Poem I wrote
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Poem I wrote
Poem I wrote
This is a poem. That I wrote. That rhymes. That is not revised at all. And i would love it if you would say your thoughts...
Life of Poems
Your thoughts go
To your pocket
Ripped from notebook
Into locket
To be read
And remembered
For reciting
In December
To be sung
To think about
The life of poems
May be clever
On paper or wherever
You may think
That they are boring
That when you'll read them
You'll be snoring
But if the thoughts
Happen to be interesting
Then maybe you'll
Say 'yes'
To your former 'nots'
I feel like something should rhyme with interesting at the end... But I can't think of anything that rhymes with interesting. Ahhhh!!!!
So, thoughts?
submitted by Meddita (Meadow), age twelve, The basement.
(May 27, 2010 - 10:45 am)
(May 27, 2010 - 10:45 am)
It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yah, cool name!!!!
(May 28, 2010 - 7:13 am)
I can't wait to see what people think of this... your's hasn't showed p yet, Clair.
And (sorry, me, but some critique for you) for some reason when I read this again, it struck me that the beginning might not make sense. Oh well, I can fix it. I can also take a shower...
I just remembered that 'ita' at the end of the word means 'little (blank)' So I am going as Little MEadow right now. Haha. I'm not that little... So Clairita would mean 'Little Clair'
(May 28, 2010 - 3:36 pm)
I like it! The only thing I would change is the way that one line goes from remembered to December. I don't know, there's just something, well, fourth-gradish about it. But the rest is really, really, good!
(May 29, 2010 - 1:03 pm)
Life of Poems
Your thoughts go
To your pocket
Ripped from notebook I love these three lines
Into locket Here it seems like you're forcing the rhyme a bit, but I'm not coming up with anything better. Sorry I can't suggest anything.
To be read
And remembered
For reciting
In December Another forced rhyme. Not that there's anything really wrong with it, but I don't think December serves any purpose but to rhyme, and that's not a good thing. It's kind of random, and in my opinion poetry is best when it focuses sharply.
To be sung
To think about
Forever I like.
The life of poems
May be clever
On paper or wherever
You may think
That they are boring
That when you'll read them
You'll be snoring
But if the thoughts
Happen to be interesting
Then maybe you'll
Say 'yes'
To your former 'nots'
I would venture to say that this is the best poem I have ever seen posted on the Chatterbox. It's been nearly a day since I first read it, but my opinion hasn't changed. I actually am a big fan of not rhyming at the very end. Excellent, beautiful work, my dear. Methinks you are officially a poet. ;)
Rather loud, enthusiastic cheers,
(May 29, 2010 - 1:51 pm)
Life of Poems
Your thoughts go
To your pocket
Ripped from notebook I love these three lines Thank you!!!
Into locket Here it seems like you're forcing the rhyme a bit, but I'm not coming up with anything better. Sorry I can't suggest anything. I seem to have written a line for after this, but then I crossed it out. Maybe it could be 'Held close to my heart/Hanging from my neck.' or something.
To be read
And remembered
For reciting
In December Another forced rhyme. Not that there's anything really wrong with it, but I don't think December serves any purpose but to rhyme, and that's not a good thing. It's kind of random, and in my opinion poetry is best when it focuses sharply. Another idea! 'In the cold/poems always warm your heart' But that's to close to the other heart. Hmmm... Maybe 'Poems always warm you', or something. I also agree with katie... Fourth grade rhyme. But I ant to keep it and make it so it's htere fora reason.
To be sung
To think about
Forever I like. XD
The life of poems
May be clever
On paper or wherever
You may think
That they are boring
That when you'll read them
You'll be snoring
But if the thoughts
Happen to be interesting
Then maybe you'll
Say 'yes'
To your former 'nots'
I would venture to say that this is the best poem I have ever seen posted on the Chatterbox. It's been nearly a day since I first read it, but my opinion hasn't changed. I actually am a big fan of not rhyming at the very end. Excellent, beautiful work, my dear. Methinks you are officially a poet. ;) Thank you, again! I love it when people like my work! XD
So my revised edition thingie:
Your thoughts go
To your pocket
Ripped from notebook
Into locket
Held close to my heart
To be read
And remembered
For reciting
In December
For the days may
Be cold or warm
With poems
The warmth stays ((I actually think I'm going to change this a little. It just jumps to the next line...))
To be sung
To think about
The life of poems
May be clever
On paper or wherever
You may think
That they are boring
That when you'll read them
You'll be snoring
But if the thoughts
Happen to be interesting
Then maybe you'll
Say 'yes'
To your former 'nots'
(May 31, 2010 - 11:05 am)
I like it a lot, though I think that several of the rhymes, as lav pointed out, are rather forced. But I haven't got any good suggestions.
(May 31, 2010 - 10:27 am)
Very nice, Meadow. (When you get compliments from lav like that, you know it's got to be good! ;D.) I like the idea that poems, though they may be words on a paper to some, have meaning and are so much more than they appear to be. I may comment or give suggestions later, but for now, I want to congratulate you on a wonderful accomplishment!
(May 31, 2010 - 3:31 pm)
This is an excellent poem. Truly. When I read the first version, my immediate reaction was: 'Wow. And this hasn't even been edited?' Now it's even better than before. However, I'd like to suggest another minor change.
To be read
And remembered
For reciting
In December
I know that you said you want to keep this, but it's just, well... It doesn't really rhyme, and it seems like its only purpose is to introduce the next line, but I think that's possible with something different, too. How about this:
To be read
To remember
Like a fiercely
Burning ember
Or a cool
Wind-borne caress
And... I can't think of what comes next (except maybe something like 'Gently ruffling your dress,' but that just wouldn't be a good line), nor were my lines particularly good. However, I'm not telling you to use those lines; I'm telling you that, if you want, you can use something besides December (such as ember) to rhyme with remembered (or remember) and introduce what comes next. If you want.
(June 3, 2010 - 7:01 pm)
I like it! :) "Distancing" and "Christening" both sort of rhyme with interesting... I don't think it's a bad end though. You could change the "interesting"... it's not a bad word but there might be some that say more in the same space. You could also use a word that goes with interesting but doesn't rhyme, like "interlacing".
(April 4, 2013 - 6:21 pm)