Two questions. They
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Two questions. They
Two questions. They have little to do with each other, but I'm too lazy to make separate threads.
1) How do you write? This is my main question, just out of curiosity. Do you type your stories, or do you go longhand? I usually write longhand, in purple pen in a spiral bound notebook. It seems to make things flow better. Plus, my computer is old and unreliable. Something might happen to my files at any time.
2) What do you do when you're writing your novel and your MC decides to stop doing anything that would contribute at all to your plot and then promptly turns into a dog and makes you write stream-of-consciousness and takes away any illusion you had that you were the one in control? Yes, this happened to me today. I need help! Save me! And it was going so well, too. Does anyone have any advice?
Hah, APSBC says oreo. I <3 oreos. And so does APSBC!
(May 3, 2010 - 5:00 pm)
1: I write a "story plan" in my WN, then type it.
2: Hmm.. get mad, have a fight then threaten to terminate the MC, if they do not behave write a paragraph where they say that they will obey you completely. *Is to involved with characters*
(May 3, 2010 - 6:36 pm)
1. It varies, I suppose. I prefer to write longhand... with a good pen. Nothing that bleeds through and no gel pens. NEVER PENCIL. I despise pencils. The lead always smears and aside from having a shiny graphite hand, you have a dirty-looking piece of paper as well. If the ideas are really flowing though, I often find that my mind moves faster than my hand and have to move to a computer. I have about a dozen little notebooks/journals and I carry at least one of them around with me wherever I go. I love names so I write down names all the time. Ideas, plot twists, random scenes, cool facts, great quotes... I write down everything. I also love leatherbound journals, but I end up thinking their pages are too nice to write on and jot down all my thoughts in spiral notebooks anyway. Sigh. I still collect journals though. They're my guilty pleasure.
2. I know exactly what you mean. People who haven't written for very long don't seem to understand that when you put a character in a situation, they don't end up doing what it is you want them to do simply because it is not in their character to act that way. (Hope that made sense.) It still happens with me, but I find that a good way to avoid disobedient characters is to MAP OUT THE PLOT OF YOUR STORY FIRST. I usually want to start by creating an array of great characters and villains and then let the story blossom from there, but sadly it doesn't work that way. If you plot out the story beforehand (which I find takes twice as long as actually WRITING the dang story itself) things go a LOT smoother.
(May 3, 2010 - 7:27 pm)
Hello. I am a worker from DTRA, or the Dead Thread Revival Agency. Nobody has posted here in a while, so we call this thread unactive or "dead." We will be working to revive it in the next few weeks.
1. I like writing with pencils or pens, perferably colored ones. I keep sevral notebooks and homeade journals with me for jotting down poems and stories.
2. I don't really write novels, so this never happens.
(June 13, 2010 - 7:42 am)