:

The volcanic ash overcame the weepers.

submitted by Analesia, age 12, being a Disney geek
(June 18, 2011 - 8:52 am)

Analesia, I like your six word sentence! Great job! Here's your virtual prize: a dolphin necklace! :-)  It was the only thing I could think of so I hope you like it. :-)

submitted by Princess P.
(June 22, 2011 - 4:05 pm)

Thank you.




Spammy said ozne.  What about ozone?

submitted by Analesia, age 12, being a Disney geek
(July 1, 2011 - 3:05 pm)

They were once in love, back in the days she was beautiful. But beauty cannot last forever. It was thought that they would be together forever. As time went on, she became ugly. And as it turns out, he never saw any more in her than her looks. Since then, she has wandered the earth, waiflike, never trusting anyone.

submitted by Tomato Pudding, age unknown, Earth
(June 25, 2011 - 3:35 pm)

oohh. Cool. I did a bunch, but I'll only do one.

The doctors worked fast. The same thought was going through their heads- Will it work? Finally they finished.  The little girl stirred, she was waking up!  She shreiked, and said,

"AHHH! It's so bright!Hehe. I like it."

The blind girl was seeing the world for the first time in her life.

And, it wasn't sad. OTher than the fact that she was blind.

submitted by Claire S., age 12, MO
(August 24, 2011 - 6:20 pm)

Here's my six-word sentence: Artist hidden amongst the dreary suburbia.

Yes, it's talking about me and Nowheresville (my "hometown"). ;) 

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(September 30, 2011 - 3:57 pm)