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Chatterbox: Inkwell

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Once upon a time there was girl who lived in an orphanage. Her name was Ellianna. She was happy, but she wanted to do something with her life. So she decided to run away. One night when every person in the orphanage had gone to sleep she opened her window. It gave a loud creak! and she then jumped out of the window, and heard voices behind her, but ran deep into the woods. Once she reached the road she came upon a...

Contiunue the story and decide where Ellianna decides to live.

submitted by Emma C, theplacewhereno
(February 4, 2010 - 4:00 pm)

...small, doll-like house with seven of everything.

Seven paths leading to seven miniature doors. Ellianna had to stoop to get in. Once inside, she viewed seven small beds; seven dressers; seven bookshelves, seven stoves, seven table and chair sets. It was all minute and meticulously organized.

It wasn't like Ellianna had never read R. L. Stine. She knew that the moment she lay down on a bed to take a nap after her long trek, phantoms would escape frm the walls and feast on her soul. Or something like that. Not that Ellianna even liked R. L. Stine. But she was not willing to have her soul eaten. That sounded like it might hurt.

But much to her surprise--- she was very high-string and anxious, so therefore easily shaken--- instead there paraded in seven small men. Dwarves?

No, that was silly.

submitted by Mary W., age 12.18, NJ
(February 5, 2010 - 1:45 pm)

But there they were, standing all in a row, all seven of them.  No, they weren't, this was a dream.  A dream, just a dream.  There faces looked real, hungry, tired; so vivid.  No, this can't be a dream, but it must.

Elliana just stood there, thinking her thoughts.  She didn't notice the dwarves picking her up, and placing her on the floor, laying flat.  She was frozen in time, staring at what she last saw in the normal time.  She didn't see the cieling, no, it was not posible, even if she was staring at it.

The dwarves started making a racket that Elliana could not hear.  If they were not throwing cooking utinsels onto the floor, on to Elliana, they would have to be using it some way to make that delicious smell.

Then they ate, easing their hunger.  And slept until the early dawn.

And when they woke, Elliana was up, looking around, wondering how it weas day so fast.


((Sorry.  Really bad.  Anti-spam guy says 'mopy'.  Poor anti-spam guy, I hope you feel better soon!!!  :D))


submitted by Meadow
(February 8, 2010 - 2:43 pm)

That's great! Both of them are great! Keep going!

submitted by Emma C
(February 10, 2010 - 8:15 pm)