Chatterbox: Inkwell

Inkwell Extended.


This is a story that doesn't have a beginning or an end. What is it about? Up to you.


If you hear of a boy, who, by jumping on an empty boxcar, rides a train through a dark forest on an old track, and by some way or another finds a scroll that is full of wisdom and power, why did he jump on the boxcar? What does he do with the scroll? And what type of wisdom and power does it contain?


What if you hear of a cat, who, being led by another cat, falls in the middle of a plot to destroy the reign of a biased emperor, and is unsure of joining the plot, how will she handle the decision? Why is she unsure? And who was the other cat?


And if you hear about a small girl, who, entering a slightly larger tunnel, arrives at a hidden city, owned and ruled by moles, and is thrown into secrecy by the crown to gather intel from other mole cities, what are the rulers like? Why does she enter this tunnel? And where are the other cities?


The point is: use this thread to share (and use) prompts like the above, deliver hidden messages, and stretch your brain to imagine and write more ideas. Use the form(s) below, if you prefer, or go rogue and write away! One more thing: in the ‘Name’, ‘Location’ and ‘Age’ parts of submitting your comment,(in that order) put the first character in a book you think of (unless someone has already used it and unless you desire to use your Chatterbox name), any treat you had today (be it a type of fruit you really like, a pastry of some sorts, or a piece of candy), and the amount of time you wrote for, (using abbreviations like: mins., hrs., etc. if needed.). Please keep the same ‘name’ in this thread. Thank you and enjoy! 


The Form(s):


For Prompts:

Character (name or no name):

Other characters (names or no names):

Situation (to start):

Goes where?:

Finds what? (Person, place or thing?):

Preferred Genre:


Questions about prompt (minimum of three, try to be specific):


For Scraps of Stories:

Prompt used (from whom, when posted. if none, go to ‘imagined stories’ form below):

Why you used this prompt?:

Why this character’s personality?:


(proceed with the story and, if you have used a prompt and if you wish to, include a hidden message for the prompter)


After the Story (either ‘imagined’ or prompted):

What was your favorite line?:

Who was your favorite character? Why?:

How has the story related to the reader?:

Did you have a hidden message? (answer y/n):

If so, put your clue to it here:


For ‘Imagined’ Scraps of Stories:

What inspired this story?:

Who is the main character based on?:

How long did you have this idea?:


(proceed with story and, if you wish to, include a hidden message for the reader)


For Other Chatterboxers Chirping In:

What did you like about this story?

Without looking at the story, how was the main character(s) described?:

On a scale of 1 to 10, how do you rate the genre of this story?:


Here are some ideas to spur prompts or stories. Use your imagination and don’t take the face value alone. 


- Faithful Companion - Wild Creature - Wise Elder - Monarch - Shape Shifter - Unattainable Beauty - Innocent Youth 


- Broken Custom - Endangered Home - Pray - Redeem - Switch Places - Dress Out of Sync - Change Appearance - Begin a Long Endeavor - Reunion - Serendipity - Help in Secret - Encoded Message - Decrypt - Alternate Persona - Request Help - Explore - Rescue - Silence - Time at Sea - Competition - Storm - Mishap - Journey - Hidden Treasure - Rejection - Poverty 


- Reconciliation - Music - Madness - Counter-Expectation – Escape - Unthinkable Choice – Invasion – Powerful Unpredictable Force – Death - Disease – Mission – Conspicuous Absence – Injustice -Mistake – Cryptic Message – Birth – Fish Out of Water – War – Discovery – Loss – Change – Mystery – Danger – Magic – Crime – Hidden Identity – Captivity – Romance – Deception


- Slum – Hidden Passageway – Underground – Outer Space – Neither Here Nor There – Submarine – Jungle – Desert – Secret Laboratory – Ship – Graveyard – Ruins – Castle – By Cover of Darkness – Train – Microscopic – Island – Small Town


- Ancient Book – Sphere – Map – Light – Jewelry – Instrument – Garment – Vehicle – Food – Message in a Bottle – Inscription – Hat – Key – Document – Door – Container – Disguise – Tool – Weapon


(I would like to note that Wendy Talené has created all of these prompts, and purposely made them as vague as possible, in a card deck called Plot Thickener. It has been very helpful to me personally and can be used as a group game or just to help your stories have a rich plot. I recommend it to everyone. I would also like to say that I haven’t include all the cards here, mainly because some might lead to unnecessary ideas and thoughts on the Chatterbox)


Thanks again, even for just clicking on this thread, and for those who are only chirping in on things they like or have questions about, please write as an animal (if you wish to remain anonymous) or as your normal chatterbox name, and if you aspire, use the ‘Chirping in’ form above.



submitted by Sepia of Songs, age 2 hrs., Popsicle
(July 25, 2024 - 10:45 am)

ha! found this!

submitted by Lilly, age 20 sec., chocolate chip cookie
(July 27, 2024 - 7:21 pm)


submitted by Just top
(July 28, 2024 - 10:20 am)

I would also like to add that if, (and I assume this is true) you have any questions pertaining to this post, please, please, do not hesitate to ask them! I am always open and checking regularly on this post, so your question will be answered as quick as the Admins can upload it.

submitted by Sepia of Songs, age 2 min., One chocolate chip :/
(July 28, 2024 - 12:36 pm)

hi, I do have one question. Can we post a random thought of a story we have? Even if it doesn't fill out the prompt form completely? Thanks!

submitted by Lilly ;), age 38 secs., blueberry muffin
(July 29, 2024 - 4:03 pm)

Absoulutly! Fill out the form as far as you want to or as far as you can, or post a random story.

(Sorry for being late, the post didn't upload yesterday, though I was sure I had posted it. *shrugs*)

submitted by Sepia of Songs, age 24 secs., COOKIEESSS
(July 31, 2024 - 7:51 pm)