Beware mortals, whether
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Beware mortals, whether
Beware mortals, whether you be man, beast, or any other vile creature who walks upon the earth. Turn back while you can, for this story, formed from the blood of countless deities, is a tale that the thousand years of peace have not been enough to heal a fraction of what has been done. The gods themselves have declared this tale a form of true horror that is to never be recounted so that there would never be the chance for it to have the power to plague the world. It was only under the utmost secrecy that They could record what had occured. We are to continue of this terrible tale, for They were the first to be discovered, and the gods' rage is an awe inspiring sight. Even now, we can feel some of the curse dripping onto us, slowly, since They were careful to hide us, but surely. And it is with our final breathes that we too will once again recount the tale. But we will warn you again. Leave before you learn too much. Go while there is still time. Go. Run. Forget what you have just been told. Live your life without knowing what you do not need to know. But if you have the whim, the constant, powerful whim, to know the story, may the fates have mercy on you, for the heavens will surely not. Once more, we will say, run before you know the full story of Tserj E....... (part of the last word is blotched out with a dark red substance, and it looks fresh).
If you have the misfortune of the want to know the story, remember that this dark one starts, as many do, in a village tavern by the sea...
(June 19, 2010 - 9:35 pm)
I watched the scene unfold in front of me: the female human-what was her name again?-talking with the "Gifted" one. I sighed as I knew that this signified that the time was coming, and conflicts would soon arise. And we were so unprepared. I could hardly repress a shiver, though not because of the biting winter wind, as I thought about what man could, or would, do with the knowledge of the Gifted. Humanity had already destroyed most of the world with their constant expantion and construction, needlessly shedding blood of both their fellow beings and the earth. Almost immediately, I snapped back into the attention. "Now is not the time for you think," I scolded myself, "Now is the time to act so that we can delay what it yet to come." As I continued to observe the conversation between the women-now what was her name?-and the Gifted one, I noticed a girl hiding in the shadows, and was eavesdropping on their conversation.I frowned as I looked at her. What could she want with them? She couldn't possibly know, could she? I mean, a child. Just a mortal child. Probally not even old enough to have been visited by one of the gods. But even as I thought those thoughts, I froze with shock. She was Marked. A thousand different ideas exploded in my head. An Other... no maybe a Special... a god? When I finally managed to pull my thoughts together, difficult as we were trained to always keep a clear mind, I asked myself, "Which deity?" However, as I began to examine her face ("the eyes," I thought, "Look at the eyes"), she suddenly withdrew out of sight. Once again, fear clouded my mind with the notion that she had seen me. But when I looked for the Gifted one, I knew it was worse. Although the women was still there, he had left. I cursed myself, whether for my foolish curiosity or inattentiveness I did not care, and ran off in the places where the sun could not see. I cursed myself again when I had to replace the hood that hid my two pointed ears.
(July 3, 2010 - 9:00 pm)
Ooh! Elevs! (I think) Are you new here Maurus? If not, sorry.
Has anyone ever tried typing with one hand and a pinkie, that's what I'm doing right now. (I'm eating chips and they're not that appealing to the computer) I'll post later. :-)
(July 6, 2010 - 8:24 pm)
Gives out free cookies, candy, and ice cream to entice people in spite of my terrible writing.
@Olive- Well, somewhat. I posted under different names before, but each time, Inkwell, unfortunately, fell out of my daily use. Hopefully that won't happen this time. :)
(July 7, 2010 - 8:11 am)
I just realized I spelled elves wrong. I'm so ashamed.
Maurus: Thanks for the cookies and cake! *eats* :-)
(July 7, 2010 - 4:44 pm)
I glared angrily at the wall of the dead end. "Why must this happento me?" I thought bitterly as I kicked the wall. Even with my stubbedtoe, my entire mind was focused on one thing: my foolishness. When Ifirst sprinted down the alleyways and backroads, I probally knew thatit was impulsive to choose any direction to run in, but that was in theback of my head. Most of my attention was being spent on speculating onwhere the Gifted went. After running randomly forthirty minutes, and feeling my legs and lungs screaming in agony, I had nothing to show for my troubles. Nothing, except the dead end of a dark and dilapidated alleyway. I felt the scorn the others would give me when they heard what I haddone. "I knew that he was incompetent," I imagined one of my formerteachers whispering behind my back. "They say that he was visited bythe god of misfortune, or even no god at all. At first I couldn'tbelieve it, but now, it seems extremely plausible." "Sometimes,somethings are beyond your capibility," one of the wise sages said inmy head. My peers mocked me. My family refused to admit that I was oneof their kin. I even thought I saw the flea bitten cat laying in thecorner look at me with pity. I finally walked through the streetsagain, still with the voices of the others taunting me in my head,until I was shocked back into reality by the loud calls of what seemedto be a thousand mortals in a small square."Fresh fish," aweather-beaten man yelled, "Get your fresh fish. Taken straight from the Sea of Tlianact." "Silk," another man shouted, "Imported from Hicna and Napaj. The finest silk in the world." Small children laughed as they ran between the various stalls. A competition of archery was commencing. A dog yapped happily at the group of boys hiding in the trees. "A market," I thought angrily, furious that anything could be so merry after what I experienced. I was about to turn back into the realm of shadows behind me, when I saw a man walk towards me. And he was walking with the Marked child.
(July 8, 2010 - 12:19 pm)
"Greetings," the man said once he came up to me. "I was wondering if this child might be your daughter." The Marked child gasped while trying to squirm her way out of the burly man's grip. I could barely believe how lucky I was.
"Yes," I said, "this is my daughter."
"What's her name?" asked the man.
"Er, Violet, yes Violet! Because of her Violet eyes!" (that sounds so much like Annie) I lied. The man looked at "Violet."
"Is that really your name, sweetie?" he asked. Violet didn't answer. Violet was probably her real name.
Oh yeah! I thought happily. Kudos for me. Something finally was going well.
"Violet, go to your father," demanded the man harshly. I suddenly hated him. My eyes connected with Violet's and I could see her angst, "Go. NOW!"
Violet reluctantly slipped her hand out of the man's grasp (what a turn of the tables!) and into my outstretched palm.
"Before we go home 'daughter,'" I said, relishing how Boss really would be proud of me, "I want to buy some bread."
I laughed happily, and I swear on my life, that Violet grinned for a second too.
(July 10, 2010 - 1:24 pm)
To whom it may concern: could we make this thread more of an RP?
(July 14, 2010 - 3:28 pm)